For the love of God People, Post Your Location!

48 replies
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Why? Because I am far more apt to forgive your piss poor spelling and grammar if I can see that you're from an Non-English speaking country and not just some yahoo with a second grade education.


P.S. That's not to say that I will 'always' forgive your ignorance on the excuse that English isn't your first language. If I see the words "don't got no money to pay," twice in one long ass run-on sentence, I don't care if Swahili is your first language, I'm chalking you up to being an idiot.

[Edit] After writing this I realized that my location shows as 'inside my own head', so I'll amend and say 'If English isn't your first language and your spelling and grammar does suck, then for God's sake tell me where you're from." [/Edit]
#god #location #love #people #post
  • Profile picture of the author Bill_Z
    Oh hai Dani, iz from new jer-z but gettin crazy n s*** up in Cyprus nao!
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  • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
    Originally Posted by DanielleS View Post

    For the love of God People, Post Your Location!
    You've done a fine job practicing what you preach...

    "Location: Inside my own head"

    Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

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    • Profile picture of the author VanessaB
      I noticed that right after I made the post. I was editing the OP when you replied.

      The Recon Report
      Reliable Results, Predictable Profits
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      • Profile picture of the author warrenonline
        Originally Posted by DanielleS View Post

        I noticed that right after I made the post. I was editing the OP when you replied.

        ...Derp btw
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3282099].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Dan C. Rinnert
          Me iz so confuzed nows. Me gotz me dis big ol woodin post but me haz no idears wherez me shuld put it at my locashun cuz it wuld just be in my way.

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    • Profile picture of the author Rikki_Fawkes
      Originally Posted by E. Brian Rose View Post

      You've done a fine job practicing what you preach...

      "Location: Inside my own head"
      Ditto... must be everyone's location, wouldn't you think?

      Learn how you can get paid writing online with NO startup money! I will help you make part-time or full-time income as a freelance writer at No previous writing experience necessary!

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    • Profile picture of the author Colin Palfrey
      Originally Posted by E. Brian Rose View Post

      You've done a fine job practicing what you preach...

      "Location: Inside my own head"

      I assume your post was read, and then confused they looked up at their location. "What? Oh f...."

      I write articles and eBooks - PM me for details!
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  • Profile picture of the author bobsilber
    Originally Posted by DanielleS View Post

    Why? Because I am far more apt to forgive your piss poor spelling and grammar if I can see that you're from an Non-English speaking country and not just some yahoo with a second grade education.


    P.S. That's not to say that I will 'always' forgive your ignorance on the excuse that English isn't your first language. If I see the words "don't got no money to pay," twice in one long ass run-on sentence, I don't care if Swahili is your first language, I'm chalking you up to being an idiot.
    Not sure what country, your location, "Inside my own head" is in?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3282067].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author VegasGreg
    Originally Posted by DanielleS View Post

    Why? Because I am far more apt to forgive your piss poor spelling and grammar if I can see that you're from an Non-English speaking country and not just some yahoo with a second grade education.


    P.S. That's not to say that I will 'always' forgive your ignorance on the excuse that English isn't your first language. If I see the words "don't got no money to pay," twice in one long ass run-on sentence, I don't care if Swahili is your first language, I'm chalking you up to being an idiot.

    [Edit] After writing this I realized that my location shows as 'inside my own head', so I'll amend and say 'If English isn't your first language and your spelling and grammar does suck, then for God's sake tell me where you're from." [/Edit]
    Coming from someone who doesn't post her own location.


    Greg Schueler - Wordpress Fanatic... Living The Offline Marketing Dream...

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  • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
    Originally Posted by DanielleS View Post

    [Edit] After writing this I realized that my location shows as 'inside my own head', so I'll amend and say 'If English isn't your first language and your spelling and grammar does suck, then for God's sake tell me where you're from." [/Edit]
    I live down south. Most people here have no idea that their grammar and spelling suck, so this wouldn't apply to the unknowing, I guess.

    By the way, did I put commas in all the right places?

    Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

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    • Profile picture of the author Mike Hlatky
      Originally Posted by E. Brian Rose View Post

      I live down south. Most people here have no idea that there grammar and spelling suck, so this wouldn't apply to the unknowing, I guess.

