You can move mountains!

by Zodiax
7 replies
Yes, it is true. You can move mountains.

Mt. Everest, one of the largest mountains on the face of this planet weighs a staggering 357 trillion pounds.

Forget everything you were taught about physics, I am telling you that it's possible.

You only need one thing to move a mountain, and its not physical strength.

Its courage.

If you have courage, moving mountains will be as easy as blowing a piece of paper.

Courage is a human characteristic that can enable one to accomplish inhumane feats, and conquer obstacles insurmountable to the typical man.

Look at every legend in human history. They all have the same thing in common, courage.

Each of those legends, despite being human, used courage to break pass all of their barriers and eventually do things that were seemingly impossible.

In other words, they made a quantum leap to greatness.

Yes.. courage is what separates the average people, from the great people.

Courage is the activation of one's full potential. It is the overdrive switch that is in each and every one of us.

Courage makes the talented and and privileged of our world stare in awe.

Courage is the ability to look fear square in its face, and shove it to the curb.

It shatters mental and emotional illusions, and brightly illuminates a pathway to accomplishment.

It is not only a fact that you can move mountains with courage, but its also a fact that you are lying to yourself.

Yes, each time you tell yourself you can't do something, you are telling a lie.

You are not acting with courage. You are holding back.

In each instance when you don't act with courage, you are deliberately choosing to use a fraction of your power.

And each time you operate at less than your full potential... you prevent yourself from becoming great.

Look at this guy:

Have you heard of him?

He is Les Brown, renowned motivational speaker and author.

He is also able to move mountains.

These are some of his credentials:

-Stopped education after High School

-Was labeled "educable mentally retarded" in school.

-Was raised by a foster parent with 6 other children.

-Was raised by a parent who only had a 3rd grade education.

-Slept in a Janitor's closet when homeless.

If you were to look at these credentials, would you think that les brown would run a seven figure business?

You probably wouldn't, but that doesn't matter.

What mattered is that he believed that he could do it. He took courageous steps to make his vision a reality.

He didn't listen to the voices inside of his head that told him he wouldn't amount to anything.

He didn't listen to the voices inside of his head that told him to give up.

He didn't back down from fear.

He didn't even push pass fear.

He tackled fear, like a professional quarterback.

He turned himself from average, to great.

He earned his place among the champions.

So, ask yourself this question. What are your mountains, and why haven't you moved them yet?
#mountains #move

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