5 replies
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Hey All,

A few weeks back I saw someone on WaFo that largely jacked a sales letter that I'd written (and had subsequently been profitable), and I got pretty upset about it.

Afterwards, I came straight to this section of the forum and suggested that the forum mods might have been complicit, which offended a lot of people.

Since I had a moment of free time, I wanted to come back and genuinely apologize for doing that. As a relatively new member of WaFo, the least I could have done was investigate how the forum works a bit better to determine if the guy could have done it without a mod's help. Needless to say, people here were upset and took the side of the WaFo mods.

I'm genuinely sorry for my hasty accusations and I hope you guys will give me a second chance after that first outburst. Its definitely not my style, and I'm quite confident you won't see anything like it from me again.

To the mods here, I just want to give you kudos, because you must have done something really right to have created an a community that will stand up for you so adamantly and give you the benefit of the doubt. I know its hard to earn that kind of reputation and trust and I sincerely respect your accomplishments.

Hope I've cleared the air on this one.

Have a good night everyone,

  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    Well said, it takes a big man to admit he was wrong.
    I have to tell you the mods do an excellent job here,and I have been a member of this forum over 10 years.

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  • Profile picture of the author whateverpedia
    Well done sir, very big of you.

    Enjoy your stay here.
    Why do garden gnomes smell so bad?
    So that blind people can hate them as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lazy
    Good on you for having the courage to say you're sorry.
    WARRIORS ONLY: Get up to 100,000 verified high PR backlinks as soon as tomorrow! RAVE REVIEWS!

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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    I think you'll find most people here are very forgiving and willing to move on. Moving on now...

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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  • Profile picture of the author Patrician
    Alejandro - yes it was gnarly of you to 'vent' here and make accusations.

    thank you for the apology.

    guess what? i am giggling because i so can relate to what i like to call 'when i get to the top of my eyebrows' - (just before i blow my top) and go off on someone - usually not the perpetrator. absolutely volcanic.

    i am working on that hello getting on my last nerve TACT.

    It's one of the good things that come with age - you keep on developing your personality as you go -- (as in 'aged' wine) and we mellow with age or so they say, please help me God.

    i guess we are only human after all...

    Zipping the Lip,

    Sheeza Radical
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