Client's G+ Page - Can't Add New Page For Business Address to do losing old account access

3 replies
Hi guys,

Basically as the title says, I'm stuck, the client can't access the old G+ business page for whatever reason (lost details) and now I can't associate the new G+ page for his business with his address as a result.

I made this video to clarify the issue:

Video - 10.29.2014

Can anyone with experience on this help here?

This is really a block for moving forward with this client...

Thanks guys
#access #account #add #address #business #client #losing #page
  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Well since no one is answering. You REALLY need to figure out what the gmail address that account is tied to. there is basically as far as I know, no other way. you might consider going through each and every computer at the work place and see if the "Profile" tab appears in the upper right corner of the screen.

    The other option I can think of off the top of my head is if the contact form has been enabled you might be able to get the e-mail address associated that way.

    the last option I can think of would be

    click on "password assistance" and then "I don't know my username" At this point you have to know WHO set up the account, and MAYBE? you will be able to insert a phone number to get text recovery.
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author Climb Online
    i just went through this exact scenario, I am based in the USA.

    Call Google My business support:

    talk only to a rep who is from the USA. They do have agents in India, whilst they are helpful the can not get the job done for you. You can make an excuse and keep trying till you get a US agent.

    tell them you work for the business and a previous employee set up the account and is now no longer at the company and nobody has the log in credentials.

    Give them the company name, owners name and a direct number to the owner.

    The agent put me on hold, called the owner to verify my information, then reset the credentials and just like that we were in. It took about 10 minutes.

    Hope that helps.

    "It is your choice of message that targets the customer, not your choice of media. There are rare exceptions, of course. But not many."
    - Roy H. Williams

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  • Profile picture of the author IM nice guy
    Thanks Top Tier traffic!

    That's very helpful, so considering I'm based in the UK as is my client, would I still call the US support you think?

    Thanks a lot!

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