Your first SEO client...

by Brian Boyd Banned
4 replies
Hey all,

I just got done reading the thread by fellow Warrior "Not So New" titled How I Landed My First Offline Clients (Step by Step). Great thread!

Is there anyone else put there willing to share a bit about how they landed their first SEO client? You don't have to provide a ton of details like "Not So New" did. I am just curious to see what other people did when they were first starting out.

Me....Well, I used LinkedIn to connect with a few people in a certain industry. Started a discussion on the importance of SEO within that industry. Within a few days I had a couple people emailing me looking for help. Thus, my first SEO client was had (she is still with me to this day-15 months later).

Anyway...Looking forward to what others have to say.
#client #seo
  • Profile picture of the author stone2010
    I got my first online client from Google. I am ranked for SEO keywords and they found me online, it was nice since I wasnt expecting to get any business from people searching for services since Im up against big companies and big names. The person contacted me and we emailed eachother a few times then met them in person, I did some keyword research, check out their website and wrote some notes about it how to improve it and other suggestions on how to get more customers, when we met and i show them everything, they were very impressed and told me we'll email you next week and they did... they were very excited and ready to go... so far they still my customers and are very happy with me... you just need to show them that you care and not be a pushy salesmen, one of the things that closed the deal for me was the fact i took the time to research their market and gave them tips about improving their website and gave them info about Google places etc.

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    • Profile picture of the author Brian Boyd
      Originally Posted by stone2010 View Post

      I got my first online client from Google. I am ranked for SEO keywords and they found me online, it was nice since I wasnt expecting to get any business from people searching for services since Im up against big companies and big names. The person contacted me and we emailed eachother a few times then met them in person, I did some keyword research, check out their website and wrote some notes about it how to improve it and other suggestions on how to get more customers, when we met and i show them everything, they were very impressed and told me we'll email you next week and they did... they were very excited and ready to go... so far they still my customers and are very happy with me... you just need to show them that you care and not be a pushy salesmen, one of the things that closed the deal for me was the fact i took the time to research their market and gave them tips about improving their website and gave them info about Google places etc.

      Thanks for sharing!

      In my opinion, you hit it right on the head when you said that you were not a pushy salesperson. It sounds like you let your services sell themselves. I'm sure the fact that you actually do care was evident when you were working on closing the deal.
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  • Profile picture of the author stone2010
    That's the key.. i am very confident of what i offer and the confidence shows to the clients and they love to see that and also the fact that I answer their questions in a normal way where they can understand and not feel ripped off or used..

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  • Profile picture of the author Seth Bias
    What a good thing I do is, say look for <your location> lawyer or something. Take a screen shot of the first 3 links. Goto paint and draw 3 red arrows to them saying these are the ones who get the exposure. Then basically tell them being on page 1 isn't going to get the potential clients. They need to be into the top 3. Usually works all the time because they see where they are and realize that being on the first page doesn't always mean there getting clicks.
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