10 replies

I am starting a lead generation business.

I have been searching for a software that can do the following:

1- Track phone leads AND email/form submit leads;
2- Distribute the leads;
3- Automatically invoice the leads by email;
4- The software must be affordable for a startup.

I have not been able to find such a software, all I find is either something that doesn't do it all or something that's more of a CRM when all I need is to manage leads. And I cannot find anything at all that's affordable it's all 500$ per month minimum, most the time 1000$ however I am starting this, I will not have the volume to justify such a cost before a while.

Does anyone know of a software that manages leads distribution and invoicing and that doesn't cost so much?

#business #distribution #generation #lead #softwares
  • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior
    Originally Posted by Tobo1981 View Post


    I am starting a lead generation business.

    I have been searching for a software that can do the following:

    1- Track phone leads AND email/form submit leads;
    2- Distribute the leads;
    3- Automatically invoice the leads by email;
    4- The software must be affordable for a startup.

    I have not been able to find such a software, all I find is either something that doesn't do it all or something that's more of a CRM when all I need is to manage leads. And I cannot find anything at all that's affordable it's all 500$ per month minimum, most the time 1000$ however I am starting this, I will not have the volume to justify such a cost before a while.

    Does anyone know of a software that manages leads distribution and invoicing and that doesn't cost so much?

    Mate you may be better off re-posting this in the Offline section you may get a lot more answers there!
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    • Profile picture of the author Tobo1981
      Offline section? I don't understand I get all my leads via PPC, I do nothing at all offline. I will try it though, thanks.
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      • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior
        Originally Posted by Tobo1981 View Post

        Offline section? I don't understand I get all my leads via PPC, I do nothing at all offline. I will try it though, thanks.
        Sorry thought you were cold calling hence the Offline section as you had nothing about PPC in the post! if you do re-post asked the mods to delete this one
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    You could have it custom built, that way you only pay once and then your long term saving will be huge.

    Tracking form submissions, distributing them and invoicing would be fairly simple.

    How is the phone lead generated? If it's just someone inputting the info into the form and saving, then that would be simple too.

    If you want to keep it simple, you have your forms that then get posted to a script that then gets posted to the buyers (based on settings) and a copy is saved with who the buyer was. The phone leads would work the same as you just enter the data into an online form that it gets posted to the same script. Then you just have another program that you run when you want to invoice the buyers and it then goes through all the non invoiced leads and calculates everything and generate the invoices and sends them.

    If that works for you and is all you need, it would be fairly cheap to have created.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    This might work for you. I'm currently setting it up on a site and it works well.

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  • Profile picture of the author nikhiljoseph
    I am into small business as you had requested for a CRM which helps to manage leads at a affordable cost. I would recommend Apptivo software, as i am using the same for my small business and it helps to manage leads, integrated with google and good customer satisfaction.
    Initially you can go for a trail which is free for a month and then if you a satisfied you can proceed the same. Try it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tobo1981
    Thanks everybody for your replies. Much appreciated
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  • Profile picture of the author Bguild
    I too am in the same position as Tobo1981, just starting out and looking for an inexpensive option to get underway with.

    nikhiljoseph - thanks for your input. How do you find the distribution of leads is with Apptivo? Also, do you use the invoice function?

    Rafay - thanks also for your suggestion. Is anyone out there using Aggregatur?
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