Words to Help You Make Millions

28 replies
Source : Your First 100 Million by Dan Pena (Book)

"The world's greatest teachers are able to boil down pages of text and hours of oratory into a pithy phrase or quick parable. Over the years I've used the quotes of others and a few nuggets of my own wisdom to better clarify Quantum Leap concepts. My proteges have come to call them "Pella-isms"."

1. Don't waste time on things you can't change.

2. Dream big think big. be big.

3. Dream big and dare to fail!

4. The more you investigate, the less you have to invest.

5. Never, ever second-guess yourself.

6. During Quantum growth, any problem you solve will be replaced immediately by a larger, more complicated problem.

7. Every party to every negotiation has a comfort zone. The effective negotiator is the one who can define the boundaries ofthe other party's comfort zone, then place the deal inside the boundary of that zone nearest his own interests.

8. Stick to your knitting. To maximize the return on invested capital, deploy your assets, resources and capabilities in those areas wherein lie your expertise and experience.

9. You won't always have all the answers. Only take seriously the advice of others whom you greatly respect.

10. The consequences of a misguided decision are insignificant in the cosmos of eternity.

11. Always shoot for the moon. Even if you don't hit the bulls-eye, you'll at least get 80%

12. Always, always, always pay yourself - and your employees - first! Through all economic cycles.

13. Plan for success. With no back-up plans, no ripcords, no fail-safes - or you will fail.

14. Become more disciplined. The pain of discipline hurts less than the pain of regret.

15. The business world is divided into people with great ideas. and people who take action on those ideas.

16. There's a big difference between playing to win and playing to lose.

17. The difference between a failure and a high performance individual is how each deals with fear. We are all afraid. A high performance person uses his fear to galvanize his actions.

18. A good plan executed today is better than a great plan executed next week.

19. In order to really succeed in business, you must have outside advisors. These must be trusted advisors, professionals at your accounting and law firms with whom you have a very special relationship.

20. These advisors become your moles within their own organization, more loyal to you than their employer...motivated, aggressive, ambitious and bright enough - but not as bright as he or she thinks.

21. You can't win at poker or business with scared money. It gives offa stench that is repugnant to the other side. If you're going to play, leave your money at home and play with OPM - Other People~ Money.

22. The fulfillment of your dream is dire~tly proportional to your desire to succeed... and how much you're willing to sacrifice./fyou are not prepared to die. then you are not prepared to live.

23. When you get rid ofsomeone, never give them a "hook" with which to get back in. Always make a clean, definable and irrevocable break.

24. To achieve "hyper-growth", avert avoidable mistakes, and let your successes run their course. Do more ofwhat you're doing right - and less of what you're doing wrong.

25. Never underestimate how wrong you can be. Even the most careful planning can be overtaken by external events and circumstances.

26. Always maintain your personal relationships 00 the same plane upon which they were formed. True frieods will rejoice in your professional successes. Allow them to enjoy them with you.

27. Never reassess their personal and professional lives in terms of your OWO.

28. Your most valuable natural asset is your own gut instinct. Don't be afraid of it. Your instinct bas more power than all of the conventional wisdom in the world.

29. Business opportunities abound - but fonnidable barriers exist. And the biggest barrier is psychological. It is you.

30. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Just because something has never been done doesn't mean it can't be done. The fact you have never seen or heard something is not proof that it doesn't exist.

31. Every worthy dream has a "pay·price-to·action". That means you have to give up something to get something. You can 'I have it all.

32. You don't have to know how you're going to get there. But you do need to know where you want to go.

33. "Thinking it over" is for people who can't take action.

34. You are paid in life not for what you know, but what you can do. Or get others to do.

35. Ideas are a dime a dozen. The person who puts them into action is priceless.

36. The more self-esteem you give others, the more you have. And the more you have, the easier it is to give away.

37. Most successful people do it poorly until they do it well. Just keep blundering along. You can't wait until it's exactly right. The product of your quest for perfection is ... paralysis.

38. High performance people get paid for performing their hobbies.

39. Don't hire credentials. Hire attitude.

40. If you want to travel above and beyond the herd, don't try to be better. Try to be different Or better yet, be first!

41. The only things in this life that you'll really regret are the risks - and adventures - you didn't take.

42. Never, ever share your doubts with anyone.

43. Fear of failure is caused by lack of self-esteem and confidence. Dealing with fear is the key to super success.

44. Don't take h.igh performance advice from your peers, family or friends unless they are high performance people themselves.

