Marketing To Mortgage Brokers And Other Professional Service Firms

3 replies
There's always 1 hot button that works better than all others.

A hot button is what turns on a person.
It connects to a built in desire.

Often hidden and not the obvious.

What I can tell you about tested hot buttons to mortgage brokers that have worked before the mortgage meltdown, during the meltdown and*
after it, one has pulled more response than all others.

I bring this up after talking with the daughter of a man who owns an accounting firm.

He doesn't like paid marketing.

She wants to market the firm to
get more clients.

On further exploration, it turns out he recruited a Chinese accountant*
who has brought Chinese business owners into the firm and became clients.

So instead of working against the owner's beliefs about paid marketing, we set his daughter to*
recruit Asian accountants who have deep connections in their business community who will bring their business to the firm.

For this Accounting firm principal, referrals are his hot button that sparks his interest.

Referrals were the one hot button that drove mortgage brokers to listen up to one company out to help them.

If you have a marketing service to mortgage brokers, Accountants, CPA's or Attorney's, lead in with referrals first before talking about other marketing because that's their proven hot button.

Doctor E. Vile
#brokers #firms #marketing #mortgage #professional #service
  • Profile picture of the author XponentSYS
    Good share. "Referrals" are also a hot button in medical industries such as chiropractic and dentistry. I know because I use that to get new members from those markets into one if my businesses.
    "Hybrid Method" Gets 120,846 TARGETED VISITORS
    To Any Site in ANY NICHE!

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  • Profile picture of the author Oziboomer
    Originally Posted by ewenmack View Post

    There's always 1 hot button that works better than all others.
    On further exploration, it turns out he recruited a Chinese accountant*
    who has brought Chinese business owners into the firm and became clients.

    Referrals were the one hot button that drove mortgage brokers to listen up to one company out to help them.
    Thanks Ewen.

    It's kind of spooky that I have an Indian Accountancy Masters Student on Staff, an English Tradesman, a Kiwi Fitter, a Brazilian Graphic Artist. Two DTA Aussie gals, a 64 year old mother figure, a twenty something suicide chick, a full on intellectual, my Chinese Wife and myself an English born, NZ Citizen, Aussie resident, UK educated all on the team....

    ...and people think "Why has he got such a mixed up bunch working for him?"

    I should say I've had a "Chinese business development manager" in the recent past also.

    Referrals are key to my business and I think that the more your business works in the "flexible or elastic" pricing type businesses the more valuable they become.

    It is always easier when you start from a position of authority.

    The key when starting out...

    ...and for ever... to generate referrals...

    and capitalise on them.

    Ask them for... or at the very least discuss with your clients how much you appreciate working with "like-minded" people just like them....because they are so much better to work with and achieve successful results for.

    Then deliver consistent results.

    Consistency and congruency delivers the best chance of gaining the referral you seek.

    Treat each and every client with the utmost respect and ensure that each time you part with them that you thank them for their ongoing business and you truly appreciate working with people like them.
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    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      Sometimes, Ewan, it gets really silly.

      I have a client who doesn't want to do any marketing, doesn't want to hear about marketing or even the word marketing or target audience.

      All he wants to do is to contact real estate agents and let them know of the services he has and that invite them to set up a phone appointment (can't call it appointment though, it's a phone call, damn it!) where he could really explain to them why he's the best choice.

      And, of course, to make sure his Google page and website are found by real estate agents.

      PS He pays me $2000/month to not market to real estate agents for him.
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