Please allow me to introduce myself....

4 replies
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Have posted already a couple of times but though it was well nigh time I introduced myself.

My name is Michael Farah, I'm based in Johannesburg, South Africa and I'm a newbie to internet marketing although I have been doing mobile marketing for the last 12 years. Specifically marketing my own products.

I've already learned so much from this forum and I hope that I can give something back.

  • Profile picture of the author Seekness
    Welcome Michael - good luck in your quest. If you've had success in mobile marketing (especially since its early stages), you should have no problem getting acclimated to the web. Read up, but don't spend too much time here!
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    • Profile picture of the author AmandaT
      Hello and welcome. If you are interested in internet marketing you are in the right place! In under a month I have learned enough to be making a profit. That may not be saying much but for someone with no experience outside of writing and being a house wife it is an amazing feeling to be able to cover the cost of my hosting and auto-responder with only my adsense money!
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      • Profile picture of the author iameros
        That's good advice about spending too much time here. I can see how easily I could get sucked in.....
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    • Profile picture of the author Richest
      Welcome to the club, Michael.

      Let's learn together here. I'm newbie too. And I'm sure we can get a lot of useful advise from the expert warrior in this forum
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