Offline - $243 from a $17 Investment and took less than SIX hours of work

13 replies
Hello Fellow Warriors,

I don’t make many posts on here… but I’m always reading and learning… sooo I thought I would make a post and SHARE with you all.

I came up with this idea 2 weeks ago that earned me $243 from a $17 Investment and took less than SIX hours of work.

Now, what got me to thinking about this idea was a Post on the Warrior Forum. I was going to link to the post but I can’t find it now.

The post was from a gentleman that got the idea to use ClickBank Products at local Trade Conferences. If I remember correctly he targeted a Furniture Trade Conference or something like that. He printed off a FLYER and handed it out at the Trade Conference.

It got me to thinking.

Don’t have any Trade Conferences here where I live but we do have a FLEA MARKETS… actually about FIVE Flea Markets in the Area.

I’ve always loved Flea Markets. Where else can you find 10,000 potential customers and your cost to set up is only $8.00 - $15.00.

Sooo I decided to take his POST and see if it would work at a Flea Market.

Sooo here is the STEP-BY-STEP how I earned $243 from a $17.00 Inventment with less than 6 hours total WORK TIME.

Step # 1 - Looked at Clickbank and Paydotcom for a product that I could use.

People at Flea Markets love to save money sooo my goal was to find a product that saved money.

The product I ended up choosing was a product where you give away a Resorts Club Membership valued at $3,997.00. The customer is only required to pay $39.97 to activate the membership.

The website looked pretty good and they offered PROOF that other memberships like this one were selling On-line and Offline for up to $9,995… which gave credibility to the product.

I had never sold this product on-line or tried testing it.. so not sure what the outcome would be.

You can find this exact product on by typing in the word:


Will come up Resorts Club Membership

Not sure if appropriate to give exact link.

Cost of Step # 1 – Approx TWO hours of TIME

Step # 2 – Signed up with as an affiliate.

Cost Step # 2 – Less than 30 minutes of TIME.

Step # 3 – Used my OLD Word Perfect program to create a Business Card to hand out at the Flea Market.

Cost Step # 3 – Less than 30 minutes of TIME.

Step # 4 – Had Business Cards printed on 8 x 11 YELLOW Card Stock Paper. Printed 100 sheets and had them cut into 1,000 Business Cards.

Cost Step # 4 - $7.00 CASH and 30 minutes of TIME.

Step # 5 – Reserved a Table for Saturday at one of my local Flea Markets.

Cost Step # 5 - $10.00 CASH and 5 Minutes of TIME.

Step # 6 – Handed out my 1,000 Business Cards on Saturday Morning. Took less than 2 hours to hand out 1,000 cards.

Cost Step # 6 – 2 hours and 15 minutes TIME.

Within the 1st 24 hours I had made 7 sales for $140.00

The next 24 hours I made another 5 sales for $100.00

The next 48 hours I made another 1 sale for $20.00

Total sales were 13 for a total of $260.00.

Minus Marketing Costs of $17.00

Total Profit = $243.00.

$243.00 divided by 6 hours of work came out to $40.50 per hour.

NOT bad.

Lessons LEARNED…

1. Print more cards… I only printed 1,000 Business Cards this 1st time because I had no idea if it would work or not. Next time I will print 5,000 or more.

2. Although the response rate was LOW less than 1%, I was still able to make a good profit because my marketing costs are so low.

3. How to Up Scale this to bigger profits. I’ve already contacted a few friends at other Flea Markets in the area. I’ve offered to pay them $10.00 for each sale they make from handing out my business cards. Sooo their cost will be ZERO… I will print the cards for them all they have to do is hand out cards. I'll earn $10.00 profit on each sale from them and earn $20.00 profit from My personal sales.

4. I imagine other Clickbank and Paydotcom products would work using this same method, but I’m going to stick with this product until I’m not making money with it before I try something new.

Hope this gives you all a lot of ideas how to earn some extra money this weekend in the Off Line area using Clickbank and Paydotcom products.

There are 1,000 of Flea Markets soooo YOU are NOT going to hurt my business.

