Can't decide what services to offer ... PARALYSIS ANALYSIS

21 replies
Got started in offline because an associate showed me their bank account, and I was impressed. When they showed me the ropes, they started me off with SEO. Not knowing anything about outsourcing, I didn't find SEO or web design (another one of his services) appealing. Ended up getting ahold of a WSO on mobile websites, got my 1st client, and thought I was on the road to prosperity. That is until ....

After landing that 1st client, I went hogwild and started buying up a bunch of WSO's. Everythig from SEO, Google Places, FB Fanpages, QR Codes, SMS, etc. Unfortunately, this has left me with paralysis analysis.

What would the best way to figure out what service to offer? Fanpages, QR Codes and SMS are what comes to mind, because none of these are too technical for me. Mobile websites are cool, but I use gomobi, and had a potential client laugh at me "offering a $200 site that cost for $10". (Seems they had their web designer check my portfolio, and told them how I build the sites). So I kinda let mobike sites go.

Don't want to waste the 2nd part of the year fiddling around with this and that. Just want to focus on two services.

#analysis #decide #offer #paralysis #services
  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    Pick one... If one savvy client with a cocky web designer shuts you down...expect that. Figure it as part of the equation... Web designers and techs love to talk about how stupid other peoples ideas are, just think of it "They have no motivation to talk up your skills to their boss...". They are paying your for the "service" not the program.

    In either event in 100 call session, you are going to come across a few of those... they are the exception... Work the "rules".

    The rules are if you call enough prospects you are going to see ALL kinds of typical profiles go by... You are looking for the profile of the guy that needs you service.

    The rest are just like "Okay, you have a smartass tech... NEXT".

    "Why hasnt he gotten you into mobile if he knows so much about it, personally I would fire him , but to each his own...NEXT!"

    There are 100 different objections people will have, if one of them is big enough to paralyze you, its time to get more thick skinned, and focus on the "laws", they dont fail.
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    • Profile picture of the author AdwordsMogul
      Originally Posted by jodib View Post


      Why don't designers stick to what they know?
      Once I asked a designer at a professional fair "That's a nice site... Do you also build websites that make money?"

      Yeah, I was just trying to annoy him.

      You are probably better of with such clients anyway. If they are happy with people who don't produce results they will only frustrate you in the long run.
      "Those who can - DO IT. Those who can't, say it's impossible."
      Jean Paul a.k.a AdwordsMogul - Top of the range PHP developers

      Easy Link Saver - Are you tired of the pain of constantly searching for your affiliate links? ( Chrome extension - FREE )
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      • great question for the designer what did he answer?

        Originally Posted by AdwordsMogul View Post

        Once I asked a designer at a professional fair "That's a nice site... Do you also build websites that make money?"

        Yeah, I was just trying to annoy him.

        You are probably better of with such clients anyway. If they are happy with people who don't produce results they will only frustrate you in the long run.
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  • Profile picture of the author AdwordsMogul
    As John said, you will meet with rejection.

    I've had situations where people back out just before paying, it's just part of the game.

    You also want to consider what you'll do long term - in a few months the technologies that are hot may be obsolete.

    Pick what ever method you're comfortable with, and use it as a front end.

    Then, once you have 20 - 50 clients, JV with someone in your local area. Do a free seminar and sell more expensive services. Think big!
    "Those who can - DO IT. Those who can't, say it's impossible."
    Jean Paul a.k.a AdwordsMogul - Top of the range PHP developers

    Easy Link Saver - Are you tired of the pain of constantly searching for your affiliate links? ( Chrome extension - FREE )
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  • Profile picture of the author P1
    Offer mobile websites they're easy to build just do it from scratch in Photoshop and outsource the .css/html which cost 15 bucks the rest is profit. You could easily knock one out in 1 hour.

    Social Media is a good one also.

    But do not offer anything you can't 100 percent do yourself I would not recommend that.
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    • Profile picture of the author AdwordsMogul
      Originally Posted by jodib View Post


      Why don't designers stick to what they know?
      Once I asked a designer at a professional fair "That's a nice site... Do you also build websites that make money?"

      Yeah, I was just trying to annoy him.

      You are probably better of with such clients anyway. If they are happy with people who don't produce results they will only frustrate you in the long run.
      "Those who can - DO IT. Those who can't, say it's impossible."
      Jean Paul a.k.a AdwordsMogul - Top of the range PHP developers

      Easy Link Saver - Are you tired of the pain of constantly searching for your affiliate links? ( Chrome extension - FREE )
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Grant
    Why don't you tailor your services to each business individually?

    Stop selling commodities and you'll find success.
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    • Profile picture of the author John Durham
      Originally Posted by Mike Grant View Post

      Why don't you tailor your services to each business individually?

      Stop selling commodities and you'll find success.
      He wouldnt have had a chance Mike, that web designer is closer to the owner and has more influence...he would have gotten shot down no matter what he presented in all likelihood... Im mean you can get a webdesigner replaced once in awhile , but not likely, and the owner is going to listen to his web designer most of the time.

      It was a lose lose. "Next"!
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      • Profile picture of the author Mike Grant
        Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

        He wouldnt have had a chance Mike, that web designer is closer to the owner and has more influence...he would have gotten shot down no matter what he presented in all likelihood... Im mean you can get a webdesigner replaced once in awhile , but not likely, and the owner is going to listen to his web designer most of the time.

        It was a lose lose. "Next"!
        What I'm saying is he's putting his wrong foot forward.

        Stop selling fanpages, websites, etc.

        Sell online exposure, online marketing, increase in leads, etc that include fan pages, websites, Places..

