How To Get Your Inspiration Back in 5 Minutes

3 replies
  • Give 3 Reasons Why You Started Your Website/Online Venture In The First Place:
#1 I really want to start learning and getting experience in business and online marketing.

#2 I want to be putting all my energy and time towards something that can either bring me monetary incentives or long term experience.

#3 I want to be an entrepreneur. I can't imagine myself working for anyone else in the long run.
  • Write Any 3 Quotes That Truly Mean Something To You:

"I'd rather die enormous than live dormant." - Jay-Z

"The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do."- Walter Bagehot

"The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary."-Vidal Sassoon
  • Mention One Celebrity/Entrepreneur who taught you or motivated you to start your online business.

  • How Did This Thread Help You?

I think by writing down all of these things, I remembered all of my fears regarding my business and all the things that give me strength. It also cleared my mind going over all of these things that you forget when your business goes through a dark time. I got my head cleared and I know exactly what I have to do now.

Write Your Own List and Share Your Inspirations and Goals with Others.
#back #inspiration #minutes

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