Am Making Some Money, Is It Scalable?

58 replies
Hi guys,

I've started making some money outsourcing webdesign/brochure design and now expanding into SEO.

Im making between £1-2k a month from it (am based in the UK). Which is all nice... who doesn't like money.. but £1-2k a month in the UK is not a lot. I cant get a mortgage even on this. I have had some other businesses that were giving me a nice income but they have really dried up now and am left relying on this outsourcing and need to crank it up.

I have a couple of issues and experiences others may find useful. Outsourcing is a viable business but it isn't this magic hands off approach to making money. I took a while building a team of guys i trust with the work. But generally for a low paid worker (enough to make a profit margin) they are generally technically skilled but i find not very creative. I do a lot of project managing/art direction. I design all the concepts and marketing strategies and the freelancer merely implement them. The business doesn't work without me. Which in my eyes makes the business not scalable.

In terms of my clients I was fortunate. I had contacts at a couple of large engineering companies that had very little marketing savvy and managed to convinced them that I can do a brochure for them and from there I managed to sell myself to be their go-to marketing guy. I have 2 companies I do this for, all from recommendations.

But I see this as a job not a business. A business you can build and expand without you being at the center. A job you swap time for money. And this business is half and half really. There are only so many clients I can handle from a time perspective as marketing is a very creative, time intensive process.

MY QUESTION.. (if i still have your attention) is has anyone got any business model suggestions that would take what I am doing and make it far more scalable. And a "businesses" rather than a job that could be sold or more automated?
Because at the moment I can pat myself on the back and say "congratulations, you have your own business thats profitable" but lets face it, ts ultimately an averagely paid job but I have found a clever way to share my workload at a cheap price.
I work hard and provide a good service but ultimately I cant see it going anywhere and I have bigger plans!

I put this in the "offline marketing" section as that basically what I have done. Convinced local businesses to do business with me.. which from personal experience is far easier than online.

#making #money #scalable
  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Target and qualify for better clients.

    You can definitely find better web design & brochure clients. How much do you think a corporate annual report costs? And a corporate website?

    I'm not saying you should jump from Level 2 to Level 10 in one go--or that it's even possible. But what about a move up from Level 2 to Level 4 or 5?

    What do those business look like?

    Where do they look for help?

    What do they value that the businesses you're dealing with now don't, that make your work more valuable?

    Can your outsources keep up with the new level of quality?

    Either you must increase flow-through, which may mean increase capacity, at the level you're at...or raise your prices and get a better level of client. And they are out there, all around you, right now. You've simply trained yourself not to see them.

    To create a saleable product, you need systems. Systems for bringing in leads, qualifying them, closing them, and fulfilling the projects. There has to be a stable history of revenue for several years.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Grable
    Jason beat me to it... and said it better than I might have. Bottom line.... More clients with more money and in many cases more challenging requirements... and more outsources with significantly better skills.
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  • Profile picture of the author LindyUK
    Hello Tommy

    I generally like Jason Kanigan's posts but I don't think he really answered your question, or that I would even agree with him in regard to your particular situation. Plus he's a Yankee to boot, lol, so I'll give you some homegrown advice.

    To qualify myself first, we are a fairly large player in the Offline market here in the UK. Our Business's turned over nearly £14 Million in 2015, around £11 Million of that from Offline Marketing and the balance from Affiliate Marketing. Most of that turnover is from small to medium size Business's though we do have 8 larger Business's who are on £10,000 per month /12 month contracts for full Marketing Services. We currently have 67 staff members, 37 young women who work at our headquarters over 3 daily shifts, 14 sales people throughout the UK and 16 full time employees from India, Phillipines and Romania. We operate 24 hours a day 7 days per week. Our overseas staff have Uni qualifications in website design, graphic design and so on, so both creative and technical skills, so carry out the more complex tasks. Our staff here are home trained but also very professional and can fullfil a large number of services. We also have 2 shift supervisors who we have trained in all aspects of our Business's, so we are very confident that we can leave our Business's running in very capable hands whenever necessary.

    As a startup you can obviously not duplicate our structure, it takes time to build a Business. My Dad an I started our Business 13 years ago an worked 16 hours or more per day for 2 years before we got our first full time employee, who is now one of our Supervisors. We still usually work 16 hour days alongside our staff, but by choice now and over a 5 day working week. You do have to put the time in when you are building a Business, especially if you want to build a large Business. Anyone who tells you different is in lala land!

    Now I think you seem more concerned with the time you need to spend micro managing your Outsourcers, you say they are technical but not creative. You seem comfortable in the actual Sales/Marketing part of your Business.

    So my advice would be to get yourself your first full time, fully qualified staff member, preferably from the Phillipines. There are Companies that can help you find qualified staff. Then as you build sales you build your staff base.

    As far as expanding into SEO, that is a very specialized field, we don't even do that ourselves, we use white labeled services from Companies in the US who specialize in that field. The SEO Serrvices are white labeled under your brand, you do the sales and add your markup or take your commision. Would advise you to do the same.

    As far as Jason's suggestion that you aim for "a better level of client" who can obviously pay much more for your services - well it's not as easy as that in my opinion. To start with not as many of them compared to S&M Business's, and much harder to break into unless you have the contacts and referrals. When we decided to offer a full marketing service to reasonably large Business's we put our most experienced sales person on the job, but after 3 months of trying he had nil to show for his efforts. He was finding it next to impossible to get appointments with the decision makers. Then horror of horrors, my Dad told me to see what I could do. I'm no salesperson an was terrified at the thought, but I came up with a very devious female plan an successfuly signed up every Business we targetted. It is a funny story if you want to hear it. Also as a one person Business relying on a few outsourcers who have to be micro managed, you are really not set up to cater to the demands an time restraints that come with servicing large Business's.
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  • Profile picture of the author RR151
    Maybe something that can be delivered quickly and is cost effective to all businesses…

    First, you need to prove your business can help them add profit to the bottom line. Next, to do business with a new business owner they need to first like, know then trust you.

    Maybe to start ask the local business how do they track their advertising? If they don’t know what is making them profit then explain you need to track, measure then manage all advertising used to add profit to the bottom line.

    As a test let’s track your local business phone number and mark down where the leads are coming from…How do we track the phone number? Easily, after we have completed the reason for the phone call we ask this…

    Can I ask you where you found this phone number?

    Some will say from the YP, some will say Yelp, some will say Google, Bing and/or Yahoo…some will say the local newspaper ad…etc. You might be surprised to see where the calls are coming from…You then need to tally up the different sources over a two week period.

    Point being you need to track, measure then manage this simple task. It is the business owner’s job to track where the calls are coming from and it is your job to measure then manage the new services that are exposed from this simple test.

    Another thought…Search your local market for websites that need help with let’s say sites that look not so good on a mobile device. You “cold call” them then do a live dog and pony show that demonstrates their website on your mobile device…With one quick look they can see they need help and you now have an opportunity to sell a mobile website.

    Good Luck,

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  • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
    1-2k/mo isn't a business, it's a hobby.

    If you feel your team isn't creative enough for you to be able to scale, then you need a better team.

    Your concerns are typical of someone at 10k/mo... not 1-2k/mo.

    You have a lot of figuring out to do. Sales, prospecting, marketing, positioning, management, recruiting, system building, etc. when it comes to client work....

    Sure, maybe someone in here will pop in with a suggestion of a new direction to head, but all that I mentioned above is required in every business model out there.
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    • Profile picture of the author Zodiax
      Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

      1-2k/mo isn't a business, it's a hobby.

      If you feel your team isn't creative enough for you to be able to scale, then you need a better team.

      Your concerns are typical of someone at 10k/mo... not 1-2k/mo.

      You have a lot of figuring out to do. Sales, prospecting, marketing, positioning, management, recruiting, system building, etc. when it comes to client work....

      Sure, maybe someone in here will pop in with a suggestion of a new direction to head, but all that I mentioned above is required in every business model out there.
      It sounds like you are mocking his success.

      1-2k a month isn't something to insult.

      A large percentage of people make that working full-time.

      'I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion'
      -Muhammad Ali

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  • Profile picture of the author Tommyg123
    Thanks for the replies.
    Agree with everything that has been said. But i still don't see how I can expand. It will always involve me in the middle managing the jobs and for sure there is room for expansion, never said there wasn't, but it seems capped.

    I wouldnt put one of my clients in touch with a Filipino worker, i see the value I bring to the table, as opposed to my clients going direct to the freelancer, is the ability to organise the ideas, take the clients aims and goals and translate it to the freelancers and direct them. To hire a salesman/or project manager to be the go between would eliminate all profit margin unless i start charging £3000+ for a logo or brochure etc and in a world where people will do pretty much anything for $5 I can't se emyself getting much business that way.

    Lindy, your story was impressive, how did you overcome this issue of being able to afford to hire high quality people to manage the job and still have profit margin?
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    • Profile picture of the author LindyUK
      Hello Tommy

      I never said that you would put your clients directly in touch with a Filipino employee. My reference was to getting a full time employee who is very qualified an doesn't have to be micro managed, ie is creative in their own right as well as being very qualified technically. You would still be involved in liason with your clients an your employee. You can find very qualified workers in India or Phillipines frm US$250 a week fulltime, or you can make arrangements for smaller time blocks, like say 20 hours a week. You use messenger programs like Brosix, TeamViewer or Skype to keep in contact with them. There are also Companies in India who employ an manage qualified website designers, where you can pay a low cost per project, then upgrade to your own employee working from their facility at a later time.

