Does offline Guerrilla marketing strategies appeal to hipsters?

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Social Media, SEO, advertising, e-mail marketing - are the most common things we hear today when it comes to marketing. They belong to the online marketing and are very popular today. There is a wide range of possibilities and ways that could potentially let us reach to new customers and keep the old ones, not all of them are online.

There is one more way that people use for the promotional matters, the Guerrilla marketing. It is a scrappy and aggressive approach that will make the brand be more present and available in the physical world. This type of marketing strategy can reach to anyone who goes out for a walk from time to time, including hipsters.

What exactly is the Guerrilla Marketing?
The system of Guerrilla marketing bases on the exposure of the products, services, and brand itself to the physical world with the aim of getting the attention in specific areas. The availability of Guerrilla Marketing is obvious and can be seen and felt on the locations by your choice. With a creative campaign, the word about the brand through this marketing method gets spread easily, just like everywhere else. Back to the main question, can it capture the hipsters? - Of course, it can. They are most likely to spend the time walking and relaxing, which is when they can get attracted by this marketing strategy.

The Guerrilla Marketing has a few simple rules that should be followed in order to achieve positive results among hipsters:

Choose a perfect location
If your target audience are hipsters, choose the places they usually visit. It should be a visible location that they will have an opportunity to come across.

Be creative
Guerrilla marketing could be easily ignored if it is not creative. It should give hipsters a reason to stop and get attracted by what they see.

Align the creativity with your goals
After capturing the attention of the hipsters, the next challenge might be even harder -showing the image of your brand exactly the way you wanted to represent it with a powerful message that will engage the audience to you.

Unforeseen variables:
The weather, noise, city laws, and similar factors should be well considered before applying Guerrilla marketing.

Staying legal and classy
Annoying people with aggressive messages or breaking the laws will not build a good reputation to a brand. Yes, hipsters are urban but instead of having a rebellion attitude towards everything, try being the most neutral possible and avoid sharing negativity.

Use Guerrilla marketing complement your online marketing and the other way around

Since the Social Media is more than available today, make sure people can connect your offline and online marketing. Hipsters will know how to appreciate this act so knowing how to combine these two factors could be very beneficial to your brand. The best idea is to give them an opportunity to find out more about you. This can be done by providing a name of your company or something related to it that they will easily find on Google and get informed.
#appeal #guerrilla #hipsters #marketing #offline #strategies

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