      By the way, did I put commas in all the right places?
      their* :p

      But, since you are from the south, it is understandable that your grammar isn't perfect.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3282091].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
        Originally Posted by Mike Hlatky View Post

        their* :p

        But, since you are from the south, it is understandable that your grammar isn't perfect.
        Ya ya ya. It's fixed. Thanks for quoting me so that my error lives on forever.

        I'm not from the South, by the way. I just live down here because it makes me feel smart.

        Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3282131].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author TrekkieGrrrl
          Originally Posted by E. Brian Rose View Post

          I'm not from the South, by the way. I just live down here because it makes me feel smart.
          Okay, I did LOL at that.

          Hab SoSlI' Quch!
          YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary LLaP = Live Long and Prosper
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        • Profile picture of the author VanessaB
          Originally Posted by E. Brian Rose View Post

          Ya ya ya. It's fixed. Thanks for quoting me so that my error lives on forever.

          I'm not from the South, by the way. I just live down here because it makes me feel smart.
          Thanks EBR. Now I have a great reason to move to Mexico. I will move there because it will make me feel rich.

          The Recon Report
          Reliable Results, Predictable Profits
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        • Profile picture of the author tpw
          Originally Posted by E. Brian Rose View Post

          I'm not from the South, by the way. I just live down here because it makes me feel smart.

          I am from the South, and it makes me feel smart too...

          I went to visit my aunt and uncle, in southern Oklahoma, when I was a kid...

          We went to her parents house, and they kept telling us all day that they were going to take us fishing "at the tank"...

          For hours, I kept imagining that they were going to take us out to the "back 40" and there would be a giant water trough for the cows, and that they had stocked the silly thing with goldfish or some dumbtard thing...

          When they finally got around to taking us to "the tank" to go fishing, I realized that them southern Okie farmers have a strange way with words... In my part of Okieland, we call that a "pond"...
          Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
          Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3282176].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Dan C. Rinnert
            Originally Posted by tpw View Post

            When they finally got around to taking us to "the tank" to go fishing, I realized that them southern Okie farmers have a strange way with words... In my part of Okieland, we call that a "pond"...
            You left out the part where you had to ride on horseback, and we all want to know whether you got the horses to drink once you led them to the water.

            Dan's content is irregularly read by handfuls of people. Join the elite few by reading his blog:, following him on Twitter: or reading his fiction: but NOT by Clicking Here!

            Dan also writes content for hire, but you can't afford him anyway.
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            • Profile picture of the author tpw
              Originally Posted by Dan C. Rinnert View Post

              You left out the part where you had to ride on horseback, and we all want to know whether you got the horses to drink once you led them to the water.

              I have never been able to get a horse to drink, once I had led him to water...

              Horses hate me...

              I once did a horseback ride on the beach down at Galveston TX. The horse I was on kept stopping to eat grass.

              So the cowboy finally gave up on trying to get my horse to walk, so he traded horses with me....

              Once I was riding the cowboy's horse, that horse also kept stopping along the beach to eat grass...
              Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
              Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3282333].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Dan C. Rinnert
                Originally Posted by tpw View Post

                Once I was riding the cowboy's horse, that horse also kept stopping along the beach to eat grass...
                There is no response I can give in a public forum that won't be construed the wrong way.

                Dan's content is irregularly read by handfuls of people. Join the elite few by reading his blog:, following him on Twitter: or reading his fiction: but NOT by Clicking Here!

                Dan also writes content for hire, but you can't afford him anyway.
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              • Profile picture of the author DireStraits
                Originally Posted by tpw View Post

                I have never been able to get a horse to drink, once I had led him to water...

                This transatlantic language barrier is clearly a much more significant problem than most of us appreciate.

                In real English, this (above) is what we call a Donkey, Bill - not a horse. And therein lies the likely cause of your problems: Donkeys are a little more averse to water than horses, or so I hear.

                Lead your "Donkey" to water, and I'm sure your success-rate will increase tenfold. No need to split-test, here - just take my advice.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3282405].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Mike Hlatky
      Originally Posted by Terry Gorry View Post

      Yes, but you spelled "there" wrong

      No he didn't.

      He just used the wrong one.

      But, at least you posted your location, so it's more understandable.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3282109].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author warrenonline
    For the love of God, People, Post...

    "don't got no money to pay," - no comma

    piss-poor - compound adjective
    long-ass - ditto

    Just saying.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3282087].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author TrekkieGrrrl
      Note to self: If I ever post a rant on this forum, please make sure I am not doing the very thing I am ranting about - before posting my rant.

