Change Your Mindset Make Money

33 replies
Hey Tre Here.You've probably been trying to get a start in internet marketing for some time now maybe you've bought course after course. Which in truth is alright, but if you are just buying the product and not producing you have one person to blame and that is yourself so after looking into internet marketing for a few years I've noticed a trend in the IMer's who were successful

Here are a few tips you can use today to start on your way


Many of us including myself started internet marketing focusing on yachts, new cars , working for ourselves (which is alright to want) etc. The truth is when we begin thinking like this we blind ourselves of the steps needed to reach to the goal we have in our heads. Its like we want to cross the valley but look at the end and try to hop there. Well my friends it doesn't work. Start small. Learn the basics of internet marketing their is alot of information on this beautiful forum so take some time to absorb some of it. Set an end goal of what you would want your life to look like and work backwards asking yourself "What are the steps I Need To Take To reach from this step to this step. Work at it everyday.

Take It Seriously my friends.

Keep It Simple!

When we set ourselves little goals it allows us to "Keep it Simple" IM can become very confusing if we try to take in all the different programs and such. So my advice keep all you do simple. Small simple goals to complete each day. The reason we skip from program to program is because we try to look for the "Magic Pill or Magic Bullet" where we could just touch our mouses and $1,000,000 is in our pockets in a day, tip: Any Sales Copy which promises that in my experience is almost always fake. Start with the products is the WSO part of this forum their are really some awesome programs in there just search for your particular trouble area.

Love People And Helping Them

Loving people is our biggest priority as internet marketers. Sure we would like to make lots of money, but the people who make the most money are the ones who love to help people and the ones who go out of their way to make them feel special. Question? Have you ever bought a product right, and when you had a problem you contacted the customer service and you got a speedy reply didn't that make you feel comfortable that you would trust them with your money again in the future? Sure it did. The greatest IMers are the ones which go out of the way to over-deliver for the customers that buy their products and help them every step along the way. So remember love helping people even on this forum and in your daily life just strive to help people as much as you can.


Everything and I mean Everything good in life comes true hard work. Money isn't made with the push of a button. Making money on autopilot dies not happen until you put in hours of good old fashion hard work. Perfection and success comes with lots of failures. Every successful person is one who never gave up when all that he tried seem to fail, he pressed on because he had a process and understood that maybe he failed at one of his steps, so he goes back and look at his failed step tweeks it and tries again. This is a habit in which we should adopt work,work,work,work and work smarter gather information and add to our knowledge database and grow while adapting booom SUCCESS. Hard work Makes Money, Easy Work is For The Dummy.

Remember always that IM is an opportunity for the persons who take it as a serious business that helps people on a genuine while earning a profit for efforts. People come first because without them we have no business having a business.

Providing Excellent Value

Give customers too much value with each thing you do. If its an article you typed stuff it with value. If its A WSO stuff it with value. Always ensure that when your customer is finished with your product that he or she can't stop speaking about you and your product and also if they succeed from the value you've delivered even better. Provide value always whether free or paid. Always Always Always Over-Deliver give your customers a double portion of value. Make Them Love You And Make Them Fans.

Love People Love Helping Them
I hope this motivates you to get started Today!!

Until Next Time
#change #make #mindset #money
  • Profile picture of the author Judge Groovyman
    Great post!

    Originally Posted by oppyeaunome View Post

    Its like we want to cross the valley but look at the end and try to hop there.
    This is very common. I've heard it broken down like this.

    1. Target. This is the ultimate goal which you are striving towards, though you may have no idea how to make it there or you may not have 100% control over whether you achieve the end result.
    (Olympic Gold Medal for example, you could perform at your absolute best, but .. perhaps there is someone better that year). Examples here are: Owning a profitable internet business, Obtaining 1,000,000 active email subscribers, Becoming a world-renowned blogger ...

    2. Goal. This is your current goal and should be something you know how to do and have 100% control over accomplishing.
    Examples are writing 1000 articles by June 31, Creating 10000 keyword/group combinations in adwords, Creating 1000 backlinks to my blog by May 31, Spending 300 hours doing keyword research by August 31.

    To use your analogy from above: Imagining achieving your target is trying to cross the entire valley in one hop. If that can be done, more power to you, but in many cases, numerous intermediate 'Goals' should be defined along the way.

    Thanks again for that post.