45. You cannot grow exponentially by yourself. You need the support of others.

46. The road to success is always under construction.

47. Get ruthless about trying something different.

Few more..
  1. The difference between an amateur and a professional is patience an persistence.. A professional can do his best work even when he doesn't feel like it.
  2. How do you succeed faster in business by Doubling your failure rate
  3. Conventional wisdom is almost always wrong
  4. The better you feel about yourself, the more success you'll have
  5. Obstacles are things that a person see when you take your eye of the goal..
  6. "I'm going to peruse my Dream, no matter what the obstacles are.."
  7. Approach everything with Passion, Fire and Grit
  8. Be Super enthusiastic
  9. It doesn't matter what the moron says..
  10. Practice, practice, practice
  11. If you want a friend buy a dog - sensitivity gets you only one thing - Poverty!
  12. Motivation is what gets you started, habit keeps it going
  13. Persistence is not a long race, it's many short races one after another
  14. Fear is 'False Expectations Appearing real"
  15. We've been raised to have lower expectations of our self..
  16. I buy things when I want them, not when I need them

WARNlNG LABEL: If you violate these immutable laws of the Quantum Leap Advantage, you don't just run the risk of failure. You will not succeed at the Quantum leveJ.lfyou apply them, you run the risk of being ridiculed, scorned, ignored or ostracized by the doofuses of conventional wisdom. But take heart - these are sure signs of your Quantum success!
#make #millions #words
  • Profile picture of the author jeresteem99
    I need this :

    2. Dream big think big. be big.
    3. Dream big and dare to fail!
    5. Never, ever second-guess yourself.


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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5098820].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author magnates
    I have not read Dan Pena yet theese are some powerful word of wisdom , the ones that stood out for me are the ones below .

    1. Don't waste time on things you can't change.

    7. Every party to every negotiation has a comfort zone. The effective negotiator is the one who can define the boundaries ofthe other party's comfort zone, then place the deal inside the boundary of that zone nearest his own interests.

    14. Become more disciplined. The pain of discipline hurts less than the pain of regret.

    16. There's a big difference between playing to win and playing to lose.

    17. The difference between a failure and a high performance individual is how each deals with fear. We are all afraid. A high performance person uses his fear to galvanize his actions.

    18. A good plan executed today is better than a great plan executed next week.

    22. The fulfillment of your dream is directly proportional to your desire to succeed... and how much you're willing to sacrifice./fyou are not prepared to die. then you are not prepared to live.

    23. When you get rid of someone, never give them a "hook" with which to get back in. Always make a clean, definable and irrevocable break.

    24. To achieve "hyper-growth", avert avoidable mistakes, and let your successes run their course. Do more ofwhat you're doing right - and less of what you're doing wrong.

    25. Never underestimate how wrong you can be. Even the most careful planning can be overtaken by external events and circumstances.

    29. Business opportunities abound - but fonnidable barriers exist. And the biggest barrier is psychological. It is you.

    30. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Just because something has never been done doesn't mean it can't be done. The fact you have never seen or heard something is not proof that it doesn't exist.

    31. Every worthy dream has a "pay·price-to·action". That means you have to give up something to get something.

    32. You don't have to know how you're going to get there. But you do need to know where you want to go.

    33. "Thinking it over" is for people who can't take action.

    34. You are paid in life not for what you know, but what you can do or get others to do.

    35. Ideas are a dime a dozen. The person who puts them into action is priceless.

    36. The more self-esteem you give others, the more you have. And the more you have, the easier it is to give away.

    37. Most successful people do it poorly until they do it well. Just keep blundering along. You can't wait until it's exactly right. The product of your quest for perfection is ... paralysis.

    39. Don't hire credentials. Hire attitude.

    40. If you want to travel above and beyond the herd, don't try to be better. Try to be different Or better yet, be first!

    41. The only things in this life that you'll really regret are the risks - and adventures - you didn't take.

    42. Never, ever share your doubts with anyone.

    43. Fear of failure is caused by lack of self-esteem and confidence. Dealing with fear is the key to super success.

    44. Don't take high performance advice from your peers, family or friends unless they are high performance people themselves.

    45. You cannot grow exponentially by yourself. You need the support of others.

    47. Get ruthless about trying something different.

    Thanks for taking the time to write this . Very wise advice
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5099474].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author maile15
    Great Stuff,

    Dont waste time on things you cant change!!!

