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A friend of mine owns a multi million dollar company in Los angel es.when i first met him, i was amazed at how a person could take a simple idea and turn it into a business,that was turning in over a million dollars every week.
I asked him to tell me the secret of his success.He mentioned a number of things,but the most profound was the revelation that he never hired a person who had never failed before.
His view was that most people only paraded there strengths while he was also on the look out for their failures and weaknesses.When i asked him why,he said:Life is full of ups and downs.We all go through turbulence from time to time.A person who has never failed before,will not know how to handle turbulence and in their panic can derail the organization."
Think of it.A person who has never travelled in an airplane does not know much about turbulence, and would panic.
You will never know what is in you,until a demand is made of it.That demand will come in the form of pressure.
The true test of what a person is made of is in how well they handled unfavorable outcomes.An individuals true value tend to come out in times of adversity.The greatest credentials of a person are expressed in their victory over adversity.
Pressure is a fact of life,but the ability to speak the language of your destination in spite of your pressure is proof of a truly strong character.I say this because many people speak the language of the pressure they are experiencing.Talking and crying about pressure only reinforces its position.Never allow pressure to distract you from the main goal.Consistency under pressure is one of the most defining traits of a strong spirit.While we acknowledge the pressure we do not dwell in it.While we recognize its presence we do not celebrate or revel in it.Rather we must allow a picture of our destination to motivate us out of the pressure.A strong revelation of our destination will not only guide us through the pressure but inspire solutions.Looked at positively pressure come to take you to a whole new level of life.
Think of all the shoe sizes you have worn in your life.I particularly remember a pair of shoes that i once had as a boy.i really liked the pair.There was only one problem.They were too big for me.My mother told me to keep them for later,but my restlessness would not hear of such a thing.Instead i got paper and stuffed it inside the shoes so that i could wear them.I felt very good with myself after that.
Well as the days and months moved by,i had to remove the paper i had stuffed in the shoes because they were then the correct size.Before long i began to feel alot of discomfort wearing them.Getting them on was a struggle.What was once too big for me had become a pressure point because i was growing.I was not going to deal with the pressure by whining about it,but to get a bigger pair of shoes.
Friends,the key to dealing with pressure is to increase capacity.There was a time in my life that i was so poor that the poor called me poor.Getting Sh100 at the time was a major point of pressure.Then came a time when that was no longer a point of pressure but Sh1000,then Sh 10000.It ha continued to grow.
The question is,what changed?What was the difference between the time when pressure was caused by Sh10000 and the time Sh1000 was the pressure point?The difference was capacity.
The pressure you are going through today either personally or professionally, is an indication that you need to increase capacity.Botched dreams are expressions of a mismatch between potential and capacity.If we do not build our capacity to match our potential,abortion is inevitable.
Capacity is increased by by education and motivation.Education come from instruction,associations and experience.Motivation means creating a motive for action.This comes from thinking.My greatest assignment therefore is not to build your hopes,no.It is to reveal to you possibilities,which will then give you a motive for action.
If what you knew at the inception of pressure,is what you still know right now,then pressure has found a dwelling place in you.We must continually develop our minds to the point where we have the right perspective of pressure.We are not victims of the events that happen in our lives.We are victims of our interpretations of the events that happen in our lives.
With this right perspective,you will be able to speak the language of your destination and not the language of your pressure.BY THE FRUITS OF OUR LIPS AND MINDS SHALL OUR BELLIES BE SATISFIED.
#adversity #art #gaining #victory

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