3 replies
Dear fellow offline marketers,

I just wondered !!!

Are there any difference in your work or methods, doing an offline or an online due dilligence, before working the client or supplier.

Thanks, LASSE
#dilligence #due
  • Profile picture of the author Etak
    Do we do research on the potential client or supplier? Is that the question?

    If so, I don't do anything different with offline or online prospects. I find out everything I can about the business owner before contacting them. It's like going to an interview being fully prepared.
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  • Profile picture of the author MattyD
    In the UK, if I'm meeting a company I'll gather data about their business as usual from talking with the Director(s)/Owner(s), their website and any other online sources.

    We're also lucky enough that we can order a copy of accounts from Ltd companies via Companies House (the UK registrar of companies). It costs me £1 per document and I only really need a copy of their accounts and a list of directors, so I can ensure that I'm speaking to the right people and get an idea of their trading history/where they might need help.

    I think you can never be too prepared for a meeting with a client
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  • Profile picture of the author Ryan Shaw
    Always try to prepare before you meet with a business owner. It becomes easier with experience.

    Also, try staying with one niche for a while.

    Example: Focus on chiropractors for a while, then restaurants, etc.

    This way, you will understand what they need and more importantly; what YOU CAN SELL THEM!
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