♥ Top Five Tips To Creating Abundance Online In 2009 ♥

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Hi all,

Just thought I'd share my top five tips to help you in your quest for abundance in 2009 ...

1) Positive Affirmations

These should be said daily and with emotion and feeling. Imagine as if what you are saying is actually happening in the present moment. Feel the energy of the words within you and around you. Picture it as waves spreading from your heart chakra out into the universe and reaching the stars and beyond

My faves are:

I am a powerful wealth magnet.

I am in my beautiful flow of abundance

I am becoming wealthier and wealthier everyday in everyway,

I have harmonic wealth.

2) Visualizations

This is a powerful way to attract abundance into your life. I use a guided visualization everyday , just imagine a beautiful waterfall flowing abundantly into your life everyday, bringing overflowing joy, prosperity and peace Keep it in your minds eye throughout the day.

3) Make A Wish

Send A Wish out into the universe to attract a new opportunity that will bring you abundance. Again send it out with loving energy and be thankful as if your wish as already come true

It helps if you are in a calm and open state when you make your wish so take some deep breaths and relax your whole body. Feel the energy around you and within you light up and send your wish out to the universe. Feel it travelling as a wave into Space and know in your heart it will come true

4) Take Action: Inspired Thought + Positive Action = Success xx

Listen for your inner whispers, listen for your guides, the universe uses your imagination and thoughts to communicate with you so begin to listen and take action on inspired thoughts and feelings. You know you are on the right path if what you are doing makes you feel good, so pay attention to your emotions, they are guiding you in the right direction

5) And Finally Believe in yourself and in the Beautiful Abundant Universe,

Remember there is no such thing as competition in the creative plane, there is more than enough for everyone!!

To your true success and inner peace,

Cathy Shah
Spiritual Network Marketer
Committed To Making Your Dreams A Reality

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