by RoiRaw
29 replies
Did you know that your attitude can hinder your success? Its true! If you have a negative outlook or are generally pessimistic, your success will reflect it. Do something simple to help yourself today, change that negative outlook to a positive and see the results for yourself.
  • Profile picture of the author Igor Kheifets
    Hey RoiRaw,

    you are definitely right.

    It is just like if you are coming from a place
    of lack, you will keep receiving exactly what you
    are vibrating.

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  • Profile picture of the author Project-Octagon
    Re: Your Atittude:

    I MOST DEFINATELY agree with this! My buddy was having relationship problems then lost his job, went backwards in his competitve training of running races and swims, then lost his girlfriend anyways. He healed up emotionally and now you can't stop him.
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  • Profile picture of the author RoiRaw
    I'm glad so many agree. I find that if I wake up in a pathetic mood, my day is horrible as well. I know there has been research on this topic I but I've never followed it up because it is my belief as well. I do not need convincing. Have a prosperous night!
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  • Profile picture of the author Project-Octagon
    Not to carry on but it seems also that there is some kind of bad stigma that stays with you and everyone can pick up on it if you are in a bad mood. Low confidence can been seen as well as felt also.
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  • Profile picture of the author clubvikram
    Completely agree that our attitude determines our altitude.But can any body post some good quotes on advantages of keeping a good attitude?Does any body know how to develop a good and positive attitude and maintain it especially during the time of adversities?
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  • Profile picture of the author redfc
    heard of NLP?

    it helps, our mind can be programmed, this means one must know one inner self first then you can start to program yourself to a positive mind set.

    I single out this fact as the utmost important for one to make it in Internet Marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Fernando Veloso
    A few months ago i decided not to hang out with a friend of mine cause he's a damn negative guy. Always messing with my nerves.

    Last time we talked face to face i almost smack him He can be really negative, looks like a old fisherman, always being negative about everything:

    Its sunny! ahhh i hate the sun... bla bla bla
    Its raining! ahhhh i hate the rain.. bla bla bla

    Jesus! he's a good friend, but he needs to get back to tai chi
    People make good money selling to the rich. But the rich got rich selling to the masses.
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  • Profile picture of the author phiROSSophy
    Self-fulfilling prophecy, placebo effect.. all of these have credence! I agee with you!
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  • Profile picture of the author stonerpreneur
    Doesn't take a wizard to figure this one out. But really, thanks, buddy. Your wisdom is unprecedented.

    Lol I'm just messin' around.
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  • Profile picture of the author webmatic
    I believe that your attitude is the only thing that rocks but if you use it at the right time and the right place as well. Over attitude is also not good sometimes and i can ruin your success
    I am myself sometime pesimist as i believe that the best thing comes when you least expect them to :p but at time i am optimist as well so it depends on situation
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    • Profile picture of the author danyray
      Here is further proof that your success is 100 per cent about attitude: If A = 1 per cent, B = 2 per cent, C = 3 per cent and so on, what do the letters in "attitude" equal? (100 per cent ... add it up!)
      (Answer: A = 1 per cent T = 20 per cent T = 20 per cent I = 9 per cent T = 20 per cent U = 21 per cent D = 4 per cent E = 5 per cent. Total = 100 per cent).

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      • Profile picture of the author MovingAhead
        "he needs to get back to tai chi"

        Yup, it's hard to be negative when you practice Tai Chi on a regular basis.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kelpsi Media
    A well said point. That is why i always keep my attitude high. Never let down yourself by your attitude.
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    • Profile picture of the author Bigpicture
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      • Profile picture of the author ConcordeWarrior
        Be positive even in the most difficult times.

        Life is short. Everything is temporary.

        Keep it up... not down! :-)
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  • Try to remove yourself from the negative people around you, and associate with more positive people - your life & outlook will change dramatically.
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  • Profile picture of the author itsurfers
    interesting posts.

    Do you want to increase your twitter followers? More followers means more $$$
    How to make $2475 by sending 100 visitors to this site.