      As far as having a Filipino employee who can fully manage other employees as well as act as a project manager, even dealing with your clients, you can find employes like that too from the Phillipines, we have them ourselves, but you are far from that stage yet.

      You have to crawl before you can walk, then walk before you can run. My reply was based on you being able to procure sales for your Business, then a way you can fullfill those main services without having to micro manage outsourcers. To do that you need highly qualified employees who are creative as well as technical.

      I don't agree with IAmNameLess saying "1-2k/mo isn't a business, it's a hobby". Your Business may be full or part time but if you are running it as a Business it IS a Business. I would like to see anyone tell me that they started a Business that was instantly highly profitable. We started like you, from nothing an gradually built up our Business. Everyone does the same. My Dad an I did everything for the first 2 years, he was fairly experienced so he taught me. It was our 3rd year before we hired our first employee who we then taught. (Jem is now one of our Supervisors) We didn't even know of Fiverr or other Outsourcers in our first years, we gradually built up our local employees and then trained them ourselves for different tasks. We think if you run a Business you should know your Business back to front, and be able to carry out any task yourself. So our Business's have evolved over 13 years but growing fast now, mainly due to our investment in our employees.

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      • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
        Originally Posted by LindyUK View Post

        I don't agree with IAmNameLess saying "1-2k/mo isn't a business, it's a hobby". Your Business may be full or part time but if you are running it as a Business it IS a Business.
        Easy're just wrong. However, with anybody that has eyes, that can read and comprehend what's going on here, they see he is running it as a hobby, not a business.

        The main problem here... actually, the main solution here is pretty simple. Businesses don't get started, built, or scaled, by trying to have a hands off approach. It doesn't work that way unless you have a LOT of money to invest.

        You're wondering how it grows without you being involved? Well, you either spend tens of thousands to do it, or you spend some time working in your business.

        The E-Myth, Business Brilliant, 4 Hour Work Week are all fine and dandy but it plays into the dream instead of reality. You have to work lots of hours, put in a lot of time in order to reach a four hour work week lifestyle lol.

        People somehow get unrealistic expectations in this industry. You're not going to become wealthy by not doing any work. You're not going to build a business by outsourcing your life, sorry. People make it seem like all that is possible, and get sucked into some fantasy then get disappointed when they realize it actually requires work, time invested, and money.

        When you build a business, you do get to replace yourself. Those that are successful continue replacing themselves over and over and over again. It's not a one time thing... it doesn't run by itself without your help... you don't get more time for yourself... you simply replace yourself to continue finding areas of your business you can invest in and repeat the process.

        It's fun to say, don't work IN your business, "work on it". The truth is, you work in your business to grow it, understanding how it operates, analyzing what can be done better or more efficiently. You continue to do that when replacing yourself, and that allows you to work on your business. It's not magic, it doesn't happen immediately... but if you have the goal of having something running without you, you're never going to get anyway and might as well just give it up.

        There's something fundamentally wrong here, and no matter how many filipino outsourcers the guy finds, it isn't going to magically build a business.
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        • Profile picture of the author LindyUK
          Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

          Easy're just wrong. However, with anybody that has eyes, that can read and comprehend what's going on here, they see he is running it as a hobby, not a business.

          The main problem here... actually, the main solution here is pretty simple. Businesses don't get started, built, or scaled, by trying to have a hands off approach. It doesn't work that way unless you have a LOT of money to invest.

          You're wondering how it grows without you being involved? Well, you either spend tens of thousands to do it, or you spend some time working in your business.

          The E-Myth, Business Brilliant, 4 Hour Work Week are all fine and dandy but it plays into the dream instead of reality. You have to work lots of hours, put in a lot of time in order to reach a four hour work week lifestyle lol.

          People somehow get unrealistic expectations in this industry. You're not going to become wealthy by not doing any work. You're not going to build a business by outsourcing your life, sorry. People make it seem like all that is possible, and get sucked into some fantasy then get disappointed when they realize it actually requires work, time invested, and money.

          When you build a business, you do get to replace yourself. Those that are successful continue replacing themselves over and over and over again. It's not a one time thing... it doesn't run by itself without your help... you don't get more time for yourself... you simply replace yourself to continue finding areas of your business you can invest in and repeat the process.

          It's fun to say, don't work IN your business, "work on it". The truth is, you work in your business to grow it, understanding how it operates, analyzing what can be done better or more efficiently. You continue to do that when replacing yourself, and that allows you to work on your business. It's not magic, it doesn't happen immediately... but if you have the goal of having something running without you, you're never going to get anyway and might as well just give it up.

          There's something fundamentally wrong here, and no matter how many filipino outsourcers the guy finds, it isn't going to magically build a business.
          Hello IAmNameless

          NO, I am NOT wrong. I agree with the rest of your first reply but there is no way I will agree with your blanket statement that "1-2k/mo isn't a business, it's a hobby". We likely have one of the largest IM/Offline Business's of anyone here in the Warrior Forum, around £14 Million a year turnover an 67 employees. If you are American that is around $20 Million a year turnover. But when we changed focus from mainly Affiliate Marketing to Offline, our first 2 or 3 months sales would likely not have exceeded that $2K per month. You are saying in effect that we were jus running as a hobby, which of course is utter rubbish considering our growth to this point. His 1-2k a month is a starting point to build on. As I said, we all have to start somewhere an most of us start small.

          Re your "However, with anybody that has eyes, that can read and comprehend what's going on here, they see he is running it as a hobby, not a business".

          I don't see it that way at all, an I'll make this point - I also don't see anyone in here, including yourself, that I think would match our Business experience or the size of our Business. I see him as being new to the game, not having much experience or knowledge re this market and coming in here to ask for some help, not to be put down as you seem to want to do. When I first started in IM (at age 23) I made exactly US$408 profit in affiliate commissions for my whole first year an I was spending about 3 hours every night on my Business. Then I met my mentor who became my adopted Dad an Business Partner. Now if you average our turnover we do about US$400,000 PER WEEK in sales, with at least half of that being profit. What made the difference? Learning an Experience.

          The rest of what you say I will mainly agree with. My Dad an I still work 2 shifts or 16 hours a day alongside our employees. We obviously don't have to but it is not like work for us, it is our passion, our love. We have highly trained staff who can run the Business's without us, but if we take time off we feel like we are missing out. Each year we take the girls who work here for a 2 week holiday in Hawaii, they go in 2 lots so we can still run with minimal staff, I am away for 4 weeks so I can spend time with all of them, an in that time I am banned from even getting on my laptop other than to jus chat with my Dad. For me that is like murder in paradise, I can't wait to get home an back to work.

          My comment re an qualified Fillipino employee was only in relation to him having to micro manage his current Outsourcers. He seemed confident that he could find an sell to clients but said his time was taken up by having to closely manage his Outsourcers. Quite obviously to build any Business you have to be building your client base, selling new services etc, so his time should be spent on that espect of his Business, not hand holding his staff.

          You are right in that many people have a fantacy view of IM, like the 4 Hour Work Week. Business is Business, Online or Offline. You succeed or fail by what you put into it. If you want to get rich without learning or working, go win the lottery!

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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Since I obviously know nothing and can't help you, maybe a look at Ken's story here will help you:

    Because he's DOING well, he has truly hit the profit margin wall and is expanding into completely different kinds of businesses.

    Get your processes written down. Make them repeatable so you don't have to reinvent the wheel for every single project. Figure out what your "secret sauce" is, and do your best to minimize your involvement to providing whatever that strategic or tactical thing is--the real reason these people hire you--and leave the rest of your time for sales.

    Can you extract the "secret sauce" and put it into a philosophy or direction document to show a talented designer who already leans in the art direction you've adopted? That way, they can do say 70% of what you do, and you provide the little bit of direction that is "the difference that makes the difference."

    I resisted hiring writers, consultants, etc. for a long time because they couldn't do what I do exactly the way I do it, and that's why my clients hire me--for my point of view. But I realized a year or so ago that 70% of what I do is still pretty awesome. And someone can do most of what I do, the more grunt-y stuff, and then I can come in every so often to keep them on track with what the client hired me for.

    I am certain your management time is spent chasing people for this and that...find better ways to accomplish this. What project management software are you using? How do you organize your outsourcers? Do you have written expectations and schedules with firm milestones?

    I stick by my original statement: you either have to increase flow-through and likely capacity, or move up to a better level of client for more revenue per project.

    And I'm Canadian. I LIVE in the US. And I've taught many UK folks. But thanks, Lindy.
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    • Profile picture of the author LindyUK
      Hello Jason

      I was jus razzing you. lol. Living in North Carolina you would have been more a Rebel than a Yankee, but since your Canadian an we both have the same Queen, your good! lol.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Forgot to mention, Niche Down!

    You said you started with engineers who needed brochures. How about niching down to engineering firms that need marketing content?

    I know a UK marketer who works with architects. Has more business than he can handle. No need to be everything to everyone...and it sure helps to say, "I only work in this niche."
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  • Profile picture of the author Tommyg123
    Hi Lindy,

    Thanks for your post again it's helpful. And do take a bit off offence what the other guy is saying. I agree generally speaking 1-2k a month isn't a great deal of money I said so myself. But doubt 80% of the people on here are making over three thousand dollars a month from their 'hobby' and I'm not looking for a no-work easy route so don't even know where he got that idea from.