    What do you think?
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    • Profile picture of the author oppyeaunome
      I loved your examples man exactly what I was speaking about thats the mindset we need to have when beginning IM.Yea man I mean we get too caught in the end result we don't even get the chance to enjoy the process you know. And this is where we give up and call it quits you know whats an awesome goal to start at. Try to make $1 then $10 dollars online and trust me when you do, though its small that will push your motivation and confidence through the roof man.
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  • Profile picture of the author yinkira
    Thanks oppyeaunome..
    nice Motivation for me. because you have changed my mindset to make money
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  • Profile picture of the author Anton Nadilo
    People forget that for every "outcome" eg financial freedom/abundance/1 million dollars there is a process that one must follow.

    Understand the process and the rest will fall into place easily.


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  • Profile picture of the author Gerald Arno
    You outlined really good points above!

    I think the more you love what you do, the less it will seem to be hard work.

    You really only work hard when you are under pressure or too focused on money. Money should never be the goal because it is not a WHY.

    The WHY in business is the benefit you get from achieving what you want to achieve. This can be anything from having a strong impact on thousands of people to living your dream lifestyle.
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    • Profile picture of the author Anton Nadilo
      Originally Posted by GeraldGigerl View Post

      You outlined really good points above!

      I think the more you love what you do, the less it will seem to be hard work.

      You really only work hard when you are under pressure or too focused on money. Money should never be the goal because it is not a WHY.

      The WHY in business is the benefit you get from achieving what you want to achieve. This can be anything from having a strong impact on thousands of people to living your dream lifestyle.

      You nailed it my man!!

      I have preached this to my coaching students since day one...until you truly decide the "WHY" behind you want those goals you have set you are DOOMED to fail. Failure is almost guaranteed.

      Stay Strong & Prosper


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    • Profile picture of the author Kathy Bell
      Originally Posted by GeraldGigerl View Post

      You outlined really good points above!

      I think the more you love what you do, the less it will seem to be hard work.

      You really only work hard when you are under pressure or too focused on money. Money should never be the goal because it is not a WHY.

      The WHY in business is the benefit you get from achieving what you want to achieve. This can be anything from having a strong impact on thousands of people to living your dream lifestyle.
      Great post...sums it up quite nicely. If you have a strong "why" AND love what you do, you are bound for success.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jomuli3
      Originally Posted by GeraldGigerl View Post

      You outlined really good points above!

      I think the more you love what you do, the less it will seem to be hard work.

      You really only work hard when you are under pressure or too focused on money. Money should never be the goal because it is not a WHY.

      The WHY in business is the benefit you get from achieving what you want to achieve. This can be anything from having a strong impact on thousands of people to living your dream lifestyle.
      That tasted like roasted beef steak, Gerald!. I like the way you have put it.

      Money is a means to an end --- the benefit. No matter how much money you accumulate it only becomes useful when you buy something you want.

      Focus on your dream car, house, career etc. Attach strong feelings to your imagination. Bathe your mind in expectation.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lee A Bracey
    Great post. I have been working at this for some time now and can relate to your first couple paragraphs. When I started, I was focused on all the wrong things too. Taking a step back and proceeding with smaller steps and goals has helped tremendously. I know that the real key is in hard work and consistency, but I do still get caught up in "shiny-thing syndrome" from time to time. Thanks for the post!
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  • Profile picture of the author IMHunter
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    • Profile picture of the author oppyeaunome
      Its just that I hear alot of new comers to IM complaining that IM isn't real so I just thought if I could share a little bit of the heart of an IMer then it could motivate atleast one person to keep pressing on.I'm glad that this post was a blessing to you guys but I've been there so I just thought I could help someone out. Once again thank you for the nice comments it is always a joy to know that I can help motivate my fellow warriors.
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  • Profile picture of the author J Burgess
    I absolutely agree with this, without the right mindset you will get nowhere in Internet Marketing and making money online/offline. If you don't have the right mindset you simply won't succeed.
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  • Profile picture of the author hireava
    Nice share Tre! Just be positive and everything will fall into place in God's time.
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  • Profile picture of the author TamilYoung
    Hey Tre, valuable post really! Definitely right mindset makes us to reach the goals faster! Hard work & persistance is the only key to success and there are no shortcuts as some Newbies believe and search endlessly for something they will never get. As you said, those salescopies promising 7 figures or even 6 figures in a day are simply fake. Those are the kinds of products, we can just simply ignore without wasting our time. I always keep saying to my friends, a magic push button software to riches doesn't exist. Taking ACTION ACTION in implementing what we have learned is the only thing we should do for the magic to happen!

