Do you know your total net worth? If not, then you should! (Easy guide)

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Add all your total assets which can include:

Cash on hand
Currency in the bank
Mutual funds
Retirement accounts (401(k), IRAs, SEPs
Value of residence or real estate properties
Art, collectibles, jewelry, and furnishings, even electronics
Other valuables

And subtract this total number from your total debts and liabilities which may include:

Home equity loan
Student loan
Credit card loan
Other debts

Assets - Liabilities = Net Worth

When I was doing this last month I even counted the change I have in my car

"The true measure of wealth is net worth, not working income. To build net worth, you need to increase your income, your savings, and your investment returns...and decrease your cost of living by simplifying your lifestyle." - T. Harv Eker
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