        Stop selling commodities.
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    • Profile picture of the author bkat52
      Originally Posted by Mike Grant View Post

      Why don't you tailor your services to each business individually?

      Stop selling commodities and you'll find success.
      This is solid advice. I like.
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  • Profile picture of the author stopper
    I have had a colleague with the same problem and my advice would be if you can source enough work doing websites then go for it but it you will run dry after a while then be patient and do the S E O
    Signature Are you interested in 200 to 400 visitors a day to your site
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  • Profile picture of the author gcjmarkets
    Websites are DEAD, may they rest in peace! What you offer clients is not a website but an Online Business that simply uses their website as the hub for all their online marketing and advertising campaigns.

    In my experience if you approach a business owner as a web designer or mobile website designer they will treat you like a web designer. But if you approach clients as another small business owner.

    One that works with small businesses to increase their profit margins, while decreasing their overall marketing budget. By providing them something that will give them a competitive advantage in their market, or something that adds value to their business!

    The services you offer depend on what the business owners needs to make him/her more money. As an Marketing consultant it is up to you to figure out what will make your client more money.

    For example if your client already has a website and you find out that they are happy with their current web designer. Instead of creating a mock up of a mobile website and showing it to the business owner. Find out who does their web work and see if they do mobile website development (they most likely don't) if they don't why not contact them and offer them a commission on all mobile websites they send your way.

    This is very attractive to the web design company because they can get paid without having to do any work!

    You are an expert at making businesses more money while spending less. Which is something every business owner wants and needs. They just don't know where to start! That is where you come in!

    Customized One on One Offline Marketing Business Training! Only 10 Spots available Learn More At Local Marketing Agents | Free Online Reputation Analysis Template Visit Rep Medic

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    • Profile picture of the author mikeyman120
      Originally Posted by gcjmarkets View Post

      Find out who does their web work and see if they do mobile website development (they most likely don't) if they don't why not contact them and offer them a commission on all mobile websites they send your way.
      Now thats a great idea! - gold nugget baby!

      I am about to start my mobile site biz and lots of other services for offline and right now all the businesses I am targeting already have a website and are on page one of google so I figure they are sort of dropping the ball by not having a mobile site as a certain percentage of their customers are finding them on smartphones.

      The tip above will help greatly as I expect most to say "I'll have my web design people look into that".

      Below will come in handy also:

      Originally Posted by Ouroboros View Post

      If someone's website guy or mobile guy or SEO guy says "I can do that cheaper", my response would probably be, "Then why haven't they already done it?".
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  • Profile picture of the author Mary Wilhite
    Don't want to waste the 2nd part of the year fiddling around with this and that. Just want to focus on two services.

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  • Profile picture of the author Ouroboros
    If someone's website guy or mobile guy or SEO guy says "I can do that cheaper", my response would probably be, "Then why haven't they already done it?".

    Never sell a product, sell a service that will get them customers.

    Need a Simple Product/Service to Market to Offline Clients? Sell Them DFY Custom Videos.

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  • Profile picture of the author pplicon
    Just want to say Thank You to everyone who has given their input. Still debating what services I want to offer, but I am humbled by your motivation and gentle push!
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Rivers
    Here's the advice I would give to someone on how to pick the right offline service to offer:

    1. Make a list of the top five to ten hot money offline niches right now like mobile, text messaging, discount couponing etc.

    2. Search the forum for reviews of wso's for each niche and then buy ONE highly rated wso about each topic.

    3. Go through the wso's with a fine tooth comb. After going through each wso, then pick one that you think you will enjoy, understand and have the willingness to master.

    If you can't find one that meets those criteria, then you really only have a couple of choices from there. You can either pick one that you feel you could do without hating yourself everyday.


    You can pick another five or ten offline niches and repeat the process until you find one that works for you.

    This is exactly what I did and continue to do in order to find services I will offer. The truth is, if you can't speak knowledgebly about a service you're offering, you shouldn't be selling it any way because you will get exposed at some point.

    Plus, life is too short to do stuff that I don't like to do.


    Chris Rivers
    Want to target Chiropractors? Grab this FREE DFY Chiropractic Back Pain Funnel
    and generate new patient leads for your trial or recurring Chiropractor clients!
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  • Profile picture of the author SiteSmarty
    You don't need to go through all the hoopla. Don't sell anything. Get your foot in the door with something and ask the client what else they need and provide for them. Then ask them to refer you.

    I'll give you an example: I have a client who wanted a site on Thesis. So that's what he got. Then he wanted business cards. I did them for him. Then he wanted lots of graphics. He got them from me. Then he wanted to be #1 in the Google/Bing SERPS. He's there. Then Google Places. He had videos made and wanted me to write the titles, descriptions, etc.

    You get the idea. He's been a client for more than 2 years. That's how easy it is. You don't have to figure out what business owners want, they tell you.
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    • Profile picture of the author pptmedia
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      • Profile picture of the author Matt Lee
        Originally Posted by pptmedia View Post

        Very Well Said. This is exactly why we offer a vast array of services including the Brand Awareness (Logo Design, Business Cards, Envelopes, & Letterhead) packages.

        Business Owners do not have the time to do this stuff.
        I would totally have to second that. It's not about this service, or that service, it's about listening to your client and translating that into how you can help them increase their exposure online.

        Build that relationship right away by blowing them away with that first service. Loyal clients are your asset.

        BTW... The most successful offliners will set their clients up on a recurring monthly plan. This allows you to build each month without looming deadlines and more importantly residual income is how you build wealth.
        "One of the Most Successful Offline WSO's Ever!
        Get More High $$$ Clients with this Small Business Marketing PLR Magazine
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