6 Steps To Becoming Wealthy

14 replies
Many people strive for wealth and fail, but failure does not mean they will not reach their goal. Many people in history failed but kept trying until they were successful.

Recently, I was reading the book "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. He describes the mind set of one who desires riches. The desire for riches is a mindset followed by a plan of action, then backing up those plans with persistence which does not recognize failure.

He describes a method, consisting of 6 steps on how to achieve your goal.

First, Be definite as to the amount of riches you want to achieve.

Second, Determine exactly what you intend to give in return for the money you desire. In reality there is no such thing as "something for nothing".

Third, Establish a definite date when you intend to possess the money you desire.

Fourth, create a plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once, by putting your plan in to action. Don't wait till you have everything in order. Take action now!

Fifth, write out a clear concise statement of the amount of money you intend to acquire an write out a clear plan of action.

Sixth, read your written statement aloud twice daily. As you read it feel it, and believe that you are already in possession of the money.

You must realize that all who have accumulated great wealth did so by dreaming, hoping, wishing and planning.

Start today, making your dreams come true.

Hope this is helpful..
#steps #wealthy
  • Profile picture of the author bigbenre
    Thank you for a great reminder of Napoleon Hills famous lessons. This book was one of the first books on success i read many years ago. Nice Throwback!

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  • Profile picture of the author joesfortune
    I don't want to be a sour sport, but are you rich already?

    Joseph M. Dabon
    Blogger and freelance writer. I belong to Ezine's Expert Author, Diamond, level. Visit me at

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    • Profile picture of the author Fern Sherrell
      Thanks Bigbenre, for the comment, yes I think Napoleon Hill helps to keep people motivated in order to accomplish their goals..
      Joesfortune, I'm not sure what your definition of rich is, but I do make a six figure yearly income, hopefully you'll reach your goal of wealth. Stay motivated and stick with your plan of action..
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      • Profile picture of the author Adam Short
        I really like Napoleon Hill's work. I would add to this list...

        Find a mentor who can help you cut your learning curve and avoid making common mistakes. You can accelerate your learning process and make money sooner if you gain support from those who have already gone through the process.
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        • Profile picture of the author Austorium
          these steps are so making sense..NICE POST!
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  • Profile picture of the author MelvinP
    These steps are really great. Thanks for reminding "Think and Grow Rich" is really a great book by Napoleon Hill.
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  • Profile picture of the author digitalceo95
    Originally Posted by Fern Sherrell View Post

    Many people strive for wealth and fail, but failure does not mean they will not reach their goal. Many people in history failed but kept trying until they were successful.

    Recently, I was reading the book "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. He describes the mind set of one who desires riches. The desire for riches is a mindset followed by a plan of action, then backing up those plans with persistence which does not recognize failure.

    He describes a method, consisting of 6 steps on how to achieve your goal.

    First, Be definite as to the amount of riches you want to achieve.

    Second, Determine exactly what you intend to give in return for the money you desire. In reality there is no such thing as "something for nothing".

    Third, Establish a definite date when you intend to possess the money you desire.

    Fourth, create a plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once, by putting your plan in to action. Don't wait till you have everything in order. Take action now!

    Fifth, write out a clear concise statement of the amount of money you intend to acquire an write out a clear plan of action.

    Sixth, read your written statement aloud twice daily. As you read it feel it, and believe that you are already in possession of the money.

    You must realize that all who have accumulated great wealth did so by dreaming, hoping, wishing and planning.

    Start today, making your dreams come true.

    Hope this is helpful..
    Thanks for the "condensed" version. Think I will search for my copy and re-read it.
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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8771390].message }}
  • Yes Fern, thank you for the reminder. It is never outdated to include such excerpts from the masters. We are fortunate to be able to draw inspiration from them.

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    • Profile picture of the author Fern Sherrell
      Thanks to all, this was the first time I have read this book. I think so many times we quit or give up on our dreams way to soon.
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  • Profile picture of the author RuthStewart
    That does remind me to read the book again. I couldn't remember a quote from it properly the other day. It's always a good one to re-read. Thanks very much!

    Best wishes,

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  • Profile picture of the author ThomasOMalley
    If you want to expand on Napoleon Hill's formula, I highly recommend you read and implement the strategies in Marc Allen's book called The Millionaire Course.


    Thomas O'Malley
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  • Profile picture of the author dave147
    There are more than 6 steps but TGR is a great place to start

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  • Profile picture of the author eldib3
    The Law of Attraction .
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