Again before I get 100 PM about the product, I found it on You can find it by doing a search – type in “Resorts”.
#$17 #$243 #clickbank #flea markets #hours #investment #offline #paydotcom #work
  • Profile picture of the author Jayme43
    Just found the link to my Mentor DAVE.

    Warrior will not let me post the link...

    But you can find it by doing a seach in Offline Marketing.

    Whats Working For Me

    Whats Working Me

    Thanks Dave....
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3831712].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
    Low margins for me... but that isn't important.

    The cool thing about this, is not only that you actually did something, but because you did something not many people are doing, if any. Great job on doing something different and it working!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3832305].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author George Pitts
    Great read! This was a great thing to try and test. It seems it went well with low risk and high reward. Now that you know the flow of what to expect im sure your next time around will be much greater... GOOD JOB!

    Don't just follow the Pack...Lead the Pack

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  • Profile picture of the author kimberly Aita
    I think that's totally awesome results!! I love that you took the idea and adjusted it to fit your needs and it WORKED.

    I for one am very grateful to you for sharing what seems like a fairly easy, low cost method for making a few dollars. I love it and the timing couldn't be better what with spring being here "finally" and the flea markets are going to be really busy soon if they aren't already.

    Can I ask what all you included in your business cards. Just your name and a url? any graphics? Sounds great to me. I love flea markets too.

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  • Profile picture of the author redlegrich
    This is a good idea. I used to live in Orange County CA and they had a swap meet every single weekend at the OC fairgrounds. You could go nuts there with this scheme.

    I'd suggest an alternative also. Do a text messaging thing with a CPA program for some sort of free offer (free iPad, concert tixs and so on), that way people can do it right then and there, no waiting for email to be available (yes know smart phones can do email, but texting is easier).

    You could also do the get help thing. Pay for the number of entries and the top performer so they don't chuck them.

    If you want to test it out with no commitment to a text marketing plan PM me and I'll work out a "test it out" deal with you.
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  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
    Jayme, I posted some questions for you in the other thread, hope you can respond to it as I'm curious about certain aspects of your implementation:
    >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author Jayme43
    Here's what I put on the Business Card...


    Go To: Website

    To Claim Your Prize Valued At $3,997
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  • Profile picture of the author Jayme43
    Hello AidenChong: Thanks, Jayme

    Tried to PM but can't. Don't have enough posts.

    Not interested in doing a WSO at this time but If I change my mind will let you know.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3840972].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jayme43
    Hi Deb, here are the answers to your PM Questions.,

    I know you can't pm but I think you can get them! Is it possible to email me at ___ to answer this (or if you just want to put info in one of the threads that is ok too...

    1) To make the business cards are you printing them on your home computer- or do you just design them there?

    ANSWER - Design SIMPLE just words Business card on home computer have printed at local printer. Could also have printed at Staples, Office Depo

    2) A local convenience store near my house is willing to let me leave some.. do you have any thoughts of what would work best for that setting? I also do live near a place that has a flea market but it is very expensive to have a table... Thanks. PS That is funny you are already getting offers to run a wso!

    ANSWER - No idea about convenience store... just try it and test the response... i.e. Number of orders verse number of business cards given out.

    If the flea market table is expensive, probally means a LOT of people go there. Simple find someone already renting a booth that wants to make more money. Should be someone that TALKS to the customers and just doesn't sit in the chair and WAIT on someone to come up and buy something.

    Good Luck.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3846076].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author rugman
      Have you ever tried - you "could" be a winner instead of your are? Just wondering if more people might be inclined to at least go to the site and see.

      Growing older but not up!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3846109].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by Jayme43 View Post

      If the flea market table is expensive, probally means a LOT of people go there. Simple find someone already renting a booth that wants to make more money. Should be someone that TALKS to the customers and just doesn't sit in the chair and WAIT on someone to come up and buy something.

      Good Luck.
      I think this is a vital component that will dramatically impact the conversion rate of your business cards. It'll probably work much better if you're personable and chatty, as this will put the prospect's mind at ease.
      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author sandalwood

    Absolutely stupendous thinking on your part. The margins will take care of themselves if you keep hustling. Pretty soon you will have people wanting to work for you. Best of luck in all of your future endeavors. BTW, keep posting so you can PM people. There are some awesome folks on the WF.

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