Direct Mail ideas for getting Offline clients

21 replies
Hey guys. I try a LOT of internet marketing techniques, but I would love to get some Direct Mail working for me as well.

Has anyone nailed this yet?

If so, what works best? Letter or Poscard? What did you put on it? Etc
#clients #direct #ideas #mail #offline
  • Profile picture of the author snni
    Sending prospects a personalized post card should work pretty good as far as I know. What you do is make the picture of the post card to a Google ranking of the potential customer, website design which isn't that good etc. Or whatever you are offering.
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  • Profile picture of the author Richard Brands
    In my opinion, Letter is pretty much better than card. U can put some information in letter about your offer.
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  • Profile picture of the author danielkanuck
    I like postcards. They arrive opened, and if you can personalize it with your prospects/customer's name... you'll stand a good chance of getting good response from it. Plus they're cheap. You don't want to sell anything on these. Just let them serve as lead generators. But if you're sending a postcard to your current customers.... lead them to a 1-800 number or website where they can review your new product and eventually make a sale from them.
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  • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
    Use an odd color postcard as everyone these days uses yellow, green, red and white and have a very direct catchy headline and sense you can't exsplain everything you have to offer on a postcard direct them to say a YouTube video that give them your sales pitch and what you can do for them.

    I hope this helps,

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  • Profile picture of the author Voasi
    We're testing a few different mailers as well. Bulk mailers with hand written addresses will always get "opens".

    You'll want to test your offer, setting up tracking numbers and/or promotional codes to track conversions.
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  • Profile picture of the author RentItNow
    I am considering the same thing with postcards. My reasoning is I actually do read them myself when they come in the mail. There is just something about them that is so cool, personal, something. I would think there is a lot of creative ideas with these.
    I have no agenda but to help those in the same situation. This I feel will pay the bills.
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  • Profile picture of the author Aaron Doud
    I like post cards because they get read. I know I read them. If you can get their attention it can get good leads for not a lot of money.
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  • Profile picture of the author WhosBrett
    Just came across this post while searching for something else, but wanted to give my .02 as an experienced direct mailer. Postcards are quick and to the point, and generally can be read and understood in less than a minute. A letter takes effort on the receivers end, and they have no idea what they are getting into, thus creating a possible objection. Non customized postcards typically hold a 1-3% return. If you're able to send multiple times to the same list the percentage has potential to increase. By adding a customized message on the front side, and pulling in some variable data on the backside it will greatly increase response rates. With all that said the data can be a defining factor with direct mail. (First post, what an awesome forum!)
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  • Profile picture of the author StepAhead
    I will go with postcards. Attractive color idea, a little information and much about link where anyone can know about your offer. a video related to subject will act as "Diamond with gold".
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  • Profile picture of the author iamchrisgreen
    Anyone got any more thoughts on this?
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    • Profile picture of the author jonnnyd23
      Originally Posted by iamchrisgreen View Post

      Anyone got any more thoughts on this?

      Try sending a letter and hand write the address. Don't put a return address on the envelope. That will almost guarantee an open, just out of curiosity.

      Hope this helps
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  • Profile picture of the author FormerWageSlave
    I read a post, either here or another forum, explaining a method whereby you cut out the ad of a prospect, put a quick handwritten note inside telling them their ad gave you an idea and to call you asap.

    I sent out 40 or so of these letters at the end of last week and I got 4 call backs and 2 appointments. I can't say I've nailed this, but I'm definitely going to ramp this up.


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    • Profile picture of the author Steve Faber
      Originally Posted by FormerWageSlave View Post

      I read a post, either here or another forum, explaining a method whereby you cut out the ad of a prospect, put a quick handwritten note inside telling them their ad gave you an idea and to call you asap.

      I sent out 40 or so of these letters at the end of last week and I got 4 call backs and 2 appointments. I can't say I've nailed this, but I'm definitely going to ramp this up.
      I tried to do that but I literally could find no ads! I got a Sunday paper and there were no local business ads except car dealers, theater productions, and psas. We are in a 2.5 million metro area. I was a bit surprised. It looks like local. Usiness owners have already discovered papers don't work as an ad medium any longer.
      For Killer Marketing Tips that Will Grow Your Business Follow Me on Twitter Now
      After all, you're probably following a few hundred people already that aren't doing squat for you.....
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      • Profile picture of the author FormerWageSlave
        I know what you're saying, our Sunday paper was worthless too. I had the best luck with our city weekly papers and various local 'magazines'. These free weeklies and magazines can usually be found at the front of some grocery stores, or other shops all together in the same rack. Some are even themed like Tucson Home and Garden:

        Tucson Lifestyle Magazine – Tucson Lifestyle Magazine

        There are a lot of ads for landscapers, remodelers, builders, etc in mags like this.