    Lindy has got the question. I'm merely looking to future proof the business plan. It's because I know businesses take a ton of work I want to know that this is able to be adapted so not everything flows through me because that caps the business and I want to build it bigger than that. I probably can handle another 3-4 clients before I've reached capacity in what I can handle solely. Yes I could ask this question then. But I'm asking it now.

    Lindy, do you generally get your clients to sign a contract that they are engaging in a consultancy agreement with them and they pay you monthly? At the moment I am more on an ad-hoc agreement. I try and advise them that they need to do X or y and I charge them for doing that job. But generally it's only about 3-400 profit im making on each of these jobs so constantly having to think up new project to convince them they need doing. That isn't the most efficient way I don't think.
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    • Profile picture of the author LindyUK
      Hello Tommy

      I don't take offence to what he is saying, an I don't think you should either. He like anyone else who replies to you is really trying to help you in some way. I jus think SOME of what he is saying is wrong an pointing that out. Same with Jason, his advice is great but some not really applicable to your situation at present.

      Re "future proofing your Business Plan". Business plans are good but you don't set them in stone, they evolve as you go along. We write yearly an 5 year plans, they are like a roadmap to follow but we allow for detours, so there is constant change. At the moment you have a stop sign ahead of you, an that stop sign is the point where you say you could only handle another 3 to 4 clients before you max out your own work capacity. Thats where a full or part time employee comes into the picture, someone who can free up some of your time, who doesn't have to be constantly micro managed, to leave you more time to find an sell to new clients. My Dad an I spend most of our time planning an developing our Business's now, our employees can really run all the existing Business's themselves, the day to day operations. We still choose to do our own websites, graphics, promotion material an such, an sometimes may do some work for clients if it is interesting to us. But we have that choice now to do the things we want to do because of our employees taking care of the day to day Business operations.

      As far as clients on contract, some are, like the TMS Clients, the large Companies that are on a 12 month contract for our Marketing Services. Some others too, like ones that we do PPC Management for, or SEO. But the majority of our clients are small to medium size Business's an we operate bit more like you do. We offer 20 or more different services so our sales people might find a new client for a particular service (or they might find us from our promotional efforts) an then we will look to see what other services we offer that may benefit them. We look after our clients, very rarely lose a client, so as they grow we grow. An we are very proactive in helping them grow. We also have many services, like Hosting an Automated Data Backup that are ongoing an residual payments, we get the client an they continue to pay us monthly. That is very profitable, get the sale once an continue to be paid each month ongoing, one of the secrets to our building a very large Business in a relatively short number of years.

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    • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
      Originally Posted by Tommyg123 View Post

      And do take a bit off offence what the other guy is saying.
      Take offense all you want bub. Anyone with a real business would tell you the same. Maybe you can meet up with Lindy in a chat room and she can send over some of her monopoly money to ya. Hell, maybe she can be your new adopted mom.

      Shoot for the stars!
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      • Profile picture of the author Tommyg123
        Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

        Take offense all you want bub. Anyone with a real business would tell you the same. Maybe you can meet up with Lindy in a chat room and she can send over some of her monopoly money to ya. Hell, maybe she can be your new adopted mom.

        Shoot for the stars!
        yeah great. See ya
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      • Profile picture of the author LindyUK
        Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

        Take offense all you want bub. Anyone with a real business would tell you the same. Maybe you can meet up with Lindy in a chat room and she can send over some of her monopoly money to ya. Hell, maybe she can be your new adopted mom.

        Shoot for the stars!
        Hello IAmNameless

        Your reply to Tommy is childish. Our Business's are real, so is the money we make. We have been featured in some of your US IM Magazines as having one of the largest privately owned IM Business's in the world.

        I am 36, I am a Mum to a 19 year old Daughter. Sherri started her first IM Business when she was 14. She now has 4 Online Business's and one Offline High Street Business, an preparing to open another High Street Business this year. At 19 she likely is already more successful than you.

        One of my reasons for that statement is your post count here in the Warrior Forum. You have made 6,253 posts, you obviously have a LOT of spare time on your hands. You talk the talk but I very much doubt you walk the walk!

        I have been a member of the WF for a few years now. I try to pop in every now an then to see if I can help someone, but my post count over a few years is only up to 212. The reason for that is my lack of spare time. I am CEO of our group of more than 20 Companies an as I mentioned I work 16 hours a day to help make all our "Monopoly Money".

        But think what you want, it makes no difference to me. I would suggest thought, that perhaps if you spent a bit more time working than posting, than perhaps you could make a bit more "Monopoly Money" for yourself.

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        • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
          Originally Posted by LindyUK View Post

          Hello IAmNameless

          Your reply to Tommy is childish. Our Business's are real, so is the money we make. We have been featured in some of your US IM Magazines as having one of the largest privately owned IM Business's in the world.

          I am 36, I am a Mum to a 19 year old Daughter. Sherri started her first IM Business when she was 14. She now has 4 Online Business's and one Offline High Street Business, an preparing to open another High Street Business this year. At 19 she likely is already more successful than you.

          One of my reasons for that statement is your post count here in the Warrior Forum. You have made 6,253 posts, you obviously have a LOT of spare time on your hands. You talk the talk but I very much doubt you walk the walk!

          I have been a member of the WF for a few years now. I try to pop in every now an then to see if I can help someone, but my post count over a few years is only up to 212. The reason for that is my lack of spare time. I am CEO of our group of more than 20 Companies an as I mentioned I work 16 hours a day to help make all our "Monopoly Money".

          But think what you want, it makes no difference to me. I would suggest thought, that perhaps if you spent a bit more time working than posting, than perhaps you could make a bit more "Monopoly Money" for yourself.

          Lindy, just because you repeat a story enough doesn't make it true.

          You can often tell where people are in their business based on the information they post. Your value, is the same as always, very surface level and doesn't indicate any level of experience.

          Validating your ego with a number you throw out, doesn't mean people believe you.

          What matters on a forum like this is the actionable information people provide.

          What both me and Jason did in this thread, is give legitimate advice to grow a business. Sadly, the OP wants his own fantasy to be validated instead of putting in the required work.

          Your solution of hiring a filipino VA isn't actionable information. It isn't indicative of someone who has walked the walk.

          If you've been mentioned in some US magazines and publications as having one of the largest privatized IM businesses in the world, you're not new to the public eye, you should easily be able to post links to one of those publications, yes?

          I'll be waiting.
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          • Profile picture of the author LindyUK
            Hello IAmNameless

            If you bothered to read my posts you will see that I agreed with much of what you said, but I didn't agree with you putting him down an saying all he had was a hobby. Likewise I respect Jason's posts an said so, but in this case I don't think his first answer was relevant to the situation. He was talking about getting higher quality clients, an bout Annual Corporate Reports an Corporate Websites. In view of the fact that Tommy is currently a one man Business an likely using Outsourcers from Fiverr or similar outsourcing sites, my opinion is it would be a big stretch of the imagination to think he could obtain an service clients in this market. Do you think differently? We provide marketing services to 8 large corporations who are on £10k monthly contracts, so I know this market. I know how difficult it is to land these clients an I know the expertise an staffing levels needed to service them.

            Re my suggestion of him needing more qualified employees, that was in relation to him saying that most of his time was taken in having to direct or micro manage his Outsourcers, as they had technical ability but were not creative. My suggestion was that he find a qualified employee who was both creative an technical, an that he could find very qualified workers from the Phillipines or India at very low cost. That would then free up his time so he could concentrate more on getting new clients an sales. So perhaps you should review his original concerns an my answer, then tell me why I was wrong in my advice. By the way, I did NOT suggest he hire a Fillipino VA, I was talking about qualified website or graphic designers.

            I have often mentioned our Business's an figures in my posts, as well as very personal information bout myself from when I was younger. For instance being sexually assaulted by my father for years, an being thrown out of home when I became pregnant at 16 to my boyfriend an refused to have an abortion, bout my lack of formal education an so on. I do this in the hope I might inspire others that they can rise above any situation they are in or have experienced. If you have read many of my posts you will have seen that I also credit my adopted Dad for my life an success now. He became my mentor when I was 24, then became my Dad. We are Business partners, we have built these Business's together an continue to do so.

            Yes I could tell you the publications, I could also tell you the names an websites for all our Companies, but why should I? An as I said, your opinion means nothing to me, why should it? If you don't like what I say don't jus bother reading it.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10722833].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess v2
              Originally Posted by LindyUK View Post

              Yes I could tell you the publications, I could also tell you the names an websites for all our Companies, but why should I? An as I said, your opinion means nothing to me, why should it? If you don't like what I say don't jus bother reading it.
              This isn't the first time someone called you out for being a fake. Sharing the publications would show everyone how legit you are.

              Who in their right mind wouldn't want to show off some mentions in articles on Entrepreneur, Inc, and other well known places?

              If you got it... flaunt it!

              Words are just words... people take them with a grain of salt. You've been notorious for having a bunch of words bragging about how great you are, how much money you make, how you run one of the largest IM businesses in the entire world... well great, show us!

              It's not hard to post a link or two.... surely it would be helpful to the readers here.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10722903].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author LindyUK
                Originally Posted by iAmNameLess v2 View Post

                This isn't the first time someone called you out for being a fake. Sharing the publications would show everyone how legit you are.

                Who in their right mind wouldn't want to show off some mentions in articles on Entrepreneur, Inc, and other well known places?

                If you got it... flaunt it!

