Whats the best way to get started offline?

11 replies
I am thinking I should get a website up first and then offer free websites for people who sign up through my web hosting affiliate link to get my name out there. Any suggestions?
#offline #started
  • Profile picture of the author fictionaldamo
    Sometimes a website is necessary and sometimes not. I am finding that I can sell Twitter followers and back links to brick and mortar stores without Them ever having to see my site. The main reason is the proof is in their twitter account and back link checkers, not my website.

    When I talk to offline customers, usually ones with sub 300 followers on Twitter, they just want to hear that I can get them 1000 followers and really don't ask to see my site.

    Hope this helps or inspires!
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  • Profile picture of the author zachary0611
    Seems like Twitter and Facebook will be useful selling points.
    Professional Web Designers www.WebDesignBros.com
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  • Profile picture of the author TrishOleary
    Hey Zachary,

    I have done this very successfully with advertising on craigslist.

    I target a certain market and offer a free basic website but they have to pay for their own hosting. They get their fist month hosting for free and then it costs them around $4.95 a month and little ole' me gets the great affiliate commissions from hostgator

    Hope that gives you some great ideas

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    • Profile picture of the author zachary0611
      Originally Posted by TrishOleary View Post

      Hey Zachary,

      I have done this very successfully with advertising on craigslist.

      I target a certain market and offer a free basic website but they have to pay for their own hosting. They get their fist month hosting for free and then it costs them around $4.95 a month and little ole' me gets the great affiliate commissions from hostgator

      Hope that gives you some great ideas

      This is exactly what I was thinking. Its good to see that this works for someone else. What do you include in their website?
      Professional Web Designers www.WebDesignBros.com
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  • Profile picture of the author ImDanHoward
    Hey Zachary,

    Yes, Social Media is a great entry into making some money offline. Setting up a business with a Facebook page, YouTube, Twitter and Linkedin accounts if they don't already have them is a start. You can also target businesses that haven't claimed their Google Places page.

    You can do a search for a certain business type in your area and check to see if they have claimed their page. To make it easier you could go after the businesses that are showing up on page 2 of Google Places in the search results.

    Just a few suggestions...hope it helps.

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  • Profile picture of the author TrishOleary
    I have them give me the content and images to put on the site, it is representing them so they need to do that.

    I will put on just the basic plugins and contact form and such. Obviously when they have their website that you built them for FREE then they will come to you for other things once they realize that they need traffic and/or upgrades and such.

    Not all of them of course but a good majority will after a month or so.

    I target several different markets but one in particular that I do really well with is Musicians

    Merry Christmas,

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  • Profile picture of the author TrishOleary
    BTW Zachary it is not necessary but I really do HIGHLY recommend you have a site.

    However in your ad don't send them to your website, have the link go straight to an opt-in form with no leaks anywhere. As a matter of fact I just have aweber host my opt-in page and I direct them straight to that.

    Rock on
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  • Profile picture of the author zachary0611
    Any suggestions on what my offline services website should look like?
    Professional Web Designers www.WebDesignBros.com
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    • Profile picture of the author Fernando Veloso
      Originally Posted by zachary0611 View Post

      Any suggestions on what my offline services website should look like?

      It should have your identity, at least YOUR "touch" and "feeling". And the usual items, a strong header, call to action, contacts on top right, etc etc.
      People make good money selling to the rich. But the rich got rich selling to the masses.
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