I Find It Difficult Concentrating

7 replies
Guys, I got some serious problems. I find it very difficult concentrating on my online activities. Most times I work without a schedule, but that really gets me no where. When I draw up a work time table, no sooner would I fire up my computer than I get distracted by God knows what. This still gets me no where.

The day goes by and nothing gets accomplished. Tomorrow same routine. And the next day. And the next day.

I want to ask, how can I get myself to concentrate and stop looking for easier routes? How can I get to build up my mind to be disciplined enough to only WORK when I'm supposed to be working?

You know I think the problem is with my mind. It's not about being confused about what to do or how to go about my tasks. I know everything I'm supposed to do to accomplish certain tasks. But to sit down, concentrate, create a project, start it and see it through, is always an uphill task. Please I need help.
#can't concentrate #concentrating #difficult #find #how to stay organised #internet marketing help #mind screwed up #need help
  • Profile picture of the author RichBeck
    Originally Posted by Aniblow View Post

    Guys, I got some serious problems. I find it very difficult concentrating on my online activities. Most times I work without a schedule, but that really gets me no where. When I draw up a work time table, no sooner would I fire up my computer than I get distracted by God knows what. This still gets me no where.

    The day goes by and nothing gets accomplished. Tomorrow same routine. And the next day. And the next day.

    I want to ask, how can I get myself to concentrate and stop looking for easier routes? How can I get to build up my mind to be disciplined enough to only WORK when I'm supposed to be working?

    You know I think the problem is with my mind. It's not about being confused about what to do or how to go about my tasks. I know everything I'm supposed to do to accomplish certain tasks. But to sit down, concentrate, create a project, start it and see it through, is always an uphill task. Please I need help.

    I've encountered this issue in the past. Here's what has helped me the most:

    1. Go into my e-mail box and unsubscribe from every e-mail list I can find.

    2. As new e-mails come in, unsubscribe.

    3. Every night, write out a list of tasks in order of priority for the next day.

    4. Get up and head straight away toward task #1.

    5. Continue on through my task list.

    6. Avoid the temptation to check e-mail, Facebook, Warrior Forum or any other "distracting" web site.

    7. At the end of the day, take an inventory of what was completed.

    8. Create a "new list" for the following day.

    These are probably what you have in mind already...

    Another thing I like to do is reward my self for getting tasks accomplished... It could be something as simple as watching a movie on Netflix... or even an ice cream cone...

    What can I say? I'm a "big" kid.

    I would also look for an "Accountability Partner" to keep you on track and encourage you.

    I hope you found some of this helpful.

    All The Best,

    Rich Beck BCIP, MCSD, MCIS
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  • Profile picture of the author Shaf5280
    I ask myself if what I am doing at that moment is a revenue making activity and in line with my end goal. If not I put it down, shut it off, click "close" and get back on track. To reward my self discipline I schedule a time at night were I will do time-sucking distracting things but only for the 45 minutes that are set aside for it.
    I suppose the first step is realizing you lose concentration at time and then practice disciplined action to retrain your habit into a positive.
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    • Profile picture of the author Aniblow
      I ask myself this question too when my mind wonders, but most times I hardly answer myself. I'll give the 'wandering time' a try. Thank you too. I'll copy off these suggestions to a sticky note and work on them. Many thanx!
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  • Profile picture of the author Aniblow
    RichBeck, Thank you for your help. Yes, like you said, I do some of those except take a proper inventory at the end of the day and re-make my list for the new day. All your tips seem very helpful and worth trying. I'll give them a go. Thanx!
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  • Profile picture of the author duplication
    The first 3 things. Dont look at your email. Second thing turn the phone off. Find a list building sale funnel and work on it for 1 week then advertise it.
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    • Hi Aniblow, It looks like you have discovered, after much pain, how to begin digging yourself out of the hole you found yourself in by writing the thread you wrote. How on earth did you ever bring yourself to write that thread? The way you did that is the way you will work your way into the success you crave. Best of luck. It looks like you are on your way.

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  • Profile picture of the author bnorton2010
    3 things that help me focus:

    1. Download an app that blocks websites on your computer. There are free ones that let you block any sites for a set amount of time. Not being able to check email, facebook, youtube, etc will force you to get down to work.

    2. Switch up the environment that you work in if possible. Either work some place else like the library or the park or something, or rearrange your work space so that it looks much different. Familiarity can kill productivity because your mind gets trapped in a routine cycle.

    3. Make a daily to do list of at least 3 small things that you are going to get done. Make them easy to complete. You will find that when you check the tasks off your list every day, you get a burst of motivation that makes you want to do more. You will start wanting to add more to your list and your productivity will increase over time.
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