                Words are just words... people take them with a grain of salt. You've been notorious for having a bunch of words bragging about how great you are, how much money you make, how you run one of the largest IM businesses in the entire world... well great, show us!

                It's not hard to post a link or two.... surely it would be helpful to the readers here.
                Hello IAmNameless

                Yes you are right, a very few have called me a fake, an if you recall, a thread was closed down an a couple of members kicked right out of the Warrior Forum for their attacks on me in a thread, an their vile sexual threats against me an my Daughter an our staff that were made via the WF email system.

                I don't have to "flaunt it" in here, we are not involved in offering any product or service to anyone involved in Internet Marketing, so have no interest in building any reputation for that purpose. We remain active in Affiliate Marketing but the largest part of our Business now is B2B, providing Online Services to Offline Business's as I have stated.

                Why do you think I would post any links to those articles that would then lead to our websites an then our actual address an information like email an phone numbers. I have said before that we work an live in a Manor House in a country area away from town, an with an all girl crew here on 3 shifts, operating 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Following those threats before, my Dad spent hundreds of thousands of pounds establishing massive security for us an our employees here, do you think I am going to negate all that jus because you want to think I am fake? As I said before, you can think what you like, it doesn't concern me. Tommy can decide himself if I am giving him any value in my replies to him, the same as anyone else who I reply to in posts or in private.

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10722951].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess v2
                  Originally Posted by LindyUK View Post

                  Hello IAmNameless

                  Yes you are right, a very few have called me a fake, an if you recall, a thread was closed down an a couple of members kicked right out of the Warrior Forum for their attacks on me in a thread, an their vile sexual threats against me an my Daughter an our staff that were made via the WF email system.

                  I don't have to "flaunt it" in here, we are not involved in offering any product or service to anyone involved in Internet Marketing, so have no interest in building any reputation for that purpose. We remain active in Affiliate Marketing but the largest part of our Business now is B2B, providing Online Services to Offline Business's as I have stated.

                  Why do you think I would post any links to those articles that would then lead to our websites an then our actual address an information like email an phone numbers. I have said before that we work an live in a Manor House in a country area away from town, an with an all girl crew here on 3 shifts, operating 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Following those threats before, my Dad spent hundreds of thousands of pounds establishing massive security for us an our employees here, do you think I am going to negate all that jus because you want to think I am fake? As I said before, you can think what you like, it doesn't concern me. Tommy can decide himself if I am giving him any value in my replies to him, the same as anyone else who I reply to in posts or in private.

                  Well, sorry you had to go through that, but getting attention in major publications will give you more traffic and visibility than a thread on here with just a few members looking.

                  Since your Dad spent hundreds of thousands on security, I would think you would feel safe, after all, being talked about having a multi million dollar company with massive readership and distribution is riskier than a handful of readers on a forum.


                  I have nothing more to say here, I think both our points have been made. Though for Tommy, I wish instead of taking offense to what I said, he would look at what I brought up...

                  Your concerns are typical of someone at 10k/mo... not 1-2k/mo.

                  You have a lot of figuring out to do. Sales, prospecting, marketing, positioning, management, recruiting, system building, etc. when it comes to client work....
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10722993].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author LindyUK
                    Hello IAmNameless

                    You are likely a nice Guy but this jus started when I disagreed with you saying he only had a Hobby. If you had read my reply to Tommy I said this bout you, also with a comment bout Jason:

                    "I don't take offence to what he is saying, an I don't think you should either. He like anyone else who replies to you is really trying to help you in some way. I jus think SOME of what he is saying is wrong an pointing that out. Same with Jason, his advice is great but some not really applicable to your situation at present."

                    Then later you made a comment bout me re monopoly money an that I could be his adopted Mum, which I thought was very childish, an said so. So it started from that.

                    Re the Magazine articles, in hindsight agreeing to the interviews was a mistake, we did not need the publicity an I didn't think bout security, only that it was a great platform to spread my message an inspire people. We did receive hundreds of emails but they were all very positive, most from other women an no threats or negative remarks of any kind. In a way as well as wanting to help inspire people I was also wanting to tell the world how great my Dad was. But my Dad sure wasn't happy with me an I got into trouble, like a little girl, over that.

                    Yes I do feel safe now, with my Dad an the way he loves an protects me, but I went rhrough years of daily abuse as a teenager at the hands of my real father an the men he involved. I also experienced an incident in my early 20's where a Guy broke into my flat in London in the early hours of the morning, but I was saved by my Rottweiler. I told that little story last year in a thread by Joe Mobly:

                    I have always been truthful in what I have said, sometimes perhaps too open with personal stories bout my life, but I do that to try an inspire people that they can overcome jus bout anything in their lives. As a Guy your likely not very concerned bout things such as safety an security, for women it is a lot different, an especially if that woman has been through hell at the hands of Guys in the past. My Dad likely did not need to spend all that money on security, those Guys who threatened me were likely jus nutters not liking a woman having more success then themselves. My Dad likely spent that money more to make me feel safe from the past. I always credit my Dad for being the reason for our success, he mentored me, then counsouled me, then brought me into his life an his Business, an we have built it as a team.

                    I hope you might have some understanding of what I am saying, but yes we will leave it at that. I would prefer more people giving input to Tommy than us being engaged in a personal fight, that was not my reason for coming here.

                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10723058].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Advanpro
                Originally Posted by iAmNameLess v2 View Post

                This isn't the first time someone called you out for being a fake. Sharing the publications would show everyone how legit you are.

                Who in their right mind wouldn't want to show off some mentions in articles on Entrepreneur, Inc, and other well known places?

                If you got it... flaunt it!

                Words are just words... people take them with a grain of salt. You've been notorious for having a bunch of words bragging about how great you are, how much money you make, how you run one of the largest IM businesses in the entire world... well great, show us!

                It's not hard to post a link or two.... surely it would be helpful to the readers here.
                Why the bitch fest ? If that's the case why don't you prove you're not a fake ?? throwing your weight around because someone dare have a different opinion. Assuming you make more than £2k a month. Did you just go from making 0 to whatever you make without going through the £2k mark ? or did you have an hobby as well ?
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10725756].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
                  Originally Posted by Advanpro View Post

                  Why the bitch fest ? If that's the case why don't you prove you're not a fake ?? throwing your weight around because someone dare have a different opinion. Assuming you make more than £2k a month. Did you just go from making 0 to whatever you make without going through the £2k mark ? or did you have an hobby as well ?
                  I do not consider a 2K/mo thing, a business. If you do, good for you. If Tommy does, that's fine. If Lindy does, that's fine too. I don't think of 2k/mo as a business, sorry.

                  Look, for those of you that are not able to comprehend my point, you should take a look at one of my first posts in this thread, where I said:

                  Your concerns are typical of someone at 10k/mo... not 1-2k/mo.

                  You have a lot of figuring out to do. Sales, prospecting, marketing, positioning, management, recruiting, system building, etc. when it comes to client work....
                  The point is... whether he's at 1k...or 3k.. it's not really a business in my eyes. A business is something that has systems in place, processes, and has the potential for growth and become an asset that could sell.

                  If he's struggling to get more than the amount he's making, he has to get things squared away. It's a sign that he doesn't have a true client acquisition process in place that is profitable and allows scale. It's a sign he doesn't have a fulfillment process in place that cuts his costs and takes project management and tedious tasks out of his hands. It's a sign that the revenue being generated isn't being distributed in areas of need.

                  A 1 man operation could bring in 5 figures a month with these things in place.
                  • Prospecting
                  • Qualifying
                  • Lead Generation
                  • Sales / Client Acquisition
                  • Fulfillment
                  • Retention

                  Do you people really see a problem with this?

                  Does the OP have a business... by my definition, no.. by yours, maybe... who cares? Stop focusing on that part of what I said, and focus on what I said that a business should have.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10726259].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author LindyUK
                    Hello IAmNameless

                    I am drawn in to replying to you again. No I don't see a problem with points you are making, you need all those things to build a successful Business.

                    BUT....In Tommy's case we are talking about a One Man Start Up Business, not an established Business. Yes he has to get to the point where he can tick all those box's, an yes he should certainly be aware of an learning these things now so he can implement them as he goes along.

                    His roadblock at the moment is the time he has to spend managing his Outsourcers. So this is the first priority, find better Outsourcers or get a part or full time employee who can provide the creative as well as technical skills an this will free up his time to concentrate on getting more clients an sales.

                    At present time if he had the systems in place for better Prospecting-Qualifying-Lead Generation an so on, they would be wasted, as he couldn't handle the Fulfilment.

                    Most of us start small, we build an introduce systems as we build our Business's. We don't have all these systems in place when we first start out.

                    When we first went into Offline we were very experienced an successful in Affiliate Marketing, my Dad had been in that market for 10 years before I met him, then 3 years later we decided to try the Offline market, jus in its infancy at that time. We had the money to go into it in a big way but we wanted to test the waters first. We had the advantage that my Dad had taught me web design so we were both experienced at that but still limited in capacity of our weekly output. Using FrontPage at the time. (Fiverr an other Outsourcing sites didn't even exist then, this was 10 years ago) We only had one employee at that time, Jem who is now one of our Supervisors. We had trained her to help us with the Affiliate Marketing so we left her to run that division while we tried to enter the new Offline market.