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  • Profile picture of the author hire_us
    I totally agree...
    Attitude does define Altitude....
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  • Profile picture of the author moodykitty
    pay attention to your thoughts too.... you know how your mind wanders and you're not really thinking about what you're thinking? one thought leads to another and pretty soon you're in a bad mood because you let your mind drift into some negative thinking. It's something you have to keep in check all the time.

    Also, be careful of what you watch or listen to. What are you watching on tv? video games? what kind of music are you listening to? It all has an effect on us whether we want to believe it does or not.

    I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is.
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  • Profile picture of the author eienblue
    Never look down on your self and do everything with your best no matter what is the result
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    • Profile picture of the author dsanchez
      Great thread and great posts.

      Our attitude is definitely VERY important. I have been around both negative and positive people and I absolutely not like the negative ones.

      Also, moody people, who you never know what mood they'll be in--very difficult.

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  • Profile picture of the author shatner
    Originally Posted by RoiRaw View Post

    Did you know that your attitude can hinder your success? Its true! If you have a negative outlook or are generally pessimistic, your success will reflect it. Do something simple to help yourself today, change that negative outlook to a positive and see the results for yourself.
    i agree, your actions will reflects on how you think.
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    • Profile picture of the author Richard Essi
      In Dr. Maxwell's book Psychocybernetics, which is an excellent book by the way, he describes some incredible scientific experiments, that prove beyond the shadow of ANY doubt, that the attitude of human beings (positive or negative) can have physical and circumstancial unimaginable ramifications!

      One thing I am slowly finding out is that, if you anticipate tomorrow while looking at today in your present situation, then your tomorrow will definitely be based on your present.

      Attitude will indeed determine your altitude
      Confused? Frustrated? Overwhelmed? And Tired? Let's Talk...
      How To Think And Become A Successful Webpreneur"By Richard Essi

      Just remember, you can do anything you set your mind to, but it takes action, perseverance, and facing your fears.

      --Gillian Anderson
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  • Profile picture of the author Geoff Carter
    Attitude is the combination of:

    Your thoughts,
    Your feelings, and
    Your actions

    Let me add more...

    Your thoughts cause vibrations (or feelings) in the body
    Your body responds and takes action.
    The action produces a result (or a reaction)

    If the results you are getting are not the ones you desire,
    you simply need to change what you are thinking about.

    New thoughts will cause new feelings.... and so on...

    So, it's absolutely vital to be careful what you're thinking about.

    If you desire success, start by thinking about success...

    Goal achievers know how to think. This doesn't mean they get it
    right first time - of course not. But they know how to handle the
    situation they find themselves in; they start to think new thoughts;
    and so the process starts again...

    This is a massive subject, but this is the thrust of what success is about;
    assuming that's what you want to focus upon... if you want to focus on
    something else that's less positive, the same is true.

    I hope this helps...

    Geoff Carter
    Business Success Consultant
    Go to:
    Success Not Stress

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  • Great post. Your attitude determines your altitude. It is said that when a pilot is about to land a plane one of the things he considers is that attitude of the plane, that is the horizontal relationship with runway when they land. It is critical for the attitude of the plane to be properly aligned otherwise it will make contact with ground at the wrong angle resulting in a crash. In other words if your attitude is negative the chances of landing without crashing is slim. So be careful you do not crash land your life.
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  • Profile picture of the author acedalright
    Originally Posted by RoiRaw View Post

    Did you know that your attitude can hinder your success? Its true! If you have a negative outlook or are generally pessimistic, your success will reflect it. Do something simple to help yourself today, change that negative outlook to a positive and see the results for yourself.
    Absolutely positively I agree!

    How many people with really negative attitudes have misery all around them?

    Those are the people I run from, after all who wants them in their lives?
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  • Profile picture of the author StevenK
    A positive attitude is esential for happiness and success. A negative attitude is dangerous and may lead to depression.
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  • Profile picture of the author Drew_MX
    Good basic point
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  • Profile picture of the author netalab
    I definitely agree! Positive outlook = Positive outcome!
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  • Profile picture of the author Dankova
    Attitude Drives Behavior
    Your body language is a result of your mental attitude. By choosing your attitude you get in that mood and send out a message that everyone understands, consciously or unconsciously.
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