      Another note: If I ever get to the point where I think my forgiveness is a reason for an entire group of people to do something, please smack me.

      BTW, OP - how's that glass house you're living in?

      Hab SoSlI' Quch!
      YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary LLaP = Live Long and Prosper
      Please Donate To KimW - Warrior needs a kidney transplant
      Coming Soon - the Greatest WSO in History!

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      • Profile picture of the author oneplusone
        I come from an English speaking country: England.

        I don't know whether I should've used a colon or a comma above, so I "gambled" and used a colon.

        I usually play it safe and use a comma when I'm not sure, which is all the time.
        'If you hear a voice within you say "you cannot paint," then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.' Vincent Van Gogh.
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    • Profile picture of the author Rikki_Fawkes
      Originally Posted by waterprism View Post

      For the love of God, People, Post...

      "don't got no money to pay," - no comma

      piss-poor - compound adjective
      long-ass - ditto

      Just saying.

      I noticed those myself. Looks like the OP brought out the grammar Nazi in all of us.

      Learn how you can get paid writing online with NO startup money! I will help you make part-time or full-time income as a freelance writer at No previous writing experience necessary!

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      • Profile picture of the author myob
        I jest hope to God somehow I'll be forgived.
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  • Profile picture of the author tpw

    Very going point.

    I am much more forgiving of bad grammar and spelling when I look over at where someone is from and see that they come from a country where the native languages is not English.

    For example, I know that my friends in India and Pakistan were taught British English, which is so very different than our *******ized American English...

    So I forgive the over-usage of the letter "s" when spelling words that we think deserve a "z"...

    I also forgive my silly Brit friends for calling "fish and french fries", "fish and chips", and calling my favorite "cookies", "crackers"... LOL

    I am from Oklahoma, so I am used to backwoods hicks who think that "creek" is pronounced and spelled, "crick"...

    I can empathize with those who have taught themselves a foreign language...

    But I cannot really empathize with those people who thought that sleeping through class was the American national pastime....
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3282097].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author VanessaB
      Thanks Bill. That was the point. I didn't think to look at my location before posting, but then, I never thought anyone would question what my first language is.

      The Recon Report
      Reliable Results, Predictable Profits
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      • Profile picture of the author tpw
        Originally Posted by DanielleS View Post

        Thanks Bill. That was the point. I didn't think to look at my location before posting, but then, I never thought anyone would question what my first language is.


        I did not ever think a copy writer would make so many spelling mistakes...

        Or else I would not have suggested for you to post that opinion...
        Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
        Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3282129].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author VanessaB
          Profile amended for anyone who needed clarification on my location.

          The Recon Report
          Reliable Results, Predictable Profits
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        • Profile picture of the author VanessaB
          Originally Posted by tpw View Post

          I did not ever think a copy writer would make so many spelling mistakes...

          Or else I would not have suggested for you to post that opinion...

          Yea Bill, you and your 'bright ideas.'

          Grammar Nazi's and Sanctimarketers, I see I am not alone with my 'snark.'

          The Recon Report
          Reliable Results, Predictable Profits
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    • Profile picture of the author DireStraits
      Originally Posted by tpw View Post


      Very going point.

      I am much more forgiving of bad grammar and spelling when I look over at where someone is from and see that they come from a country where the native languages is not English.

      For example, I know that my friends in India and Pakistan were taught British English, which is so very different than our *******ized American English...

      So I forgive the over-usage of the letter "s" when spelling words that we think deserve a "z"...

      I also forgive my silly Brit friends for calling "fish and french fries", "fish and chips", and calling my favorite "cookies", "crackers"... LOL

      I am from Oklahoma, so I am used to backwoods hicks who think that "creek" is pronounced and spelled, "crick"...

      I can empathize with those who have taught themselves a foreign language...

      But I cannot really empathize with those people who thought that sleeping through class was the American national pastime....
      Bill ...

      On the basis of [your] *******ized American-English, shouldn't it be us Brits forgiving you guys for your linguistic perversions?

      Apologies, I can't say more on the matter right now - I've got a mouth full of chips and mushy peas.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3282187].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author VanessaB
        Originally Posted by DireStraits View Post

        Bill ...

