Home Renovator Humiliates Web Guy After Getting $17,800 from $86 spent on direct mailing

35 replies
Yep this home renovator banked $17,800 from his tiny direct mail campaign.

Total spend, $86.

Total return on investment, 209 to 1.

So here's this beautiful thing...


#$17 #$86 #800 #direct #guy #home #humiliates #mailing #renovator #spent #web
  • Profile picture of the author mikeyman120
    Keep posting direct mail info like this. I can't get enough. Getting excited about direct mail all over again. I haven't had anyhting to do with direct mail since before the internet and just getting back into it.

    Are you talking to these biz owners. In other words how do you know what they made?

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    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      Originally Posted by mikeyman120 View Post

      Keep posting direct mail info like this. I can't get enough. Getting excited about direct mail all over again. I haven't had anyhting to do with direct mail since before the internet and just getting back into it.

      Are you talking to these biz owners. In other words how do you know what they made?

      Let's put it this way, I know everything gets tracked and am privy to the numbers and what caused them.

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  • Profile picture of the author Dexx
    How did he humiliate a web guy doing this?

    Was there a competing campaign being done online targeting the same market demographic with the same message?

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    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      Originally Posted by Dexx View Post

      How did he humiliate a web guy doing this?

      Dexx, it was an attention getting joke, that's all.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5739656].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Joe Stewart
        Originally Posted by ewenmack View Post

        Dexx, it was an attention getting joke, that's all.
        I was wondering that, too. Leave us web guys alone! That's not nice!


        Once again, great share - (minus the headline, though it DID get my attention).

        My New "Share All" Blog Is Coming Soon! Online & Offline Marketing, More!


        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10311453].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
          Originally Posted by Joe Stewart View Post

          I was wondering that, too. Leave us web guys alone! That's not nice!


          Once again, great share - (minus the headline, though it DID get my attention).
          It would be funny Joe to see the reverse headline...

          Web Guy Humiliates Home Renovators Ad Man
          After Turning $18 Into $17,800
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10312061].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Joe Stewart
            Originally Posted by ewenmack View Post

            It would be funny Joe to see the reverse headline...

            Web Guy Humiliates Home Renovators Ad Man
            After Turning $18 Into $17,800
            That's what I'm talkin' about. Lol

            My New "Share All" Blog Is Coming Soon! Online & Offline Marketing, More!


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  • Profile picture of the author Aussieguy
    $86 is very cheap! Where was the advert placed?
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    • Profile picture of the author ronr
      It was direct mail
      Originally Posted by Aussieguy View Post

      $86 is very cheap! Where was the advert placed?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5739698].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      Originally Posted by Aussieguy View Post

      $86 is very cheap! Where was the advert placed?
      All the places are told under the headline "Builders Advertising".

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5739734].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Tiffiney Cowan
    I think the builder did a good job identifying his "target" audience. I read the tick-list and wanted to call the guy. LOL!
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    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      Originally Posted by Tiffiney Cowan View Post

      I think the builder did a good job identifying his "target" audience. I read the tick-list and wanted to call the guy. LOL!
      I was waiting for someone to point that out Tiff!

      Yes the picture the headline and checklist are all designed to
      attract the person who controls the money in the home...

      the beautiful sex!

      And you've proved it!


      P.S. I'll have to tell a home renovator in your home town to slip that same mailer
      into your mailbox.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5739895].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sooner918
    Thank you ewenmack;I love stuff like this! Reminds me of Claude C. Hopkins;the guy was truly a genius ahead of his time in the field of promotional advertising.
    Take Care-Vernon Lee

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  • Profile picture of the author racso316
    I love these examples Ewen, keep them coming. That's awesome ROI.

    But how many of those were sent out in order to get 3 sales?
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    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      Originally Posted by racso316 View Post

      I love these examples Ewen, keep them coming. That's awesome ROI.

      But how many of those were sent out in order to get 3 sales?
      Doesn't matter how many get sent out in the end...

      it's the most amount of money in for the lest cost.

      That's the profit.

      Too many people think of just revenue and not enough thought of profit.

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  • Profile picture of the author 919492
    Direct mail works great, if you can match your message to the right list.
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  • Profile picture of the author patadeperro
    Ewenmack, awesome example thank you very much, I have always been a great fan of direct marketing and I have said many times that you can start testing your message on google adwords, and after some successful campaigns you can roll it over to your business cards, postcards, letters, etc.... then you start leveraging your message in a big way.

    keep posting these great examples. thanks again.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5750999].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      Originally Posted by patadeperro View Post

      Ewenmack, awesome example thank you very much, I have always been a great fan of direct marketing and I have said many times that you can start testing your message on google adwords, and after some successful campaigns you can roll it over to your business cards, postcards, letters, etc.... then you start leveraging your message in a big way.

      keep posting these great examples. thanks again.
      Adwords as a medium has it's limitations in that you are limited
      by space and can't put an image on it.

      Direct mail you have total control.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5751022].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Green Moon
    Direct mail must work. I get at least one direct mail piece a month from GOOGLE!
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Solem
    Great advertisement there!

    I just found this story the other day about a nice 40,000% ROI from sending a simple thank you card and there are a few more good examples on his blog.

    Keep the great examples coming!


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    • Profile picture of the author sandalwood
      Originally Posted by Steve Solem View Post

      Great advertisement there!

