Productivity/Motivation Lesson and Exercise 1.

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Productivity/Motivation Lesson and Exercise 1.

Hi everyone. I've noticed quite a lot of people say they struggle with procrastination/motivation/action etc.

So, I thought I would post some exercises/ideas for people on here. This is also what I'm validating as a business, so...2 birds, 1 stone etc.

The most common advice is 'do one little bit at a time, just a bit, to build momentum etc etc.' The principle is solid, but there are two problems with it:

1) The biggest problem that is faced is going from inaction to action (once you're there, doing stuff is actually quite easy);

2) most problems or things that we need to get done often can't get solved by one little bit. What is needed most of the time is 10x the action and momentum to get past the blocks and barriers we have.

To give my favourite illustration: if you went to the gym everyday and curled one bicep curl. when would you get big muscles? The answer is: NEVER!!! You need to do enough to overwhelm the muscle and force the change through. Intelligent force is the answer to most problems.

If we think about what we have done to build our businesses, learn a skill, whatever, the tangible amount of action we have taken could probably have been done in a tiny fraction of the time.

Many of our failures in life are, at the root, caused by not enough action in a short enough space of time. It's kind of the principle of this program. Do enough to validate within 48 hours, and by the end it's either a failure or a success. Make sense?

So, here's the first lesson in this series: Most failures in life aren't really caused by obstacles or barriers. The real cause is usually an inadequate magnitude of action, OR....a weak Ideal Scene.

By Ideal Scene, I don't just mean a desired goal, and I don't just mean an intention. An Ideal Scene is a SPECIFIC ideal of how you want things to look. Now, if this sounds too simple, please stick with me here:

Having a clear Ideal Scene does two things: 1) It is a very useful diagnostic tool. It allows you to recognise where your reality is different from the Ideal Scene, and gives you a framework to diagnose and fix previously hidden sticking points (this is a more advanced lesson. but it is one of the most powerful tools I have) and,

2) a true Ideal Scene will COMPEL you into TAKING ACTION!!!

An Ideal of how you want things to look, and seeing where your current reality is different, will naturally shift your brain into action mode to morph reality into your Ideal.

Momentum building comes into it (that's the next lesson coming up and I'll cover how-to in detail) but it's momentum building into MASSIVE action. And it won't work without an Ideal Scene.

To illustrate my point with the exercise: Pick an area of your life you are unhappy with. Got it?

Now, get clear and specific on how you want it to look. Get an Ideal Scene that gets your pulse racing and your mouth watering. Done?

Now, notice in what way your current reality differs from that Ideal Scene, and...notice that the departure from it is what causes the dissatisfaction.

See that? That variation between the two is the key to overcoming all these motivation/procrastination blocks and doing far more than you previously have.

It starts with the Ideal Scene. Post any realisations/comments/questions here, and I'll post up the next lesson soon. It'll involve creating Ideal Scenes, and building momentum into the action you take. Exciting stuff, I promise!!!

Also, if you like this and want to sign up to my HTMYFD email list for my ebook, please do below, and I'll email you when it's ready! (I will redo the page, but it's fine for now)

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