                    Our Prospecting-Qualifying-Lead Generation-Sales /Client Acquisition was very simple, we concentrated on our local an area market. We first looked at small Business's that were already doing advertising in some form an who didn't have websites (most of them) an then we approached them to show them what we could do for them, at the same time we mainly had to show them why they should have a website. In some cases if we couldn't sell them a website we could offer a lower initial cost solution of leasing them a website. we gained 2/3 immediate revenue streams, income from sales of websites, then ongoing monthly residual income from website hosting (and leasing). Our Hosting Company at that time was jus run from a Hosting Re-Seller account.

                    When we knew for sure we could make money from this new Offline market we then convinced my best friend to leave her low paid job at a Beauty Salon an come to work for us doing sales. She knew nothing bout sales but my Dad convinced her that she could do it. He virtually told her she was a very pretty young woman, that most of the Business's were owned by Guys an they wern't going to throw her out on the street, most would give her some time an listen to what she had to say.

                    Thats how we started, we built up systems/process's an employees, as we built up our Business. Like most Business's do. We didn't have a heap of systems in place when we started. We do now of course, systems that cover all your points an more. Thats how Tommy an anyone else can build their Business's. You don't have to have super sophisicated systems in place when you start, you build them as you go.

                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10727616].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
                      Originally Posted by LindyUK View Post

                      Hello IAmNameless

                      I am drawn in to replying to you again. No I don't see a problem with points you are making, you need all those things to build a successful Business.

                      BUT....In Tommy's case we are talking about a One Man Start Up Business, not an established Business. Yes he has to get to the point where he can tick all those box's, an yes he should certainly be aware of an learning these things now so he can implement them as he goes along.

                      His roadblock at the moment is the time he has to spend managing his Outsourcers. So this is the first priority, find better Outsourcers or get a part or full time employee who can provide the creative as well as technical skills an this will free up his time to concentrate on getting more clients an sales.

                      At present time if he had the systems in place for better Prospecting-Qualifying-Lead Generation an so on, they would be wasted, as he couldn't handle the Fulfilment.

                      Most of us start small, we build an introduce systems as we build our Business's. We don't have all these systems in place when we first start out.
                      I don't think the problem initially starts with fulfillment, I think the problem initially starts with positioning and qualifying. If he were able to get a bit more profit, that clears up some fulfillment issues and allows him to scale.

                      Most problems are related to the sales process... "difficult" clients? It doesn't begin in fulfillment, they happen because of the sales process and lack of qualifying.

                      Start at the beginning, is my recommendation.
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10729138].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author LindyUK
                        Hello IAmNameless

                        We still differ a bit in our interpretation of Tommy's problem.

                        Re "I think the problem initially starts with positioning and qualifying".

                        He said - "In terms of my clients I was fortunate. I had contacts at a couple of large engineering companies that had very little marketing savvy and managed to convinced them that I can do a brochure for them and from there I managed to sell myself to be their go-to marketing guy. I have 2 companies I do this for, all from recommendations".

                        No one is going to look a gift horse in the mouth when it comes to getting your first clients. He had contacts in those Companies that he could leverage, so I would say he was sensible in taking advantage of "the bird in the hand" rather than "the bird in the bush" in trying to find more "qualified" prospects as his first clients.

                        With his situation, he says -" I probably can handle another 3-4 clients before I've reached capacity in what I can handle solely.", an his reason for saying that he states as -"they are generally technically skilled but i find not very creative. I do a lot of project managing/art direction. I design all the concepts and marketing strategies and the freelancer merely implement them."

                        I think it is obvious that if he had more skilled workers or an employee, with both creative as well as technical skill, who could work more independently without the need to be so micro managed by Tommy, than that would allow him more time to spend on client acquisition an sales, an yes more qualifying of those new clients too, cause he now has more upgraded skill sets in place for fulfilment. He says nothing at all bout "difficult clients", it is more bout his lack of capacity to handle many more clients.

                        I am not saying that your advice is wrong at all, it is good overall advice for any Business. We are not involved in teaching which is a part of your Business Model, but we have very extensive experience in both Online an Offline Business, an this is what I base my comments on. As far as IM experience my Dad an I are in our 13th year now in 2016, and he was already involved with IM for 10 years before I met him, so that is a combined 23 years of experience. He is 66 now, started his first offline Business's when he was 24 an built some very successful Business's over his lifetime, so there is another 42 years of additional Business experience. We are also involved in some High Street Business;s that are completely unrelated to IM. Anna has built up a small chain of 12 Hair & Beauty Salons over the last 4 years. Sherri started a Computer Repair/Service Business with her boyfriend early this year an is now getting ready to launch her own teen/twenties clothing boutique with her own label, an plans to build that into a small chain too. My Dad an I have 2 other offline Business's as well with plans for more. We use our experience to build an market these Business's too.You can not match our Business experience, not that you should, as from your photo I suspect that you are perhaps still in your late 20's, so you are likely going very well for your age an experience. I am 36 but I will readily admit I would not be in the position I am if I had not found John to mentor me, an if he had not become my Dad an brought me into his Business. I am sure though that I would have some successful Business at this age, jus likely no where the size.

                        So my recommendation, again a bit different to yours - start anywhere, jus start. Learn as you go, stay passionate, stay client focussed, put their needs above yours an you will succeed.

                        I model some of what we do on Richard Branson, he is a homegrown English Billionare, founder of the Virgin Group of Companies. I have had the opportunity to chat with him a couple of times, jus a luvly Guy, absolutely passionate bout Business but down to earth an not affected by his success an wealth. He started his first Business when he was still at High School, had to use a phone box as his office an try to change his voice so he sounded older to the adults he was dealing with. You should all buy an read his books for inspiration, like - Losing My Virginity: How I Survived, Had Fun, and Made a Fortune Doing Business My Way. Can buy from Amazon.

                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10730814].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
                          Originally Posted by LindyUK View Post

                          You can not match our Business experience, not that you should, as from your photo I suspect that you are perhaps still in your late 20's, so you are likely going very well for your age an experience.
                          I have enough experience to know that experience isn't measured by age, but thanks.
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10730845].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author LindyUK
                            Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

                            I have enough experience to know that experience isn't measured by age, but thanks.
                            Hello IAnNameless

                            Certainly to a point I will agree with you. Sherri started her first Business at 14 an by the time she was 16 was already making more than her Uni educated teachers. She had no interest in going to Uni, what was the point, by the time we let her leave school she was making far more than any Uni lecturer or Professor. At nearly 20 now she has far more Business knowledge an experience than most people who have been engaged in Business for years longer than herself, especially in IM.

                            You sound as though you might be very similar to her, so I would be interested in knowing your age an how long you have been in this industry, in Business for yourself.

                            Without knowing you, I am sure your driving force is passion for what you are doing. We live an breath Business, it is our love an passion, an that is a big secret to success.

                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10731041].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
              Originally Posted by LindyUK View Post

              Hello IAmNameless

              If you bothered to read my posts you will see that I agreed with much of what you said, but I didn't agree with you putting him down an saying all he had was a hobby. Likewise I respect Jason's posts an said so, but in this case I don't think his first answer was relevant to the situation. He was talking about getting higher quality clients, an bout Annual Corporate Reports an Corporate Websites.
              That is not what I intended, but I see how you could have read it that way.

              What I was doing was calling attention to the prices of corporate annual reports and sites in comparison to brochures and websites made for struggling business owners. Meaning that people are paying more for what the OP does than he is getting right now.

              I clearly stated a jump from Level 2 to Level 10 (where the high-priced corporate projects are) was unlikely. However, a move from Level 2 to Level 4 would do the trick.

              A better level of client can be achieved by the OP by qualifying more effectively as I stated.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10722905].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    Definition: A business is a collection of systems that work without you, the owner, being there.

    What Adam is complaining about, without, it seems, knowing (despite "And a "businesses" rather than a job that could be sold or more automated? "), is that he does not have a business but a job.

    Tommy, Linsy is right, you've got something that can be turned into a business. If your ego requires that you call it a business right now, do so. But keep in mind that you're doing it for ego reasons. I.e., don't forget to set up the required systems, as IAmNameless and Jason suggested.

    IAmNameless is both right and wrong. He's right because, in real life, most earners of $1k a month have a job not a business. He is wrong, because, at least in theory, it's possible to have the $1k a month stream set up in a way that doesn't require constant owner investment. In theory.

    You're looking for a business model. You were offered 'hire someone who's self-propelling/managing' and didn't like it. You were offered "hire better people" and you didn't like that, either. The only alternative left is: hire better people at least one of whom is self-propelled/managed.

    Or, if you just want more money but not necessarily a business, switch models: be the middle man; you find the clients, vet them a web-design company does the work, you get a cut.

    As a reminder: why is McDonald's a business? Why is Ford Motors a business? They set up systems for client acquisition/retention, supply-delivery, product-creation, returns, etc. McDonald's product creation is so good a 16-year old, hormone-propelled boy can work it well while a half-naked woman winks at him!

    PS I used to own a real estate appraising business. For the first 3 years I was proud that I was essential to business, that, without me there day in and day out, my crew of 7 could not function properly, that within a couple of weeks to one month, my business would close.

    I even appraised my business at $2,200,000 (based on some formulas for revenue times times)!

    But, it was not the business that was worth something: it was me, my daily efforts. I had a heck of a well-paid job and the meanest bosses ever! (I did not let me go once on a 3-day vacation in those 3 years!)

    I could do much because I had, in my head, some systems... I found out what that means when, year 4, I took a 1-week vacation! Day 2 of my absence, the guy I left in charge, my best, stopped taking phone calls. Day 3, I started getting calls though I was 3k miles away!

