Do you know the new 21st Century Success Principle??

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New 21st Century Success Principle: COLLABORATE! COLLABORATE! COLLABORATE!

Start with a quote from Don Tapscott, author of Wikinomics:

"The growing accessibility of information technologies puts the tools required to collaborate, create value, and compete at everybody's fingertips. This liberates people to participate in innovation and wealth creation within every sector of the economy. Millions of people already join forces in self-organized collaborations that produce dynamic new goods and services that rival those of the world's best-financed enterprises" Source: Wikinomics, How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything by Don Tascott and Anthony D. Williams
Think large scale collaboration or mass collaboration. This is a success principle we, as internet marketers, should pay more attention to and take advantage of. Of course, we share information on forums such as this warrior forum and we participate in one on one joint ventures. However, on the average, we generally focus on what we can do individually through article marketing, SEO, adwords, PPC and a maze of other options. But, rarely do we think of how we can collaborate with other internet marketers or other professionals to create new value on a large scale and, thereby grow our business exponentially.

In fact, in the evolving global information age, even wage earners should be looking into how they can use the internet and self-organized collaborations part time or spare to improve their income and standard of living standard of living. Think about it.With cell phones, smart phones, ipads and popular internet applications such as Twitter and Facebook, society is more connected than ever. However, the majority of this well connected society is still living paycheck to paycheck with little to no savings or real assets. Why is this? Shouldn't information technology help people improve their standard of living?

Information technology can only translate into individual financial empowerment and wealth for the masses when the masses learn how to use new information technology and connective tools to interact and collaborate professionally with each other outside of the bounds of traditional employment and in ways that is financially empowering to all participating individuals. This is why COLLABORATE, COLLABORATE and COLLABORATE is a new 21st century success principle.

Just revisit Napoleon Hill's definition of a mastermind: "the coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose." "No individual may have great power without availing himself of the "Master Mind." The internet and all of the new internet appliances (i.e. smart phones, iPads, etc) and forums makes it easier and easier to form mastermind alliances and collaborate.

A Simple Example #1:
Look for ways you can pool resources with say, 10 or more people, to form larger, more value added alliances. For example, what if 10 internet marketers, each earning, say 6,000/month, decide to allocate $1,500/month into a partnership fund. This simple alliance will create a fund which is funded at 15,000/month month after month. Within 6 short months, they will have $90,000 in that fund. With a little imagination and internet marketing know how, those 10 internet marketers could be millionaires in no time. This would be especially valuable if you know of a proven internet marketing strategy that works extremely well when well funded.

A Simple Example #2
If dealing with money and partnerships scares you, then there are less intimidating ways to collaborate in financially empowering ways such as forming or joining a crowdsourcing support club. This is where you can collaborate with other internet marketers to add a value to existing crowdsourcing platforms and grow your clients and/or support your existing clients.

For example, crowdsourcing is where aspiring entrepreneurs post a fundraising project at a crowdsourcing platform such as Rockethub. Once posted, other individuals can review their post and decide whether or not they want to support it. Generally, in return for funds, the fundraiser offer their funders some type of special deal or gift linked to the product, service or purpose of your project. There are no complex partnerships or profit sharing involved.

The biggest drawback with crowdsourcing is that, although the fundraising project is listed on the crowdsourcing platform, no one will find the project among thousands of others unless the the fundraiser actively promote their project within their own social network or word of mouth. Generally, if the fundraiser can use their social network to drive the initial visitors to their crowdsourcing project page, they will "bump up" their project page in the listing where it can be seen by others at the crowdsourcing platform. This could be a disadvantage if the fundraiser is not an active social networker.

This is where the crowd funding support club adds value. Consider the following scenario:

  • You and 100 other internet marketers set-up as affiliates for a B2b product that's useful to start-ups.
  • Simultaneously, you and your internet marketers partners form a crowdsourcing support club with the expressed purpose of using your list and social network to promote the crowdsourcing funding page of those entrepreneurs who purchase your B2b product or service;
  • Then, you setup an internet marketing campaign showing aspiring entrepreneurs how they can join your club and raise funds for their business without going into debt or sharing profits. To join, all they do is purchase the recommended B2b product or services from you or one of your internet marketing partners, which, if you choose the product properly, would be a useful product that can help them market or grow their business.

Crude example, but you get the basic gist, which is to use collaboration to add new value, either to existing platforms or to create new ones and, in return, you grow and expand your internet marketing business.

Hopefully, this will get your mental juices flowing. Once you solidify your collaboration idea, you can use this warrior forum or others forums to locate potential collaborators.

#21st #century #principle #success

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