Courage or Fear--Where are you coming from?

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I was speaking with a friend of mine today who is in the flooring business. When the conversation moved to how's business as it always does, he told me it's tough, business is slow, I keep having to cut my prices, everybody is slow to pay and it went on and on. As I listened to him I heard something that I hear quite often these days, now I'm not discounting that business is more challenging today than it has been in most of our lifetimes, what I heard from him was he was being beat long before he ever gets to the plate. He is dealing with his clients from a point of fear, fear of not getting the job, not getting paid and having his prices set too high. I suggested he raise his prices and he basically told me I was crazy, "I can't do that in this economy". He has no confidence in who he is or the service he is offering, he could be giving it away and he still wouldn't have enough clients. What I'm saying is in order to be successful you need confidence. Confidence in yourself, your product or service and most of all in your client. Yes, make your product or service the best it can be, be a resource for your client by making sure you know more than your competition. Finally raise your fees, not because your greedy but because you are confident in your product and with that don't sell on price sell on benefits. In closing do whatever you need to do to re-develop your confidence in yourself and product, because if you think like a winner, you will act like a winner and people will knock down your door to do business with you.
To Your Success,
#coaching #coming #courage #fear #fearwhere #goals #success

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