Happy July 4th Warriors!!

5 replies
Just wanted to take a moment and share with you this video. This is what the American dream is all about! Freedom to create and innovate!

This videos makes me want to scream from the top of a cliff!!!

Happy Fourth!
#4th #happy #july #warriors
  • Profile picture of the author Max Stryker
    You see, when we’re little, we’re born in a world with magic. Everything tells us, “Go for it!”, “Anything is possible!” We are blown away with fairy tales and happy endings. As we grow up, that magic gets taken away from us. There’s no Santa nor Tooth Fairies. We’re contastly told that there are no happy endings. We’re left with nothing. We’re left with plain raw REALITY, but who’s reality?
    When I heard that, I didn’t get it. But somehow, it stayed with me all along. I believed in my heart that if you wanted something, you could get it. I don’t know why, but there was always hope within that life wasn’t supposed to be hash or a struggle. I knew, very deeply, that life was supposed to be magical, that every moment could be worth of a movie scene. That every song you heard could be part of the soundtrack of your life. That it wasn’t how the world saw you; it was how you saw the world.
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    • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
      Originally Posted by Max Stryker View Post

      There's no Santa nor Tooth Fairies. We're contastly told that there are no happy endings.

      Everyone knows Santa Claus is real. Tooth fairies I buy but I Santa, no way.

      I know, he brought me a BMX last Christmas.

      Happy July 4th all

      Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

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  • Profile picture of the author bertranddo
    Amazing video, I like how at one point it links "Thinkers" to "Doers" and how turbulence creates opportunities. I think thats the basis of positive thinking: even in dire situations, aim high and reach for the sky. A good quote that illustrates this point is "necessity is the mother of invention".

    Definitely an amazing share to be watched by any aspiring entrepreneurs,

    All the best,


    IS the Photoshop Killer(15,000+ Warriors can't be wrong!)
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  • Profile picture of the author mervyngoh
    Thanks for sharing this wonderful video and I feel the burst of fire in my heart burning with desire.

    Embark on the Internet Marketing Journey with IM Knights
    Unleash the power within you with the Secrets of self empowerment

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  • Profile picture of the author jushuaburnham
    I love this video! Thanks...
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