Been Away for Awhile... Lessons Learned and Other Such Things

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Greetings once again to my fellow Warriors... it's been a long time since I've really been active around here. I'm sure there's a lot of new people who've joined since I've been gone and I'm hoping to reconnect with old friends where I've left off before, even though it's been awhile since I posted regularly.

It's nice to know I wasn't forgotten, I got a fair few PM's and friend requests even though my last post was in... September? :confused: Not sure. Well I pretty much took a long hiatus because... well, I could give excuses, but I honestly don't really care to. So for those of you who are interested, I'll fill you in on some of the stuff that's been going on.

Well after my big relationship meltdown last summer (that some of you may know about), I took a breather. A LONG breather. I made a point of enjoying myself, enjoying life to the fullest. Hung out with my best friend whenever possible (she's busy with pre-med so it's few and far between, but we always have a kickass time whenever we find it), established connections with new friends. Turned 21 in October, since tried to establish where I stand with alcohol and such things... and I found, I don't mind drinking socially every once in awhile, but I don't let myself go overboard. I never want to be the one people feel like they have to babysit, and losing chunks of time is disconcerting, to say the least (you don't even wanna know what I so loudly proclaimed during one of those times AHAHA >). Drinking alone is boring, and I found drinking in excess hinders weight-loss - extra calories for one, then there's that whole thing about wreaking havoc on your liver...

SPEAKING of weight loss... I am pleased to announce... I got serious about not only losing weight, but getting stronger as a whole. I started off with getting The Biggest Loser's Last Chance Workout - and I have to say, it really does kick your ass. When I first started it, I'd be swearing like a madwoman and panting by the end of it. I branched out into other Jillian Michaels stuff, and I took up my gym membership again. Fell in love with the treadmill - I get a brisk walk/run in at least four times a week, and I try to burn 400 calories or more each time. Through the months of December-January, I went from 200+ pounds down to 175. I'd never even thought about it before, but I noticed my arms are getting a lot more toned (I looked at my shoulders one day and was like, "Where did YOU GUYS come from??" >). That, and I feel lighter, I have more energy, and I have a lot more stamina - I can break out into a brief run while thinking nothing of it.

Which leads me to another thing... many people struggle with weight loss. We all know this, and I know I'm not at my ideal weight just yet. I had a friend lament to me not too long ago about how she'd go on this diet, and lose the weight, but put the weight back on once she got off the diet. This got me to thinking...

At the end of the day, losing weight isn't my big concern. I commit myself for a few months, I can reach my weight loss goal. But it doesn't end there.

I want to reach my full potential.

It's not just about looks or sex appeal. Being toned, healthy, strong - moods are highest, I have the greatest capacity to take on what I enjoy as well as what I need to do, and I show off to the world as well as myself that I take pride in my body. To do all that, it's a long-term process. It's not just about running a few miles on a treadmill and calling it a day. It's about doing all I can for myself, every day.

Sure, I could go on a "diet" - but ya know what? Diets are short-term. I'm not gonna deprive myself of delicious Chinese food. If I want Chinese food, I'm going to get it - I just find my limits and respect them. If I'm on break at work and crave a Zebra cake, I may cave to having one... once a week. And instead of chastising myself for it, I look at it with sense - work out just a little more, skip my Taco Bell date with friends after work, whatever. I make it happen.

These things didn't happen overnight... but I did start to wake up and smell the coffee when I knew I'd like certain things in my life to change, then get frustrated when they wouldn't. There's still some crap I deal with - frustrated by lack of money, or the fact that my relationship with the guy I like can be best described as dark tales of obsession and vengeance > - but then I realized: "Emily, you're being an idiot."

I was proud of my weight loss accomplishment, but those were principles that I realized applied to other areas of my life. I realized that probably the reason I'd have such a hard time with money is that for a long time, I'd been unconsciously AFRAID of it. It'd gotten to where I'd actually feel apprehensive to find cash in my wallet - where was it gonna go? It was as though week to week, I unconsciously had to find a way to spend it as fast as I could, or I'd freak out. I realized that this fear stemmed from past failures... but unless you're willing to take a risk, nothing great is ever gonna happen.

So. I dared (!) to save a $50 bill. It's in my drawer. I don't know where it's gonna go yet, but it's there. Next Friday I'm gonna put more moneys there to keep it company. There's nothing else I really *need* at the moment, so it works out. And next Friday... I may do that again.

I also started a new blog. It's a non-IM niche blog on a subject I have a certain passion on. There was no fancy keyword research or anything like that done on it, and there's no way I'll keep the layout long-term. But! I got off my ass and did something. I created this blog, got a half-decent layout for it, plugged in Adsense, found a few appropriate affiliate links, and started posting. Nothing fancy. Didn't want to be bogged down by details, just wanted to get GOING. I've got a million other ideas, but one of my biggest issues would be I'd forever get stuck in the *planning* stage, but not progress onto *doing*. Way to fix that? Well...

Talked to another WF friend of mine on Facebook earlier today, one who we've both had ideas to do something forever but haven't yet. Talked it over, and bam - now we have a project going. I told him, "We are going to TEAR THIS SH*T UP." And I meant it. >

Same principle applies to my obsession-and-vengeance guy... I don't really wanna get into it but same thing - without risks, nothing great is ever gonna happen. Fear of rejection? We all have it. But I already know that whatever I give him, he gives back. So I put aside irrational fear and take a chance... well...

So I know this has gone on awhile already, but the moral of the story is: What can you do TODAY to work towards your goals? Think of what you want in the long-term. It's not just a numbers game - whether it be numbers on the scale or numbers in your bank account. Figure out what's blocking you, and address it. Plans are good, it's good to think things through - but don't forget to execute those plans. You want things in your life to change, make it happen. BE ALL THAT YOU CAN BE!
#awhile #learned #lessons #things

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