The Power of a Teflon-Velcro Attitude

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Two of the world's most popular materials is Teflon and Velcro. They're included in hundreds, maybe in even thousands of products. You can find them in everything from clothing to cookware and auto parts to space suits.

You must admit those two simple materials have helped to make millions of
people's lives easier. In addition, when you apply those same factors to your attitude, they can make your personal life a lot easier to.

Most people have an Uncontrolled Teflon- Velcro attitude. They allow the negative to stick like Velcro. For example, the failures, obstacles and disappointments stick in their minds like Velcro. Result? They're allowed to fester, weigh them down and can even cause depression.

In addition, the positives that happen in their lives wash off like Teflon. Result? The have a strong tendency to take they're blessings, advantages and positives for granted. For example, they overlook them, downplay them and in etreme cases, feel guilty about having them.

But what if you took control of your powerful Teflon-Velcro Attitude. Like others who've done this before you, your attitude and happiness would change almost overnight.

How To Develop A Velcro Mentality For The Positive

Start by seeing seeing yourself with a Velcro mentality. Practice. Look for the positives in your life and try to get them to stick in your mind a little longer than you normally would. That's it.

Savor them, count your blessings. In fact, a good practice would be to make a count your blessings list. Get a binder or journal and list the things you are thankful for each day (especially the small ones).

For example, your health, your ability to swallow without pain, to breath without moaning or to walk without wincing. We have a tendency to take things like that for granted, but millions of people experience those obstacles each day and worse.

The practice of making a count your blessings list has helped untold millions of people to turn their lives around. For example, people like Oprah Winfrey, Tony Robbins and Les Brown swear by it. They credit this practice with turning their lives from rags to riches. So, do you think it's at least worth a try?

How To Develop A Teflon Mentality Against The Negatives

We all experience negatives in our lives. No matter how rich, educated or smart you are, we all face obstacles and problems, right? But as the saying goes, "it's not what happens to you - but how you react to it that counts".

Yes, a powerful weapon to fight the negatives, obstacles and problems you face in life is to apply a Teflon attitude. Start by seeing yourself with a strong Teflon mentality.

The more you do this the more you'll notice negative situations rolling off you like never before. You'll notice things, people and situations that use to get under your skin not bothering you as much or as long as it did before.

Just start seeing your problems, obstacles and issues mentally rolling off you like Teflon. The more you practice this the better you'll get. A quick way to achieve this is to practice "Not Worrying".

Believe it or not, worrying is like a muscle in your body. The more you practice "not worrying" the easier it will be to ... not worry!

This is not to say you shouldn't be concerned about problems or issues you face. It just means after you've done all you can physically, mentally or even financially to solve them, don't worry.

You Can Also Achieve a Teflon Attitude By ...
1. Going with the flow.
2. Letting a problem teach you ... then tossing it.
3. Being (Negative) Forgetful.

Start Small With Baby Steps

Start small. It would surprise most people how many little things they allow to worry them each day. When you find yourself worrying about something small stop it. Think Teflon mentality and let it roll off you like a non-stick fry pan.

After you've conquered the small things, then ...
  • Don't worry about your weight.
  • Don't worry if someone likes you or not.
  • Don't worry if you're good enough or smart enough.
  • Don't worry about the bills, your children or your mate.
Be concerned, but practice not worrying.

With all the psychological studies done over the years, no one has ever proven worrying helped solve one problem. But they have proven it can cause physical, mental and even emotional illness. So why do it?

If you take the time to apply these simple but powerful tips you'll find your attitude and life taking on a new meaning. Your reward? Less stress and more success!
#attitude #power #teflonvelcro

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