        On the basis of [your] *******ized American-English, shouldn't it be us Brits forgiving you guys for your linguistic perversions?

        Apologies, I can't say more on the matter right now - I've got a mouth full of chips and mushy peas.
        LOL, I actually think you should. With the exception of 'learnt.' I have been told that in the UK that is the actual proper past tense of the word learn (it was a pet peeve of mine until someone explained it.) Of course, another Englishman told me that the person who told me that was wrong. I have a lot of English friends and I've asked and asked, but so far, have not found a decisive answer as to whether it's proper English or not.

        I try not to be a Nazi or Sanctimarketer. Which is why when I see bad grammar or spelling, I look to the location, so I can see if they are Non-English speaking before I judge.

        The Recon Report
        Reliable Results, Predictable Profits
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        • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
          Originally Posted by DanielleS View Post

          LOL, I actually think you should. With the exception of 'learnt.' I have been told that in the UK that is the actual proper past tense of the word learn (it was a pet peeve of mine until someone explained it.) Of course, another Englishman told me that the person who told me that was wrong. I have a lot of English friends and I've asked and asked, but so far, have not found a decisive answer as to whether it's proper English or not.

          I try not to be a Nazi or Sanctimarketer. Which is why when I see bad grammar or spelling, I look to the location, so I can see if they are Non-English speaking before I judge.

          I counted four mistakes in the first two sentences.

          Location isn't always indicative of one's native language. Of course, a grammar Nazi may not think people should be able to move freely about the globe, but it happens.

          So, I suggest you just go ahead and feel free to assume everybody should live up to your impossible standards, starting with the person who started with this thread.

          For the record, I don't point out other people's mistakes unless they start threads like this. Your posts are rife with mistakes, but I'm sure you can find them.

          All the best,

          p.s. I'm quite sure I made some mistakes in this post, and guess what? I'm perfectly fine with that.

          "Ich bin en fuego!"
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3282311].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author DireStraits
          Originally Posted by DanielleS View Post

          LOL, I actually think you should. With the exception of 'learnt.' I have been told that in the UK that is the actual proper past tense of the word learn (it was a pet peeve of mine until someone explained it.) Of course, another Englishman told me that the person who told me that was wrong. I have a lot of English friends and I've asked and asked, but so far, have not found a decisive answer as to whether it's proper English or not.

          I try not to be a Nazi or Sanctimarketer. Which is why when I see bad grammar or spelling, I look to the location, so I can see if they are Non-English speaking before I judge.


          This is a good point: there is quite a bit of confusion between "learnt" and "learned". It's in the Oxford English Dictionary, and does seem to be an accepted word here, but I've always thought of it as being invalid, myself. :confused:

          A lot of people up and down the country do use it in speech. I've used it myself in the past, but now seem to have developed the habit of using "learned", instead.

          Though being from the north-east (and Hull, specifically), I don't know why I'm so concerned, really. I may as well just make up my own words: our whole dialect resembles anything but Queen's English. So bad is it, we often struggle to understand each other.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3282318].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author whateverpedia
            Originally Posted by DireStraits View Post

            So bad is it, we often struggle to understand each other.
            Ee, by goom, sither.

            (Born in Halifax).
            Why do garden gnomes smell so bad?
            So that blind people can hate them as well.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3282344].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author VanessaB
            Originally Posted by DireStraits View Post

            This is a good point: there is quite a bit of confusion between "learnt" and "learned". It's in the Oxford English Dictionary, and does seem to be an accepted word here, but I've always thought of it as being invalid, myself. :confused:

            A lot of people up and down the country do use it in speech. I've used it myself in the past, but now seem to have developed the habit of using "learned", instead.

            Though being from the north-east (and Hull, specifically), I don't know why I'm so concerned, really. I may as well just make up my own words: our whole dialect resembles anything but Queen's English. So bad is it, we often struggle to understand each other.
            Oddly, I've only known one American, in real life, who uses the word 'learnt' and my experience with this person is that she uses the word in a very drawn out tone (as though she were talking to a 2 year old) and to make a sad attempt at adding 'authority' to her otherwise completely senseless speech. Basically, one of those people who thinks speaking that way makes her sound smarter, despite the fact that the rest of her spiel makes her sound like an idiot. That's probably why the word grates on my nerves so much. LOL.

