How to find the strength to take action?

12 replies
Dear all,

It is said that taking action is very critical in every aspect. If you attend many success seminar or reading success books but have difficulties on taking action, then the motivation is likely lacking strength.

For some people it's quite hard to find the strength to take action despite the situation urge them to do it. For instance, even in the middle of financial crisis, there are some people who have no clue of what to do. The only thing comes to their mind is just...borrow some money, and try hard to pay it on time.

But there are also some people who are willing to take whatever it takes to get out from their trouble. I have a friend who earns decent salary working as IT staff. After getting married, he found living expenses increase, so he need additional income about $15 (if converted to dollar) as his salary could not cover it anymore.

While searching for another job with better salary, he keeps on moving, not just waiting for new job interview, but he did another freelance job on the weekend, which is..."cleaning toilet" just to get that additional $15.

He took action to get that additional $15 because he got strong motivation to have extra money that not everybody can do the same. Frankly, I cannot do what he did, I'd rather wait for job interview call than cleaning toilet

So what about you guys, do you have any experiences about finding the strength to take action?
#action #find #strength
  • Profile picture of the author magnates
    Hi ,

    You got to make a sincere promise to yourself to follow through on at least one action every day until you reach your goal

    here's a video that almost always gets me juiced up to take action


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  • Profile picture of the author Kurlie
    Sometimes I will find myself doing anything just so I don't have to do the one next thing that I know I need to do to move forward. I'm not sure why I get those blocks, but at least now I can recognize when I do have them. It's difficult, but if I can just manage to sit down and start I find that I usually keep working and before I know it I have finished the task.
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  • Profile picture of the author tierney211
    Good video magnates. Very good.
    "Do not act as if you had a thousand years to live." -Marcus Aurelius
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  • Profile picture of the author ashleytwo
    Hi tierney - love your signature. People act like they have all day when they really don't.

    Also really liked the video, very inspiring!
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  • Profile picture of the author Bill Lassiter
    Great video magnates. Thanks for sharing.
    I think it's a must you know your why.
    There is one thing above all else that you need to have firmly positioned inside your heart and mind.

    That one thing is your WHY.

    To have success into anything in life you need to know your WHY.

    Your WHY is the purpose behind your actions and your primary motivation for accomplishing your goals or task at hand.

    I got that from this site: Do You Know Your Why? | You Brand Inc
    Bill Lassiter
    Lassiter Web Consulting
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    • Profile picture of the author Richest
      That's great video. Thanks Magnates
      Bill: Thanks for the link. Very useful
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  • Profile picture of the author adamdaly
    Great video magnates! A good reminders for everyone that we we should make the most of our time.
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  • Profile picture of the author abond
    Take action? Take a small action forward and the rest is much easier.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kurlie
    Yes, I agree. The first step is often the hardest for me. If I can just sit down and take that first step, no matter how small, I usually find that the next step is a little easier. Before I know it I have accomplished that goal.
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  • Profile picture of the author xdmannet
    The only keyword is to be "calm" !!! Calm can offer you all, you will feel like you see the things in slow motion !!
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  • Profile picture of the author emmndi
    The First step no matter how small is the begining of your success.

    backpacking in Kenya

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  • Profile picture of the author vampiro
    Thanks for sharing the video. It is indeed helpful.

    In my case, the thing that gives me strength to take action is my family. Finding the core reason of your action. Reflecting on this reason again and again gives me the strength. It is not an easy process but in the long run it becomes automatic.
    - V - A - M - P - I - R - O -
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