    To know when to stop would be interesting aswell!!!

    Anyway great list anyway!
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Chicas
    List of awesome.
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  • Profile picture of the author WizIMS
    1. "Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal."Henry ford
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  • Profile picture of the author Larkrise
    Reminds me of the serenity prayer

    "Grant me the wisdom to accept the things I cannot change

    The courage to change the things I can

    And the wisdom to know the difference

    Not much point in spending mental or physcial 'time' on anything you cannot influence

    I am reminded today of something very important for me - the difference between a goal I might wish for or desire and an intention that I actually set.

    I know that my 'intentions' come to fruition, whereas my desires, wishes and goals may come to nothing without the intention part. I will be including this in my new product and adding a technique to generate the state that is responsible for 'intention'.

    Thanks for the inspiring reminders of what matters

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  • Profile picture of the author chelsean
    #22 is fantastic, but they're all great. Thanks!

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  • Profile picture of the author sondrac
    Thanks, great information. Some other words that can make you $$$ are "How can I help?" When you focus on your clients' needs you'll prosper.
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  • Profile picture of the author DudeAndy

    42. Never, ever share your doubts with anyone. -
    I like this one the best, but all of them are great tips of success, true business warrior code.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5104573].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tony5885
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5105921].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author brute77
      If you liked those quotes - you'll love this audio. Though the quality is not all that good - but the nuggets you'll discover are simply priceless..

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  • Profile picture of the author RHert
    Thanks for sharing. I love
    39. Don't hire credentials. Hire attitude.
    Copywriting at it's Best! - Tips and tricks to connect with your reader.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    awesome awesome stuff...just printed this out and put on my "wall of motivation"

    love stuff like this!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5109061].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author luckypig
    I just love this amazing list,warriorforum is the best place to get some inspiration.
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5109098].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hireava
    I totally agree with the words you shared. It will indeed help you make millions.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5111206].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author maryland168
    Thanks for sharing this !
    14. Become more disciplined. The pain of discipline hurts less than the pain of regret.

    I'am learning it now
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5112001].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hardraysnight
    this is a hold up

    give me your money
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5112246].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kirajx
    Awesome quotes !!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5124533].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Landare
      These quotes are indeed great and powerful enough to help anyone who can WALK them make a quantum leap. Thanks for sharing this.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5125402].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author hardraysnight
        what about yeah, yeah, yeah

        seemed to do ok for the beatles
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5125539].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author brute77
          Few more quotes to fuel your engine..

          1. The difference between an amateur and a professional is patience an persistence.. A professional can do his best work even when he doesn't feel like it.

          2. How do you succeed faster in business by Doubling your failure rate

          3. Conventional wisdom is almost always wrong

          4. The better you feel about yourself, the more success you'll have

          5. Obstacles are things that a person see when you take your eye of the goal..

          6. "I'm going to peruse my Dream, no matter what the obstacles are.."

          7. Approach everything with Passion, Fire and Grit

          8. Be Super enthusiastic

          9. It doesn't matter what the moron says..

          10. Practice, practice, practice

          11. If you want a friend buy a dog - sensitivity gets you only one thing - Poverty!

          12. Motivation is what gets you started, habit keeps it going

          13. Persistence is not a long race, it's many short races one after another

          14. Fear is 'False Expectations Appearing real"

          15. We've been raised to have lower expectations of our self..

          16. I buy things when I want them, not when I need them

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5128151].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author The Niche Man
    Originally Posted by brute77 View Post

    Source : Your First 100 Million by Dan Pena (Book)
    35. Ideas are a dime a dozen. The person who puts them into action is priceless.

    38. High performance people get paid for performing their hobbies.
    My business took off like a rocket when I realized those two principles. Plus they help me persist when the going gets tough. They're "Golden". Anyone who ignores those two principles, just don't get it - and faces a tough, frustrating road ahead.
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    "201 Ways To Live Better On Less Money".
    "Because The Easiest Way To Make Money is ... ... By Saving Some First!"
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5138393].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jivens
    awesome share! I like Napoleon Hills Books and he advocates OBSESSION! Make your goal defined and clear and LIVE IT, BREATHE IT, EAT IT, DRINK IT to make it happen!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5138656].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Huie
    The only things in this life that you'll really regret are the risks - and adventures - you didn't take.

    Love this one! Aha
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5139174].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Trey Morgan
    Thanks for sharing these amazing words of wisdom.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8995763].message }}

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