        Tucson Weekly:

        Tucson Weekly: The Best of Tucson, News, and Everything That Matters

        Do you have these where you live?

        Originally Posted by Steve Faber View Post

        I tried to do that but I literally could find no ads! I got a Sunday paper and there were no local business ads except car dealers, theater productions, and psas. We are in a 2.5 million metro area. I was a bit surprised. It looks like local. Usiness owners have already discovered papers don't work as an ad medium any longer.


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      • Originally Posted by Steve Faber View Post

        I tried to do that but I literally could find no ads! I got a Sunday paper and there were no local business ads except car dealers, theater productions, and psas. We are in a 2.5 million metro area. I was a bit surprised. It looks like local. Usiness owners have already discovered papers don't work as an ad medium any longer.

        Have you tried any of the alternative weeklies in the area (i.e.- the Seattle Weekly, The Stranger, Weekly Volcano, etc.)?

        I find that small business owners that advertise consistently in these type of publications are more open to trying out new ad channels... and I usually find more business ads in them than the "regular" local paper *(except on Wed. & Sun.)

        Also, I like to use the DM pieces I receive in the mail each week... and my favorite thing to do is to go to the post office and ask for the mailer packets for each zip code I target.

        Hope that helps...
        Every day of our lives we are on the verge of making those slight changes that would make all the difference. ~Mignon McLaughlin
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        • Profile picture of the author Steve Faber
          Originally Posted by enterpriseunlimited View Post


          Have you tried any of the alternative weeklies in the area (i.e.- the Seattle Weekly, The Stranger, Weekly Volcano, etc.)?

          I find that small business owners that advertise consistently in these type of publications are more open to trying out new ad channels... and I usually find more business ads in them than the "regular" local paper *(except on Wed. & Sun.)

          Also, I like to use the DM pieces I receive in the mail each week... and my favorite thing to do is to go to the post office and ask for the mailer packets for each zip code I target.

          Hope that helps...
          Not yet, but it seems like that is where I'm going next. I've started some direct mail with a different sales letter. I'll let you know how it goes. I also saw a thread in here this afternoon that said makle it a complete numbers game. Just call businesses and ask "You don't need any help with your Internet marketing, do you?" I almost laughed, but relaized that could actually work, esp[ecially with a few small changes. You'd probably get a majority of nos and hang ups, but I bet you would actually get some yeses. I thin I'm going to run a trial with that one, using a few different variations of it, jus to see.
          For Killer Marketing Tips that Will Grow Your Business Follow Me on Twitter Now
          After all, you're probably following a few hundred people already that aren't doing squat for you.....
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  • Profile picture of the author sweetcrabhoney18
    I send rack cards.. and some times post cards. Both have allow for a good amount of information. Recently I've been sending rack cards with magnets.. they work very well and seem to be converting long term because I've gotten calls on and off even weeks after sending them.

    keep moving forward

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    • Profile picture of the author rugman
      I sent out a personal postcard from my Send Out Cards system to businesses. I just did a screenshot of GP showing that their listing was not there.

      Growing older but not up!

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      • Profile picture of the author Nathan Alexander
        Originally Posted by rugman View Post

        I sent out a personal postcard from my Send Out Cards system to businesses. I just did a screenshot of GP showing that their listing was not there.
        Hey rugman, what kind of results have you gotten? Do you mind sharing?
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        • Profile picture of the author rugman
          Originally Posted by Nathan Alexander View Post

          Hey rugman, what kind of results have you gotten? Do you mind sharing?
          I did OK with it - honestly I got off the Google Places thing as I live in a small town and locally there wasn't much interest. Love the postcards as at least they get seen. Lets the prospect know they are not where they should be and they see all the competition. I am a huge fan of SOC and use it in my cleaning biz every day. I just did a big campaign to all the vets in my area to offer their clients pet odor removal. I love this one! AND - just sent this out and phone msg from a Vet today!

          Growing older but not up!

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