    Helping people & providing excellent value are the traits of successful people which everybody should adapt. Again these are part of mindset!

    And regarding starting small, I have a slightly different opinion. The goals should not be crazy I accept, but at the same time, I feel it should be big enough to get ourself motivated and keep the journey thrilled. Only if the goals are big, we will tend to take ACTION!

    Thanks again Tre for your valuable share!
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    • Profile picture of the author Larry Carter
      This is very valuable information here because mind set is everything. Also surrounding yourself with like minded people helps in keeping oneself on the path and not stray to far.
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  • Profile picture of the author miserman
    Very motivational post I like the part "Keep it simple"....specifically, I like the part when you say we should keep focus on one thing instead of rushing towards other and other in order to full the pockets with instant money. Good post
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  • Profile picture of the author oppyeaunome
    Its funny how I wrote this post and I come back to it just to learn from myself. Funny but true
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  • Profile picture of the author kellyyarnsbro
    Cool share, Start Small. I've started not that big so i am happy i play it safe by starting small. Great things starts from small beginnings.
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  • Profile picture of the author oppyeaunome
    Yea the problem is that we try to take on the huge things and when we fail we become discouraged and thinking that this internet marketing is a scam. Starting small is the foundation for something huge!!
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  • Profile picture of the author mikeac
    Excellent post. I agree with you that as IM'ers we need to keep things simple, and keep your goals simple so you can reach them everyday.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jerome Y
    Good post, there are so many key mindset shifts that aren't even listed here. But the most important thing is to keep moving and never stop learning.

    Now go and make some MONEY!
    Make Money By Sharing Cool Apps with Friends! No Selling involved, PM me for details!
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  • Profile picture of the author oppyeaunome
    Yea we get to caught up on one technique not working. Listen try it a few times if it doesn't work skip it and move on try something new. The faster you fail the closer you get to success.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rick Kansa

    Good information. Treating people well, give a lot of value, and be genuinely interested in helping are the foundations of good business and keys to success. And you're right success leaves clues.
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  • Profile picture of the author oppyeaunome
    How will you effectively market to your customers if you can't over-deliver every time? When you care about people it helps you to connect with your target market more. I once heard a great copy writer say " In order to write good sales copy you've got to become your market" and that's the truth you've got to place yourself in the shoes of the ideal person in your niche or market. Its time to put money a little behind and care for the people before you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ghoster
    Great points.

    I would add to the "Hard Work" section the caveat that you should work hard by default, but work smart when you can.

    On the whole, you get what you pay for.

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  • Profile picture of the author oppyeaunome
    Yeah because you can end up working hard but suffer from what I call Spinning Your Tires in the mud
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  • Profile picture of the author jlcs
    Really useful power guide. I love the"keep it simple" & "hardwork is key"
    Most of the marketer newbies thinking making money online is just a push button.
    For me the internet business is very good self-learning business for all different age of people.
    Earn $1,037.69 in daily is NOT a big amount.
    I can show you how to do this.

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  • Profile picture of the author Angellos
    It all starts with the right mindset, those are great points to help anyone who wants to see their business go to a higher level.
    Also it is important to state that everything starts with a persons belief in self. The lack of a persons in belief in oneself keeps many people just sitting there hoping for things to change, doubting that they have it within to make that change happen.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
    Having the right attitude and mindset is quite important when attempting to earn money.
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  • Profile picture of the author aliveder
    I am so happy with my life it is hard for me to even fathom that others could feel such satisfaction.
    I work on my own hours, I am an individual, I don't answer to anybody, I know that my profits depend solely on how hard I work.
    My mindset is that everything is going to be alright.
    There is always ways to make money. As OP said Keep it Simple, or how I was taught "Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS)"
    Get an idea, focus on it, make yourself believe that if you try your hardest at this, you WILL make a ton of money.

    Don't Forget To Give Thanks to Those That Have Helped You!

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  • Profile picture of the author eternalsongbird
    Thanks friend for sharing it. I really needed a strike or motivation. Thanks for showing the way. I was really frustrated.
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  • Profile picture of the author Do
    Make a blance between "focus" and "diversify",
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  • Profile picture of the author oppyeaunome
    Its always a pleasure to help out. I know how it is when you are just beginning it is easy to get frustrated and just give up on it, but for me when I reach that point I was willing to continue and all I had to do is focus on one thing at a time and simplify what I was doing. That's Key
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