            I suppose it's how we each perceive words. For example, I equate "ain't got no money to pay" with a 'hood' or a 'thug' the same way I associate 'learnt' with people like the woman mentioned above.

            The Recon Report
            Reliable Results, Predictable Profits
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3282636].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Roaddog
              I suppose it's how we each perceive words. For example, I equate "ain't got no money to pay" with a 'hood' or a 'thug'
              Well gee thanks for clearing that up.

              A lot of people may not have had the privilege of attending the same prep academy as you. Some people have had to work through places that would make your elitist hair curl. And I applaud the effort.

              Maybe if you learn to read the actual messages instead of whining about grammar. You might get an education. A real one.

              Get ya'll a real learnin

              since your so good at english, fill in the blanks
              You elitist.................
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3282721].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Bill Farnham
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        • Profile picture of the author Rikki_Fawkes
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3282485].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author VanessaB
            For those focused on the word 'forgive', feel free to substitute with overlook, ignore, see past, etc.

            It was never a matter of anyone 'needing' my 'forgiveness.'

            "If you work with animals, it's not a question of if you're going to get bit, it's a question of when." (I think, Segfried and Roy.)

            If you write, it's not a question of if you will make mistakes, it's a question of when.

            "Piss poor spelling and grammar"- "Ain't got no money to pay." Twice in one sentence, is not a mistake. If it's US, it's uneducated. If it's not US, it could be a language barrier.

            If it were only once, I might think it's a language barrier. When I see it twice, in one sentence, it begins to look a lot more like the writing of a 'thug.'

            The Recon Report
            Reliable Results, Predictable Profits
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            • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
              Originally Posted by DanielleS View Post

              If you write, it's not a question of if you will make mistakes, it's a question of when.

              "Piss poor spelling and grammar"- "Ain't got no money to pay." Twice in one sentence, is not a mistake. If it's US, it's uneducated. If it's not US, it could be a language barrier.

              If it were only once, I might think it's a language barrier. When I see it twice, in one sentence, it begins to look a lot more like the writing of a 'thug.'

              [Emphasis added] You said it! Note my post above. You made 4 mistakes in 2 sentences. That averages out to TWICE in the SAME sentence! Does that make you uneducated, or just a 'thug'? Sorry, I would have chosen another label, but those are the only two you seem to think apply in such cases.

              So, which one are you?

              EDIT: Oops! I actually found a 5th mistake in the first two sentences.

              EDIT (Again): I just noticed you added an unnecessary comma in the bolded sentence I quoted.

              All the best,

              "Ich bin en fuego!"
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3282746].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author myob
              Originally Posted by DanielleS View Post

              ... If it were only once, I might think it's a language barrier. When I see it twice, in one sentence, it begins to look a lot more like the writing of a 'thug.'

              If theres three or more misteaks in one sentence than, your worser then a thug! :p
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3282804].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author whateverpedia
      Originally Posted by tpw View Post

      "fish and french fries"
      French fries are actually from Belgium.

      Americans - sigh.
      Why do garden gnomes smell so bad?
      So that blind people can hate them as well.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3282332].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Roaddog
    imsory if my englishbadcantunderstandwhatyousaidbecausereadingb ad2itriedtogetincommaschool
    buttheysaidicantgetinperiodhahayougotfivebuckscaus etherentsdoomaybeishouldlearnaboutrunonsentencesbe causeiwouldreallyappreciateyourforgivnessbutiamjus tnotuckyenoughtogotoschooltheysaiddidyougotoschool stupidisaidyaicomeoutthesameway

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3282104].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Originally Posted by DanielleS View Post

    Why? Because I am far more apt to forgive your piss poor spelling and grammar if I can see that you're from an Non-English speaking country and not just some yahoo with a second grade education.


    P.S. That's not to say that I will 'always' forgive your ignorance on the excuse that English isn't your first language. If I see the words "don't got no money to pay," twice in one long ass run-on sentence, I don't care if Swahili is your first language, I'm chalking you up to being an idiot.

    [Edit] After writing this I realized that my location shows as 'inside my own head', so I'll amend and say 'If English isn't your first language and your spelling and grammar does suck, then for God's sake tell me where you're from." [/Edit]
    I think it's rather an intolerant point of view to suggest that those who do not speak English well, whether it's because they are poorly educated or because they are not from an English speaking country require your forgiveness or understanding. This forum and the Internet in general, is international.
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