    PPS You need systems for growth too.
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    • Profile picture of the author LindyUK
      Hello DABK

      I might be a bit niggly but I still have a problem with the definition of a Business versus a Job. To me that definition has nothing to do with systems (other than record keeping). I more go on legal definitions, an especially in how our government authorities, especially like taxation departments, would view it.

      I will tell you a quick story as to why I am well versed in their definitions, an this story relating more to the US, as I think you are from there.

      It came about years ago when we wanted to ramp up our inroads on the Offline market here in the UK. We wanted to build a £1 Million war chest to finance our own Hosting an Data Backup Companies, but we were already heavily committed in paying off an renovating the Manor House that is now our home an Business headquarters, as well as buying a small farm.

      So our solution was to start a new Business that would return us that £1 million over the course of a year. We wanted to keep our heads low here in the UK an raise that money fairly unseen from the US. The idea we came up with was a private mentoring membership site where we would charge US$250 a month to 400 members, raising that money within a year.

      As that was a fairly high investment for our members at that time, even paying monthly, we looked for ways they could get immediate return on their outlay to us, an tax benefits/savings was one area we researched.

      We found the US have some great tax savings an benefits for small Home Based Business's, an our members could virtually recoup their investment from those tax savings alone.

      The US government encourages the setup of small Home Based Business's as they know it helps build the overall economy, as well as increasing their tax base. So their definition is virtually - you are setting up a Business enterprise with the intention of making a profit. You do not even have to be making a profit from it to be elegible for the Business tax advantages an savings. An you can be working in a full time Job an running your part time Business from home. You must be actively working a certain number of hours per week on your Business, an you must be keeping full Business records.

      The majority of Americans running small Home Based Business's would likely be eligible for these Business tax advantages, though most would not even know they are available. You can find information on Dr Ron Mueller's website.

      We don't have the same tax advantages here in the UK, not nearly as good, but our taxation would still define Tommy's Business AS a small Business, not a Job. He can still claim deductions for cost of running his Business that he could not claim if it was only a Job.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10722737].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author DABK
        I was not at all interested in the legal definition. If you can't give it away or sell it, it ain't a business. Even if the law says it is a business. I know lots of business owners who are the business. Some of them make good money, some do not. Very few can sell what they have or leave their kids something that will make the kids money without the kids quitting whatever jobs they have and working in the inherited thingie.

        That's my view of it.
        Originally Posted by LindyUK View Post

        Hello DABK

        I might be a bit niggly but I still have a problem with the definition of a Business versus a Job. To me that definition has nothing to do with systems (other than record keeping). I more go on legal definitions, an especially in how our government authorities, especially like taxation departments, would view it.

        I will tell you a quick story as to why I am well versed in their definitions, an this story relating more to the US, as I think you are from there.

        It came about years ago when we wanted to ramp up our inroads on the Offline market here in the UK. We wanted to build a £1 Million war chest to finance our own Hosting Company, but we were already heavily committed in paying off an renovating the Manor House that is now our home an Business headquarters, as well as buying a small farm.

        So our solution was to start a new Business that would return us that £1 million over the course of a year. We wanted to keep our heads low here in the UK an raise that money fairly unseen from the US. The idea we came up with was a private mentoring membership site where we would charge US$250 a month to 400 members, raising that money within a year.

        As that was a fairly high investment for our members at that time, even paying monthly, we looked for ways they could get immediate return on their outlay to us, an tax benefits/savings was one area we researched.

        We found the US have some great tax savings an benefits for small Home Based Business's, an our members could virtually recoup their investment from those tax savings alone.

        The US government encourages the setup of small Home Based Business's as they know it helps build the overall economy, as well as increasing their tax base. So their definition is virtually - you are setting up a Business enterprise with the intention of making a profit. You do not even have to be making a profit from it to be elegible for the Business tax advantages an savings. An you can be working in a full time Job an running your part time Business from home. You must be actively working a certain number of hours per week on your Business, an you must be keeping full Business records.

        The majority of Americans running small Home Based Business's would likely be eligible for these Business tax advantages, though most would not even know they are available. You can find information on Dr Ron Mueller's website.

        We don't have the same tax advantages here in the UK, not nearly as good, but our taxation would still define Tommy's Business AS a small Business, not a Job. He can still claim deductions for cost of running his Business that he could not claim if it was only a Job.

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        • Profile picture of the author LindyUK
          Hello DABK

          Well even by your definition it is still a Business. I am sure he could give it away, even sell it, to someone here in the WF or general IM community who are currently making a lot lot less for their efforts. I'm not sure of the figures but I think it is way over 80% of people who are involved in IM in same way, make nothing at all or barely cover their costs.

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          • Profile picture of the author DABK
            Right now, he cannot. Because he does not have assets. Because it's all in his head. And dependent on his skills and personality. He makes the sales. It seems easy to him. That's because he has a system (no, he does not call it a system)... He'd need to pass that system along. And he'd have to do for other things.

            He HAS systems. But all in his head and, probably, not optimized.

            If he figures out what step one, step two, step three is in anything, and writes it down so someone else can do it and get the same/ similar enough results, he can give it away.

            Right now, he doesn't even have a WSO, though he's not far from having one.

            Originally Posted by LindyUK View Post

            Hello DABK

            Well even by your definition it is still a Business. I am sure he could give it away, even sell it, to someone here in the WF or general IM community who are currently making a lot lot less for their efforts. I'm not sure of the figures but I think it is way over 80% of people who are involved in IM in same way, make nothing at all or barely cover their costs.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10723444].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author LindyUK
              Hello DABK

              You mean he doesn't have a WSO, as in Warrior Special Offer, an ebook or course? The only meaning I know for WSO.

              I have often said that when you start in IM you are in IM Kindergarten an it takes some time an a lot of learning an experience before you graduate IM University. No different to the real world really, where you either spend years with on the job training or years going through higher education.

              We still buy WSO's, ebooks, courses, videos, print books, new software releases, etc - you only have to learn one new thing or get one new idea from something for it to be valuable.

              When my Dad started mentoring me, along with hours of his teaching each week he would also send me (he lived in Australia) a hard cover book each week, an he only gave me that one week to read it an be able to talk bout it with him. At first I told him I could never read a 250 to 350 or more page book in a week, that I would need a month, his reply was that if I couldn't do it I was wasting his time an that would be the end of his mentoring. So of course somehow I surprised myself an managed to read each book in the week.

              The books were on all sorts of subjects to do with Business, I remember books bout Larry Ellison, John Sculley, Lee Iacoccca, Rupert Murdoch, Victor Kiam,an too many more to mention. Then there were books on positive mental attitude an out of the box thinking, marketing, advertising, branding an so on. Then books on war, from Sun Tzu's Art of War to our British SAS an your American Seals, to the German Waffen SS an the German Blitzkrieg. I didn't understand all the books on warfare at first, but it is what our Business's are now based on. Sun Tzu's - know the enemy but keep hidden yourself. The SAS motto - Who Dares Wins. The German Blitzkrieg - roll over your competition before they even realise you are there so can not prepare defence's against you. Then ebooks by the dozens. I have a library of hundreds of books now, an can read a book in jus a few hours.

              So yes in this Businesss especially you have to invest in yourself by learning, keeping up to date with constant change, an keeping ahead of your competitors with new ideas an techniques. No one should ever stop learning, specially if they want to keep ahead of the game an be successful.

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10723583].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author DABK
                Yes, I meant that he has the information to write a WSO on how to make $1k a month doing whatever he is doing.

                Originally Posted by LindyUK View Post

                Hello DABK

                You mean he doesn't have a WSO, as in Warrior Special Offer, an ebook or course? The only meaning I know for WSO.

                I have often said that when you start in IM you are in IM Kindergarten an it takes some time an a lot of learning an experience before you graduate IM University. No different to the real world really, where you either spend years with on the job training or years going through higher education.

                We still buy WSO's, ebooks, courses, videos, print books, new software releases, etc - you only have to learn one new thing or get one new idea from something for it to be valuable.

                When my Dad started mentoring me, along with hours of his teaching each week he would also send me (he lived in Australia) a hard cover book each week, an he only gave me that one week to read it an be able to talk bout it with him. At first I told him I could never read a 250 to 350 or more page book in a week, that I would need a month, his reply was that if I couldn't do it I was wasting his time an that would be the end of his mentoring. So of course somehow I surprised myself an managed to read each book in the week.

                The books were on all sorts of subjects to do with Business, I remember books bout Larry Ellison, John Sculley, Lee Iacoccca, Rupert Murdoch, Victor Kiam,an too many more to mention. Then there were books on positive mental attitude an out of the box thinking, marketing, advertising, branding an so on. Then books on war, from Sun Tzu's Art of War to our British SAS an your American Seals, to the German Waffen SS an the German Blitzkrieg. I didn't understand all the books on warfare at first, but it is what our Business's are now based on. Sun Tzu's - know the enemy but keep hidden yourself. The SAS motto - Who Dares Wins. The German Blitzkrieg - roll over your competition before they even realise you are there so can not prepare defence's against you. Then ebooks by the dozens. I have a library of hundreds of books now, an can read a book in jus a few hours.

                So yes in this Businesss especially you have to invest in yourself by learning, keeping up to date with constant change, an keeping ahead of your competitors with new ideas an techniques. No one should ever stop learning, specially if they want to keep ahead of the game an be successful.

