Because my thoughts have to go somewhere...

by TG12
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So I do this on most of the forums I go on and here is no different, Bare with me this might be long but for those of you who read it all I appreciate it....

Generally my head is so full of thoughts and ideas all the time it feels like I am going to explode! Does anyone else get that feeling? I'm sure at least one of you reading this now does, Its why you are here, Today, Here Right now...
I went for a 70mile drive (Calling on two of my oldest friends)....I do this sometimes just to get out! I always know what to say when I am driving but when I come to put it into words back at home I cant!! Anyway hopefully this all makes sense...
I'm lucky enough to have an amazing car that I just LOVE driving been out there, Feeling at one, Been on my own having time to think..

Why am I writing this? To vent? YES, To inspire you...YES...Hopefully! To let you know that you are not the only person going through the same **** as everyone else! HELL YES!!! To become your friend! Yes...To find like minded people...Yes...

Turns out you don't have as many friends as you think you have! How many people have I called today who are too busy and wrapped up in their own life's to see me and hang out, They wont be interested unless you have something to offer them, How many do you think would have been there to hang out if I was rich! Which brings me here. For as long as I can remember I have always wanted to be insanely rich...I don't care what people think, I bet you do too! Been rich gets you into the best party, You get to meet the right people, Get the luxury items that you like, That makes you more attractive ...Or perceivably. I am ALWAYS on the look out for like minded people to help me get to where I want to be, And hopefully the agreement will be reciprocal. I will KNOW when I have found them. I crave attention from them, I am attracted to them...They are attracted to me, I can tell my three or four closest friends are like minded people! Does anyone else get that feeling that when they are in a group they just feel like a leader? I do...

I love paying it forward, I love to help. I like it when people ask me for help! I want to help YOU! I like to think that if I help people it will benefit me.

I currently reading The Law Of Attraction, What are you reading?

I like to think that I am where I am now today because I started reading a certain wonderful book (I wont tell you what the book is)...PM Me if you are interested and I will send you a copy...

I know its been a long journey reading this but if just one person out there reads this and takes something away from it

P.S Some might say I am reading this because I need to vent, To think that a woman I once thought I loved can ruin you! I got the police called on me because I tried to contact her again! Long story...That's for another day...

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