Economy, stupid, 1+1=2,duh

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Raise taxes, how stupid, these guys are Harvard and Yale grads.

Are they that stupid? No, they are corrupt.

The more expendible cash people have, the more they spend.

The more secure they feel on their job the more they spend.

How bout'cha fix that, corrupt politicians?

The economic base is shrinking and going to continue to shrink, cause we manufacture less and less, thereby selling less and less, in addition with being uncompetitive, if not impossibly competitive with slave labor countries.

The United States of America, the AFFILIATE economy, holy smokes.

Affiliate of China.

Think we can support 50+ states, 350+ million people,create jobs based on Affiliate sales?

We'll see.

How bout'cha address how to compete against slave labor economies, huh? Nah, too real.

Can't solve a problem, emotionally charged but vain speech-making politician, if you don't deal with the cold hard facts, how we got here, how we get out, whats its REALLY going to take, etc., not some sugar-coated patriotic farce, but in reality, thats all we want, because if anybody steps up to tell the truth and what needs to be done, the public would shun him and call him a party killer.......we want leaders that tell us that Santa Claus WILL be there on the 25th, on-time AND with what we asked for in addition to lots of other presents and goodies.

Most prophets, warners got ridiculed, mocked, beat up, killed, hunted, smeared, equally by the masses who they come to and not the powers that be, usually at the request of the people the constables stepped in, despite what people say now, "yeah, I would have been right there with him"...,...liars.

How are they going to solve financial crisis when their corporate "buds" are the problem?

They owe their "buds", they way they see it, not the citizens, we get whatevers left.

Best con -game in town, be a politician, tell people what they want to hear, even when THEY know its impossible or unrealistic, just close your eyes, slip on some magical shoes, tap your heels 3 times, put your tooth under the pillow, and you're gonna be safe, snug under the covers in a warm home and all problems will melt away, thanks Fairy GodMother.

They are crooks but we are worse for believeing them.

Whats even worse, is that if put into that position, we would do the same thing, the money and power and favors and privelege is just soooooooo gooooooood, sale-out is way more profitable than being honest and upfront, after all, the public would not appreciate it anyways, just look at historical figures who went for the public good with not much return, but the big mouth , flashy con who continued to advertise all the smoke he is doing for you is applauded and idolized.

The good and righteous who had the true solution but unflavorful , usually dies poor, undignified death, while the flashy , charasmatic, far-less talented con-man gets all the public accolades, he tells the people exactly what they want, even when we know its a lie, but he has such style and flair, showmanship and entertaining, you'll have a knife sticking out your head and he simply kisses it to make all better rather than practice real science which has some pain to bear, its a wonder the masses of people get what we truley deserve.

Maybe if we all congregated at some place and gave a lot of rah rah "we are #1" speeches, maybe some magic may happen. Like it did with Aladdin. :-o

A pimp is a pimp, but how stupid is a girl for believing what a pimp says, he is going to make you a star, living like Zsa Zsa Gabor..., she knows its a lie, but "maybe, he might make all my dreams come true", holy cow.

We may be worse than whores....because some of them drop a pimp an go into business for themselves, we keep giving our money to the pimp for future promises that never materialize or equate to what was givin in our hard earned tax money, dismal returns.

Like a broker who keeps the commission while you go broke and stocks plummet, but hey, you invested in speculation.

Tax dollars are not speculative, so the tax taker should suffer when he does not deliver, like any consumer product.

Somethings gots to give, cause even credit has a limit, its not infinite.

We need more than coffee, we need boiling hot terpintine, and even then, we won't wake up.

The 13 th Warrior

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