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10723737].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author LindyUK
                  Tommy said he was making £1000 to "£2000 a month. Thats actually about US$1,400 to $2,800 a month, but certainly not enough to write an ebook about. So I don't get your meaning.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10723796].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author DABK
                    There are people at every stage... There are people who'd love to know how to make $1,400 because, on their own, they make $0 to $500. Other people would laugh at him, because they make $7,500 without him.

                    He could add another stream of income by documenting his process and putting the product in front of people who have yet to make their first $1k a month month.

                    Plus, he can use it to market himself. It would be his business card. See? I'm so good, I'm teaching others how to do it.

                    As an actual book, it would have power, this way, even before he sold the first copy. Even if nobody ever bought a copy.

                    Originally Posted by LindyUK View Post

                    Tommy said he was making £1000 to "£2000 a month. Thats actually about US$1,400 to $2,800 a month, but certainly not enough to write an ebook about. So I don't get your meaning.
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10724223].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Barry Unruh
    @Lindy, just curious.. Is "an" British for "and", or just some form of dyslexic typing? I had to reread many of your sentences.
    Brain Drained...Signature Coming Soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10722874].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author LindyUK
      Originally Posted by Barry Unruh View Post

      @Lindy, just curious.. Is "an" British for "and", or just some form of dyslexic typing? I had to reread many of your sentences.
      Hello Barry

      No, sorry, it's jus how I say "and", it's not the British way. I had a fairly traumatic childhood an that effected my schooling. I failed every subject at High School except Art/Photography an Music where I excelled. I couldn't even graduate High School, my father made me leave at 16 when I got pregnant. I was 24 when I met my new Dad (who was first my mentor), he had the task of virtually re-schooling me as well as teaching me bout Internet Marketing an Business, but I still slip back to some bad habits with some of my spelling, mainly jus with a few certain words. But no matter how much he goes crook it is jus so ingrained now. Doesn't effect my Business performance as I have PA's who know how to spell. lol.

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  • Profile picture of the author Barry Unruh
    Originally Posted by Tommyg123 View Post

    has anyone got any business model suggestions that would take what I am doing and make it far more scalable. And a "businesses" rather than a job that could be sold or more automated?
    Interestingly, IAmNameless could have helped you tremendously, but it appears that bridge may have been burned down. His guide on building an agency covers a ton of the issues you are discussing.

    Hiring a VA can be a good step, but still requires a substantial amount of management, unless you have very clearly defined tasks for building a website, doing SEO, or other work.

    Scaling your business will require getting systems in place that alleviate some of your management workload. Whether that is in the form of using Shared Google Docs or a system like Teamwork. (I still get away with Google Docs, but I have a small team.)

    If you'd like to chat, hit me up via PM, and we'll talk outside the thread.
    Brain Drained...Signature Coming Soon!
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  • Profile picture of the author gingerninjas
    I think the key to this is that you need to ensure if you are outsourcing this you are covering your costs and at the end of the day making a set cut for yourself.

    I started out so excited about the idea of outsourcing that I left little for myself and ended up undercutting myself sometimes once all the project management, edits and updates were done.

    I outsource graphic design services, web development services and some other services to contractors and aim to put a set percentage on top of any work they do, I also negotiate a fair rate to ensure I am getting a good deal too.

    The client is happy as they get a one stop shop solution and I am happy as I can just project manage the process.

    Biggest piece of advice is ensure you are offering a competitive rate, and covering all your expenses when you outsource. Often I have also not had a good balance and when all the bills have come in it has been a bit of a shock to the system.

    It's a balancing act that's for sure
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  • Profile picture of the author mjlimey
    I don't know LindyUK so I won't comment - but here's my experience with "iAmNameLess" for all you lurker entrepreneurs reading along like me :-)

    I AM also a one man start up - when I joined Income Bully - I was making less that a few thousand dollars a month… So here’s what it HAS DONE for me :-)

    Is iAmNameLess an opinionated ass? - oh hell yeah no doubt...

    Does he come off as abrupt and at times rude? - sure sometimes...

    iAmNameLess never minces his words - he's allergic to BS and has no tolerance for shoddy work or slackers...

    BUT - let me tell you - the guy makes me MONEY...

    With all the misinformation online, some intentional and others just rehashing what they read elsewhere, not meaning to do harm, but it does anyway -

    iAmNameLess is a breath of fresh air...

    He selflessly gives to his mastermind community, hours and hours of his time everyday - a mix of advice, ass kickings, love, props, support, resources, feedback and up to date tested information. He has accurately diagnosed several SEO problems I'd never have figured out alone on my clients sites, no charge - is always available to help and never asks for recognition or any kind of guru status.

    He just plain wants to see his students succeed...

    Truthfully I've bought into all the big names, their courses and "Guaranteed to build a $100K a month agency by the morning" BS...

    It wasn't until I joined Income Bully that I really understood the process well enough to make more than a couple of grand a month doing client SEO (I had no inbound leads, no prospecting system and I was struggling with managing freelancers). I'm not gonna rehash iAmNameLess post above - but getting leads, closing them and fulfilling the service is what ALL of us want to learn...right?

    Well, then I suggest you learn from someone that actually does it - iAmNameLess walks the walk and can talk the talk in any room he goes in - irrelevant of the gurus there - and they listen, because his advice makes money...

    As soon as I started making real money from iAmNameLess's free advice - I purchased a couple of hours coaching from him...5 mins into the call he 'showed' me where I was leaving $1000's a month on the table, how to get my team together and on the same page as well as make communication easy. How to properly structure lead and deal flow as what to do 'next' then 'next' after that...

    Did it work? - Heck Yeah...Im scaling rapidly and not suffering from the same issues as previously... The last creative I had made up for direct mailing - I think his exact words were "Its total Junk - toss it, you know better than this cr@p" and sure - my feelings were hurt a bit… So I sat back down and got to grinding out better copy, more focused on the offer and the customer pain points...and it saved me $1000's in wasted postage and more importantly - TIME!

    The result -

    The IncomeBully - iAmNameLess - approved “yeah that is a solid money maker" postcard mailing hit mailboxes yesterday - 9 calls, 3 closed, 2 maybe's... $2750 a month recurring SEO - plus a website build for $1500 - so all in all, not a bad DAY for $4250!

    I have been writing this post for over 5 hours because my Phone is ringing off the hook again today with more closes and deals pending. What are you up to today?

    Im going to break my target goals for the first time this month that iAmNameLess and I set 4 months ago for recurring revenue...

    Know what he said? "OK - here's the next steps, scale - do this - now that - here's the problems you will face - here's how you deal with those..."

    The cost? Nada, Zip, Free...He likes action takers... He will do anything to help those that want it bad enough to get on it and do it...

    Hey look - I haven't even mentioned the mastermind group much - seriously, if you take action, it would be hard not to break $100K a year just from whats shared inside the Skype group…

    Honestly - I NEEDED someone that pushes aside feel good hugs and I might hurt your feelings - He knows it will sting a bit when he tells you that your beautiful creation is rubbish ad won’t work - but then PUSHES you to make it great - to make money - to scale - to attack head on the challenges all of us face…

    Want real tools and live bullets for your marketing gun? Check out the bully - grow a thicker skin - implement - bank cash…
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  • Profile picture of the author mjlimey
    To Whom It May Concern:

    "iAmNameLess" You Sir - Are Fired.

    Allegedly - after reading LindyUK posts, you indeed are NOT the most talented consultant I have ever hired. I was mistaken in believing that to this point.

    Also - you are too young.

    And you drink beer.

    And you have ONLY managed to help me scale my business to $40,000 per month in 4 months...

    Shame on you - shame on YOU i say...

    One Really Upset Client - NOT a happy camper
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  • Profile picture of the author mjlimey
    Dear Miz LindyUK

    Please exzept my apologe an I wold jus love to meet bledy luvely people jus like you mor ofen.

    I think you r wonderfull an talentid an well - jus simplee awzom.

    Pleaze, pleaze PLEAZE tel with me more storiez of your sucksess an manor house an biznisess an menny companies.

    It has truely bean wonderfel reeding of yur sucksess.

    I wud also luv to heer bout yur fine spotz carz and stuuf.

    Its jus so refreshin this days to meat somewon online lik u that jus has no feer of pipple like that dreaded no it all rotter the evil {I shall never agin speak His iAmName}

    to me fourever mor he shall jus be MrNoName…

    MJ+LindyUK bff's fourevr

    LindyUK - will u marre me?

    I wold luv to jus liv ina big masnssion houze lik u. U r def initly a prinzess two me an I jus want two bee mor lik yu.

    Luv u two the mhoon an bak

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10730907].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author LindyUK
      Hello mjlimey

      I luv your sence of humour in your last 2 posts. We have a culture here too where having fun is part of our work day, razz's going on all the time. An yes you can razz me bout my spelling an my formal education, or lack of it, especially when you do it in the funny way that you did. I would more get upset if you put me down for it in a serious way, due to the reasons why my education was not the best. Being sexually assaulted on a daily basis by your father throughout your school years, an being forced to leave school before any graduation does not help anyone's education. If you wonder why I would even mention that in posts, I do it to inspire people that they can rise above anything in their lives, an I also do it to spread awareness of sexual assault an incest. To bring something that is often hidden an not talked bout more out into public awareness, especially with Guys.

