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Beat that Beat Up!

Who doesn't like music? I don't know many people who don't. Everyone is affected by the brain washing music that they play on the radio. Yes I've heard people say that music is put out there to brainwash us. Nonsense people. Music triggers your emotions and music does a pretty good job at it too. Have you ever noticed how lost you get in your own mind when you hear a song that you like. You feel happy, excited, re-energized. Music undeniably has the effect to manipulate the emotions and the brain.

Everyone these days has a iPod, iPhone or some sort of mechanism where they can listen to music. Let's use this power that music has and let us control our emotions. Take into consideration that everyone is different, so songs have different effects on people's emotions and brains. When you listen to a song, pay attention to your emotions, take note of how you feel. If the song is making you to want to work faster than put it on you play list, if the song gets you pumped before an event then add it to your play list, if a song make's you happy then add it. What I'm trying to get at here is you want to come up with a master play list that will change your mood if you're not feeling up to par with the task ahead. Once you've mastered that play list there is no stopping you.

I've mastered my play list and I take it where ever I need to go. I use it at work to get my mind off the dirty job I have ahead, I use it when I'm feeling down. Lets just say I use it all the time. Music has a strong force on your emotions. Learn to use it to your advantage and you'll be unstoppable, or just become a better dancer.

You want to find the songs that work for you, add it to your playlist. Carry that iPod everywhere you go. Brainwash yourself into thinking the right emotions at the right time.

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