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Whether you like it or not a crisis will happen to you, it will come in the worst time ever.
It can be express as a disease, rash, migraine, ulcer, pressure, fear, Nervous Breakdown, psoriasis, Anxiety and
just all the worst thing you can ever imagine.

I want you all to remember that, you are the one who are causing all of that to happen to you.
Do everything you can to relax, I heard a lot of times from a lot of people the words "Slow Down", that is a bunch of crap, what we should is speed up! what you need to do is to Calm Down.

Make sure your body is relaxed and nothing that causing the entire thing that i listed above is coming into your mind.
Never give up. Remember that no matter what you do, you will continually be tested.
You might have four, five, or six amazing consecutive years, but in anything that you do, no matter what field
you're in, you will inevitably have that down period and be tested again.

It doesn't matter. Don't allow yourself to give up, don't lose faith in yourself, remember that you can do it, Stay strong.
All the people that i investigated, went through a big crisis but nothing stop them.
They were so locked on their target that the only thing they saw was success, lets take Henry ford for example this guy
lost all his money and claim for bankruptcy five times before he became such a big success.

So stay focus no matter what, all you need is to trust yourself that you can do it!
This is not easy and it can take you years to achieve your goal, bad thing will happen while you are on the way to your success.
This is really hard but lesson learned is that even your failures end up being blessing.

It's a hard lesson to learn because when you're in those moments of failure, you don't see the possibility of it being positive turn.
But somehow, even failures can end up being great for you.
So never give up and never underestimate your potential to take something bad and turn it into something good.
#crisis #handling

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