      You perhaps though have the mistaken idea that I am speaking against Nathan. I am not, an in many of my replies I say I agree with most of what he is saying, but I disagree on some points. I have huge respect for anyone who gets off their bums an gets active, especially when it comes to starting an building their own Business's, an taking responsibility for their own lives, working hard to achieve their own dreams.So I respect Nathan, I respect you, an I respect Tommy, an anyone else who joins us all in the same boat. Quite obviously that includes most here in the Warrior Forum as that is the reason they are here.

      But I certainly can disagree with anyones viewpoint if I think they are wrong.

      The thing that seemed to start the little tif with Nathan was when I made this comment - "I don't agree with IAmNameLess saying "1-2k/mo isn't a business, it's a hobby". Your Business may be full or part time but if you are running it as a Business it IS a Business."

      His reply in part was - "Easy're just wrong. However, with anybody that has eyes, that can read and comprehend what's going on here, they see he is running it as a hobby, not a business". Now the rest of his reply in that post I would fairly well agree with, BUT his "Easy rebuttal" that I am wrong is 100% incorrect, an easily proved wrong.

      If you or Nathan insist I am wrong on this point well I challenge you to put your money on the table an I will take it. The fact is, Nathan is not the person to decide if a Business is not a Business. I am from the UK an you are both from the US, but your law is based on ours so very similar. Your Government, likely your taxation department the IRS defines Business versus Hobby.

      If you want to prove me wrong (but I assure you that you will prove me right) all you need to do is email your IRS, tell them that you are undertaking a Hobby that is returning you from $1,400 to $2,800 profit per month, but you understand that you do not have to pay tax on this amount as it is a Hobby rather than a Business. An that your understanding is that it is not a Business cause you do not have defined systems in place for client acquisition, positioning, qualifying, etc.

      Then come back here an post their reply to you.

      You will learn that I am right. A Hobby is not deemed to make any profit, that is the reason you can not claim any deductions for costs associated with your Hobby. A Business on the other hand is set up to make a profit, an even if it is not currently making a profit, you are allowed to claim deductions on your expences.

      So it's a matter of "put up or shut up" here. It will likely only take you a day or so to email the IRS an get an answer back that can prove me wrong. Or RIGHT!.

      The other little tif with Nathan was with a reply that I thought childish an I called him out on that. Any other differences we have an comment on are jus differences of opinion, two slightly differing viewpoints to add to the discussion.


      PS. An no I won't marre you. Beg all you like, it's jus too bad! lol.
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  • Profile picture of the author mjlimey
    ^^^ thats what makes you awesome :-) a sense of humor ^^^

    (note the US spelling of humor - instead of the UK humour!)

    Heres the IRS's official definition for arguments sake...

    Does the time and effort put into the activity indicate an intention to make a profit?
    Does the taxpayer depend on income from the activity?
    If there are losses, are they due to circumstances beyond the taxpayer’s control or did they occur in the start-up phase of the business?
    Has the taxpayer changed methods of operation to improve profitability?
    Does the taxpayer or his/her advisors have the knowledge needed to carry on the activity as a successful business?
    Has the taxpayer made a profit in similar activities in the past?
    Does the activity make a profit in some years?
    Can the taxpayer expect to make a profit in the future from the appreciation of assets used in the activity?

    No matter the answers we could glean from the OP's post - and no need to put money on the table - as there are too many variables - but in the US it is more of a slang saying of something unprofitable/unsustainable of "that's not a real business".

    I'm not trying to debate the legality of an entity - but focusing more the longevity and intent of such a venture.

    I took more of an aversion to the fact that you said "You can not match our Business experience, not that you should, as from your photo I suspect that you are perhaps still in your late 20's, so you are likely going very well for your age an experience." Claims for which you have provided absolutely zero proof or credibility...

    Well i HAVE personally built and own 3 multi million dollar companies - all from scratch, with no investors, no funding - just sweat of my brow work (and on this I WILL put my money where my mouth is) and I have never had the privilege of having the advice of a consultant as smart, sharp or savvy as Nathan. Period. Believe me I have paid some big sums to various 'leaders' in the industry. All turned out to be 'book learning' advisors with no real knowledge of how businesses are actually built or scaled...

    I like in the trenches guys that are smart, sharp and bulls that charge forward kicking ass on the way (can I say ass on WF?!!)

    LOOK: Im a kid from Cornwall England that grew up on a sheep and dairy farm with nothing. I moved to the US with $47, a carton of cigarettes and a return plane ticket...and I went back on vacation when I had a pocket full of cash - riding in first class...

    NOW - if you want to get our lawyers together (or as you say - solicitors) to compare tax returns - Id be happy to go that route...say a bet of - the winner buys the loser supper in London at a 5* spot?

    If I win - I've always fancied eating at Clos that french food...

    Either way, even if I lose - I come out a winner - as maybe I could even charm you into 'marrie-ing' me anyway ;-)

    loving you more than ever
    Mj xxxx
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    • Profile picture of the author animal44
      Originally Posted by mjlimey View Post

      Well i HAVE personally built and own 3 multi million dollar companies - all from scratch, with no investors, no funding - just sweat of my brow work (and on this I WILL put my money where my mouth is)...
      So where is this proof...?
      Name the companies, so we can look up the public record...

      I don't know Lindy either, though we're practically neighbours

      I'd tend to listen to someone offering advice for free rather than someone dependant on cheap WSOs for their income... And I'd rather hear what they've achieved before I listen to what they have to say...

      And $40,000 per month isn't a lot... If you've built 3 multi million dollar companies, I'd be surprised you feel it is a lot. So where's the proof you "scaled your business to $40,000 per month in 4 months"...?

      Why is it that the WSO sellers all seem to live in, how shall I put it, "modest" homes...
      And why is it when they seem to feel they're under threat, some fan automatically comes out of the woodwork to throw even more abuse at someone who offers a differing opinion...

      OP seems to have fled in terror

      People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
      What I do for a living

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10731094].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author LindyUK
      Hello mjlimey

      Well, no matter that you took the time to copy something from the IRS website, you could have easily posted my challenge question in the same time, specially since you were obviously at their website an I gave you a fairly clear text to email, based on Nathans definition of a Business being a Hobby. So in this respect, I take it you are jus not up for that challenge, as it would prove him wrong. An you beside him if you back his statement.

      I don't know why you would take aversion to what I said re "said "You can not match our Business experience, not that you should, as from your photo I suspect that you are perhaps still in your late 20's, so you are likely going very well for your age an experience." A lot of my full statement was to do with my Dad, an I at 36 could certainly not match 42 years of Business experience myself, an I think Nathan looks younger than me.

      Nathan hasn't said anything bout how long he has been in Business himself, the number of Business's he owns, number of employees or his turnover, but he is certainly welcome to do so. I am trusting, I will take it that he is an honest an honourable man so I won't cast doubts on his truthful answer.

      We have built our Business from scratch too, with jus hard work, long hours an knowledge. In fact my Dad has a saying bout building Business's - "Start from scratch an keep on scratching". No investors or outside funding either the same as you. An I agree with your comments bout "'book learning' advisors with no real knowledge of how businesses are actually built or scaled". I once got into a flap with someone here in the WF who was doing a "paper" on Affiliate Marketing an was declaring that no one was making money from it. He was very sensitive re his Higher Education an academic qualifications, but in the end my arguments reduced him to name calling. lol. Most others in that thread were also backing me of course, as many were making good money from it.

      You still seem to be "defending Nathan to the death", an I don't know why as I am not attacking him in that way. Maybe you should read through all my replies again, an you will see I have repeatedly said that I agree with MOST things he says, but I differ in SOME.

      Forget the Lawyers an Solicitors, let's settle this the old fashioned an more honourable way, say with dueling pistols at dawn in Hyde Park. Being an ex Brit that should be more in keeping with your heritage! lol.

      An far as answer to marrying me, that answer so far is still no. lol.

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  • Profile picture of the author animal44
    Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

    Well aren't you cute.. lol
    Sure am. The women just love the long floppy ears..

    Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

    So the first 5 years I was giving advice for free, you listened to me. Now I'm someone dependent on cheap WSOs for my income.
    I haven't been visiting this forum for five years. I had a brief stint back in 2008, before you joined, then I started visiting regularly since beginning of last year.

    You might remember that I never listen to you....

    Why would I? I earn more than you. I live in a more expensive home. I own an even more expensive second home. I even have at least one more expensive car than you... Why would I aspire to less than I already have...?

    Did you hire the Limey from fiverr...?

    People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
    What I do for a living

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10731737].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
      Originally Posted by animal44 View Post

      Sure am. The women just love the long floppy ears..

      I haven't been visiting this forum for five years. I had a brief stint back in 2008, before you joined, then I started visiting regularly since beginning of last year.

      You might remember that I never listen to you....

      Why would I? I earn more than you. I live in a more expensive home. I own an even more expensive second home. I even have at least one more expensive car than you... Why would I aspire to less than I already have...?

      Did you hire the Limey from fiverr...?
      I think I figured it out... You're Lindy's dad.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10731746].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author LindyUK
        Another immature response Nathan.

        No animal is not my Dad, my Dad is Australian an lives in Australia, though visiting us here at the moment. He has never been a member of the Warrior Forum.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10731763].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author animal44
          Originally Posted by LindyUK View Post

          No animal is not my Dad...
          Phew, glad we've cleared that up. Wifey started giving me funny looks...

          People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
          What I do for a living

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10732216].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author LindyUK
            Lol. But I do like your big floppy ears!

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