The best Tony Robbins book ever

16 replies
Tony Robbins has written several books and this one is by far the best one. “In fact, if you read this one you wouldn’t need to read any of his others.” Was what was told to me several years ago when I first read it. Not that you wouldn’t want too read his other works, it’s just that he wrote this one as a be all, end all – simple and direct. Let me explain. People were complaining that his books were far too long – 1200 pages in some cases. Not that they aren’t valuable and enjoyable to read – mind you. It’s just that people don’t have the time to read that much. So he gathered his works together and came up with this concise 100 page volume that contains all of his important points, the essence of all of his books. I first read it years ago and then promptly lost the link to it. I’ve been searching for it ever since and I believe this is it.

Here it is just in time for the hottest shopping day of the year. (no charge)
Happy Black Friday

Toby Jensen
Master Life Coach

Here's a better link:
#book #robbins #tony
  • Profile picture of the author charbrown
    Thanks Toby,

    I appreciate you posting this free offer. I read this book back in the early 90s and it changed my life.

    My copy of it is filled with highlighting, notes I've written in margins, post it notes with more notes, and I even got some of those sticky tabs to bookmark important sections.

    Unfortunately, a lot of books in the self help field contain lots of fluff. A good one is 50/50 meat to fluff, but This book by Tony is 100% meat.

    Good job letting the forum know about how to get their hands on a free copy.
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    • Profile picture of the author aleksbogata
      Originally Posted by charbrown View Post

      Thanks Toby,

      I appreciate you posting this free offer. I read this book back in the early 90s and it changed my life.
      I literally downloaded the audiobook of this last night. Am even more excited to listen to it now after all the reviews.

      Who's your favourite coach/mentor: Alex Jeffreys -v- Kenster -v- Stuart Ross?

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      • Profile picture of the author mikehuff
        Originally Posted by aleksbogata View Post

        I literally downloaded the audiobook of this last night. Am even more excited to listen to it now after all the reviews.

        Audio is the way to go. It's funny, I've gone from going nowhere without my music to going nowhere without my ipod loaded with IM interviews and training. Highly recommend this approach to anybody.
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  • Hi Toby, such a good and useful thread post. Yippee. My wife is a life coach in southern Oregon and also facilitates the work of Byron Katie.

    I have forwarded your link to her because I know she gets so much new material from Tony Robbins. She will be delighted and I will offer you her thanks in advance. And I want to Thank you for being a true helpful Warrior. We will utilize your original knowledge of this work and your extra effort to bring it back into this domain. How good is that?


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  • Profile picture of the author tobyjensen
    Pretty awesome, How good is that!

    And Byron Katie's work with the four questions is another excellent starting point. Your wife may also be interested in the work I do as well.

    Byron Katie - (my analysis)
    my reverse questions I wrote (in my notebook?)
    Specialized or oversimplified “methods” to solving “all” problems
    Popular due to simplicity ((the truth (or the gospel) MUST by pure and simple))
    Works because of intention
    Easy answers (see examples of popular lists of steps on Oprah’s web page)
    Forcing it to work under any and all conditions (the holocaust)
    sticking to your philosophy to make the rest of the world fit into it.

    It can often be a good starting point for people though.
    She started talking about the same things as the great minds in spirituality after her event
    She found the present moment, with her two fighting sons

    Ability to focus on putting more positive emotion into being healthy
    Focus on the positive through some emotional work from negative feelings
    If you’re not specifically doing this consciously then you might miss it
    Or the trap of forcing positive emotions on top of the negative ones, overwriting

    Since it’s overly simplistic and so specialized she did what I have often seen people do and that is force it to work under all circumstances. Instead of realizing it shouldn’t be used in certain places she forced it to fit and the result was a nightmare. She used the four questions to erase the holocaust. And what if the four questions were used on religion, faith, or wholesome desires? So that’s why I wrote the reverse of the questions to be used when you want to keep something. And it’s also important to know when to use each one because one affirms something and the other erases it. Then, you also often get things that you have to differentiate between. Or in other words you have to sort out from one thing parts that you want to keep and parts that are considered negative. This is a whole new level of defining yourself. This level isn’t even considered as part of the work. It is the ability to keep developing that is ALSO part of the work.

    What is real?
    How do you know anything is real?
    Analyzing to death
    Can lead to existentialism – transcending everything including happiness

    I studied many other methodologies and personal development experts as well. All the top people plus many others. Nobody could explain an exact system to produce change with a high success rate, let alone what to do when their method doesn’t work. So I had to figure it out myself. Let me know if you want to know about any other methodologies out there.

    Toby Jensen - Invest in what works this time

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    • Profile picture of the author Joe Mobley
      From another thread...

      Originally Posted by Joe Mobley View Post

      The 4 questions of Byron Katie.

      Dharma Pt7 Byron Katie Excerpts "Open Your Heart" - YouTube

      Be aware that your life is about to change.
      I do recommend Byron Katie's work regarding her 4 Questions.

      Originally Posted by tobyjensen View Post

      And Byron Katie's work with the four questions is another excellent starting point.
      Joe Mobley


      Follow Me on Twitter: @daVinciJoe
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  • Profile picture of the author wayneh
    Thanks Toby. I too read Awaken The Giant book in the 90s (more than once). It had a big impact on how I looked at the world and how to respond.
    This looks a great shorter version of the book. I'm going to enjoy reading through it.
    CLICK HERE for techniques and reviews of affiliate marketing training
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  • Thanks for the share! Tony Robbins changed my life. I have been to 4 of his events, I recommend everyone gets to his events if possible.
    Dallas Niche Specific PR 4 Links:
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  • Profile picture of the author Statcode
    So glad it's an ebook - now I can transfer it to my kindle.
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  • Profile picture of the author ThomasOwen
    Thanks for sharing! Not read this one but will be doing so soon!
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  • Profile picture of the author lizh7
    Thanks for reminding me about Tony Robbins - I have dug out is book from the shelf and am reminding myself just how wonderful I am!
    Best of luck with your reading
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  • Profile picture of the author tobyjensen
    I found it very refreshingly concise. Often times "philosophers" talk way too much. Just get the point - glad he did.

    Toby Jensen - Invest in what works this time

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  • Profile picture of the author AlyseS
    Thanks for the great share. I'm using December to prep and plan for 2014, and I'm in the process of creating my book list for next year. This will definitely be on it. Thanks again.
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  • Profile picture of the author nicosuccess
    Thank's for the share.

    Don't forget to also check out YouTube for Tony's gems. There are A LOT of great videos out there!
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