What services are in demand in 2017 for small business owenrs?

9 replies
I'm interested in what you guys feel are the most in demand services that business owners need in 2017 and going forward? There are a lot of services I feel I can offer or just outsource if needed, but what you guys see being the biggest opportunities right now?
#2017 #business #demand #owenrs #services #small
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  • Profile picture of the author helisell
    Walk into some small businesses say.....

    'I wonder if I could pick your brain for one minute?'

    Then say....

    'I work online supplying marketing solutions for small businesses
    and I'm feeling a bit lost and I wondered if you could guide me for a minute?'

    'What's the hardest part about marketing your business...you know...the thing that if someone could do it quicker or cheaper or more easily you'd be the first in the queue for it?'

    Some won't know.
    Some will kick you out.
    Some will suggest amazing things that you could target.

    If you're interested in what small businesses want....then go ask them, you'll get much more useful answers than you get on here.

    Making Calls To Sell Something? What are you actually saying?
    Is there any room for improvement? Want to find out?

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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
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  • Profile picture of the author myob
    Several years ago I read a report published by the SBA (Small Business Administration) summarizing the top concerns of most small businesses. According to the SBA, over half of Americans own or work for a small business.

    Most small businesses struggle with insufficient capital, inadequate marketing practices, poor cash-flow management, high overhead, lack of a sound business plan, and often oppressive government regulations - mostly regarding taxes and healthcare.

    The SBA data consistently shows over the years that while about 66% of small businesses with employees make it at least two years, just 50% are able to stay operational for five years, and of those just 33% stay open for 10 years. Business failure is perhaps the ultimate worry of small business owners.

    Specific solutions will vary depending upon the business sector or niche, but generally you can offer consulting services such as software to manage and automate cashflow, management/employee training, targeting their most profitable customers to maximize returns, cutting back on fixed overhead costs (a biggie), revenue diversification, and helping to keep them informed about developments, pertinent regulations, and the pulse of their market sector.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Notice that he didn't say anything about "getting on the front page of Google"?
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    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      You make it sound like being #1 in Google doesn't get your subcontractors to deliver quality on time, every time! You're making it sound like Google ain't God! You're breaking my heart, John.

      Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

      Notice that he didn't say anything about "getting on the front page of Google"?
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Cohen
    Originally Posted by musicman2 View Post

    I'm interested in what you guys feel are the most in demand services that business owners need in 2017 and going forward? There are a lot of services I feel I can offer or just outsource if needed, but what you guys see being the biggest opportunities right now?
    They want more customers/clients. And always will.

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    • Profile picture of the author Ron Lafuddy
      Originally Posted by Alex Cohen View Post

      They want more customers/clients. And always will.

      Succinct and to the point.

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    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      In your part of the world too?

      Damn them, then. Why can't they be reasonable and want SEO or Blog posts or Facebook ad management or whatever the marketer calling sells? Don't they know how much happier those marketers would be?
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  • Profile picture of the author theleadsguy
    The #1 most in-demand service that businesses will need now (and always) is anything that's proven to get them more customers. The #1 problem B2B clients have is how to get more business and any solution tailored to that is what will get them to listen to you.

    Doesn't matter if you're selling SEO, Appointment Setting, Lead Generation, Reputation Marketing, Web Design, etc. It's all about how you sell the benefits of your product/service. If you can demonstrate that the service you offer will help them get more business, they're much more likely to listen to what you have to say.
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