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Do you often spend more time learning about making money instead of actually taking action now to generate your desired income?

This was a major challenge for me. It was like an addictive behavior: I used to buy several different WSOs and then I'd end up only learning and not doing. And once I learned, I gave the excuse that I wasn't "ready" so I looked for more things to learn. And this cycle repeated itself. lol In the end, I took little to no action, and I'm sure some of you can relate to this.

The truth is we CAN take action but we often make stupid excuses to just put it off. If this is an issue for you, here's a little 'experiment':

1) Take note of the activity that you're putting off. Really see what it looks like in your minds eye.

2) Notice what you feel inside of you. See if it strikes some kind of fear or some other emotion. This may take some time.

3) Notice the thought associated with the fear (i.e. "I am not good enough", "What will they think of me?", "I feel terrified of talking to him", "I'm afraid this won't work", etc)

4) Get a picture of what you look like when you think that thought. For example, if you think, "I'm not good enough", what would you look like with that thought? (i.e. notice your facial expressions, body posture, etc). It doesn't have to be crystal clear. Just get a sense of what it would look like.
Chances are the image doesn't look good, am I right? This is literally how you see yourself, and it's affecting the way you do business. Do you see that this is actually what you are subconsciously projecting out into the world?

Let's be real: Would anyone want to do business with the person that is in your imagination?

Do you like this picture? If not, would you agree it's time to put it to an end, since it's severely limiting your success? Yes?

If so, erase the entire picture completely! Make sure you do it at a comfortable pace and breathe slowly.

Do not try to make it go away. Do not force it because that can just make it worse. Just erase it without any judgment, and even if some of the feeling is still lingering don't worry about it. Just make sure the image is erased.

Then apply this technique I posted on WF:


or just watch it here:

Once you've done that, go back to the image and notice what's different. Then notice how different you feel about taking action

Note - You may need to apply the technique more than once.

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