      I just found this story the other day about a nice 40,000% ROI from sending a simple thank you card and there are a few more good examples on his blog.

      Keep the great examples coming!



      Nice referral site. Thank you notes work magic in many cases. We always mail out a personalized thank you post card to everyone who purchases a policy through our ins agency. We put it in the mail immediately after they leave the agency to be sure they get it in one to two days.

      You would be surprised at how many referrals come in holding one of those cards. They always say so and so, and show us the card, said you guys are great.

      It definitely is one of our secret weapons. Thanks for your post. It certainly fit the thread.

      Get 30% or More Retirement Income If you are serious about your retirement, you'll love this product.

      The Money Ferret Finance Article Directory
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6009442].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author bob ross
    Great post Ewen!

    Owning a remodeling company myself, I can see where this would work, definitely. I love the handwritten font on there too, all too often I see poorly done fonts but this is great.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5754478].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      Originally Posted by bob ross View Post

      Great post Ewen!

      Owning a remodeling company myself, I can see where this would work, definitely. I love the handwritten font on there too, all too often I see poorly done fonts but this is great.
      It's all there for you to use in your own business Bob, that's why I alerted you to it!

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  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    I am absolutely STEALING this idea for our marketing this is great!

    If this winds up working we will spend a lot more than $86 on marketing it thats for sure.

    I rewrote all the lines to make them consistent with energy efficiency.

    Stuff like -

    Do guests keep their jackets on when they come into your home during the winter?

    Can you turn your ac up full blast during the summer but still sweat on the second floor?

    Does it seem like your thermostat NEVER listens to you?

    How often do your kids bug you for money that just gets wasted on bills?

    Do all the rooms in your home stay at the same temperature?

    Would you like to have better lighting without always worrying about the lights being left on?

    Is the insulation in your attic begining to deteriorate and break down? Moldy or Dirty?

    If you answered yes to any of these questions, call Lynn now at 908-688-5025 so we can pencil in your personal consultation with NJEE. Our consultations are 100% free and even if your home does not make a good candidate you will still save money. Every customer that calls for a free consultation will get a free DIY Home Performance Guide along with 2 FREE CFL bulbs!

    then some social proof and whatever else I can think of.

    I definitely like this whole idea of targeting women & unfortunately all my last campaigns have been targeting men. When I really think about it I have 3 brothers who are married, and every single one of their wives writes the checks and controls their bank account.

    I was marketing to men thinking men would be more interested in energy efficiency, logic and technology and what have you. Really I need to start making my post cards more emotional and focusing on women, maybe that alone could help turn a few sales!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6008131].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author thetrafficguy
    Mind letting us know the selects you used for the list? Where'd you generate the list from?
    "SUPER AFFILIATE EXPOSES Highly Profitable Traffic Source!"

    "Use This Trick To Make An Extra $50 - $500 Per DAY!"
    Click Here To Check It Out Before The Price Jumps Up AGAIN!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6008298].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Baadier Sydow
    Very clever use of copy to latch onto the focus, well done i say.
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  • Profile picture of the author beeswarn
    The OP is kind of an odd duck. He admits tricking us into reading this post. Yet in another forum he scolds us for not being sincere in our own posts and not thanking him often enough for his here http://www.warriorforum.com/offline-...s-serious.html
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  • Profile picture of the author RentItNow
    Love it! Very "Perry Marshallish" if that's a word. Super targetted instead of "business cardish" is that's a word. OK now I'm just making up my own language.
    I have no agenda but to help those in the same situation. This I feel will pay the bills.
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  • Profile picture of the author linkmetro
    Ewen ,

    You did the copy for that flyer? Excellent job.
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  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    Hah. I swiped this ad months ago when it was posted.

    I actually redesigned this entire ad in photoshop but with a new woman. My plan was to run a small direct mail test and send out a couple hundred postcards.

    So I designed the entire thing then started looking for a new girl. Took me about 1.5 hours to decide on a woman (OCD kicked in hard). I was typing in "woman drinking wine" "woman drinking champagne" "blonde drinking campagne" and scanning through hundreds of images just to find ewens girl. But I never did. So I wound up picking one that looked too much like a model rather than a housewife. Finally, when I tried to extract the background, it came out like crap. It was a white background but the edges around the woman were too jagged.

    I went back online to find another girl that looks like this one, and couldn't do it. So I gave up. Some of the women drinking champagne on google images look creepy as hell, and I needed an all american housewife like the one above.

    If anyone wants to recreate this in photoshop I'll upload my psd so you can throw a woman in there. Just let me know. My OCD murdered this project a while ago.

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    • Profile picture of the author OneLifeAway
      Hi redshifted! I am game... and I love to fiddle with Photoshop. I think I will be able to do this one easy for you. Let me know.

      - Shea
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  • Profile picture of the author garveyonweb
    That mailer is just brilliant. Ex post. Thanks.
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    • Profile picture of the author glennib
      hey ewen im a noobi ha ! id love to seen more of these great examples can u show me more or direct me to some ?
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      • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
        Bringing this back to life because I was asked about it today...

        Plus a lot of people have joined since 2012
        who would not of seen this.

        Doctor E. Vile
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        • Profile picture of the author Ron Lafuddy
          Good stuff, Ewen.

          Thanks for the reminder.

          I once sent a letter that led to $100,000 in lighting supply sales.
          Not so much the content of the letter as right party, right time.

          But, ya never knows, til ya tries.
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