Want To Tranform Yourself From "NICE" guy to instant "JERK"? Then This Is For You

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I was feeling a little bored today and I don't feel so well. I was laying down when I thought to write this for the guys in honor of valentines day. I know not every guy has a wife or girlfriend and they are frustrated because they get told they are too nice. Well after reading this hopefully I can change that. Happy reading guys.

Do You Want To Know How To Be A Jerk? Here Are Three Keys To Transform You From "Nice" To Not So Nice

These days I hear a lot of girls saying they like guys who are jerks, but why is that. I think some girls say this because they feel these guys are more fun and spontaneous. Now this is not always the case, but it is the most cited reason. For the guys who want to learn how they can become that jerk I am going to outline three simple ways to transform you. After reading this article you will have the formula to go from "nice" guy to "jerk" whenever you want.

What do you believe is the magic word you can say that will instantly make people think you are not nice? That word would be "NO". When you learn to say this word you are usually saying it because someone is asking for something of value from you and you do not want to give it to them. Saying no is important because it will let people know you are not a pushover. Once they know this they will either stop asking you for favors or be reluctant to ask.

Saying no is powerful when it comes to your ability to turn off the nice guy button, but there are other things you can do. One other thing you can do is learn to disagree with people from time to time. When people are trying to tell you something or give you their opinion they are trying to get you to "buy in" to what they are saying. When you disagree it shows resistance and people see that you are not so easily sold on something, whether it be an idea or opinion.

No we have covered the power of saying no, and we have covered the power of disagreeing, but there is still one more thing. In order to transform you from a nice guy into a so called jerk you must learn to be aloof sometimes. Being aloof means you are distant and you do not go around begging everyone for attention. When you beg people for their attention it makes them put less value into yours. This means you can create the reverse affect by being aloof.

In ending I think in order for you to understand what I have just talked about here you need to understand why you would want to be a jerk. If the reason is only to attract girls then this is not a viable enough reason. Being a jerk usually means having some balls and making people see that you mean business. When you learn how to tell people no, learn how to disagree with them sometimes along with being a little bit aloof it is quite easy to be seen as a jerk.

I think you should change your perception of what a jerk is though. A jerk is simply someone who values themselves enough to know that if they do not jump at the whims of others they can still be respected, and even liked. By reading this article I have given you a few ways to start putting more value into yourself, your time, and your attention. If you continue to be too nice you are doing the opposite, remember that
#guy #instant #jerk #nice #tranform

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