17 replies
Hey all,

This will be my first post here I believe, but I've been lurking for quite some time. I just thought I would share a strategy that has been working for me. It won't make you rich financially, but it will help you a TON with networking and set you up as an expert in your given topic.

The whole idea is to help provide value to member who are near you geographically by teaching them how to get online, get a website created, and make even $1 online. You'll feel great doing it, and you should be able to create lots of goodwill and even a little money at the same time.

See, making money online looks (from the outside) like a secret club with a bunch of folks who won't share information. Most people don't know about WF. Most people don't know about Wordpress. Most people don't even know what SEO stands for. What they DO know, however, is that there are people how there making money on the internet. The problem is that they are going about it in the wrong way.

It's pretty simple, and shouldn't cost you very much to get started:

First, decide what you want to show people. If you are here, you're ahead of the curve. To most, you ARE the expert. You will want to create a group on Meetup.com, and schedule events that show people basic stuff like what a domain name is, what hosting is, and what Wordpress is. You then start promoting these events on Craigslist in the Groups section, or even with flyers posted around your town. The possibilities are endless, but these two strategies should be enough to get you started.

Setting up a Meetup.com group is pretty straight forward, and I won't go into details on how to do this. There is a fee to set up a group, but it's not too expensive, and it's well worth it.

You want to make these meetings as informal as possible at the beginning, and make them as accessible as possible. Even if the people don't want to RSVP, you will want them to show up. They don't need to bring anything. They just need to show up.

Before you first meeting, you need to sign up with the affiliate program of whichever hosting company you are familiar with, and sign up with the affiliate program of some registrar ( I use Namecheap.com). You can also get hooked up with a themes provider like ElegantThemes or WooThemes.

I always let everyone know that I am not a super expert, but I also tell them that I am willing to help them got to the level I am, and explain that I am there to help them if they have any questions. On the first meeting, I explain what all the parts of a website are, and show how they all work together (just a general overview). I then give them a coupon code to use with HostGator, and collect everyone's email addresses.

I then send out an email to everyone thanking them for coming, and asking them to invite their friends to the next meeting.

It's pretty straight forward, and the main point of it all is to not go in like you're some kick-butt marketer. You want to be humble, honest, and helpful. Also, I always let everyone know that I will get a small commission if they sign up to use any of the services that I have demonstrated, and explain that this helps pay me a little something for my time. So far, I haven't had a single person have ANY problem signing up via my aff link, and I have had several people even ask me to join programs so they could sign up and give me the referral.

It feels good to be helping folks, I meet some really cool people, and I've even made more than $750 this last month off of 3 meetings consisting of about 2 hours each. I was only one more signup away from reaching the next tier and being paid $1,100. Like I said, you won't get rich, but it's a heck of a lot of fun and you feel great doing it!
#affiliate marketing #offline #strategy
  • Profile picture of the author newbizideas312
    Good for you chief.. That's 1/2 the battle. You made money, proved to yourself it would work, and you like it.

    Sounds great. Keep up the momentum!
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    • Profile picture of the author Casey101
      Thanks! I just figured I would share this with some folks who feel like they can't provide value with the knowledge they have. It's just a matter of working with what you have.

      I have created profitable websites before, and feel pretty confident in that, but this was the first time I was able to feel really, truly great about what I was doing. It wasn't a MFA site, it wasn't a review site; it was just 'ol fashioned value!

      I would encourage everyone to give this a try, even if you aren't interested in the affiliate marketing side of it. It's great for public speaking experience, and it helps you meet some really great people.
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      • Profile picture of the author ginnysclub1
        Originally Posted by Casey101 View Post

        Thanks! I just figured I would share this with some folks who feel like they can't provide value with the knowledge they have. It's just a matter of working with what you have.

        I have created profitable websites before, and feel pretty confident in that, but this was the first time I was able to feel really, truly great about what I was doing. It wasn't a MFA site, it wasn't a review site; it was just 'ol fashioned value!

        I would encourage everyone to give this a try, even if you aren't interested in the affiliate marketing side of it. It's great for public speaking experience, and it helps you meet some really great people.
        How many people attend, on average?

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  • Profile picture of the author Herbowo
    Alright, Nice share

    do something usefull for other people if it just a little
    and then the money will come it self

    keep up bro

    *maybe I'll do like you just did
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  • Profile picture of the author webdik
    It is your first post, So I just want to say Welcome Dear.
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    • Profile picture of the author arrow2012
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      • Profile picture of the author EaglePiServ
        "one more signup away from reaching the next tier and being paid $1,100"

        Is this some sort of MLM nonsense?
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        • Profile picture of the author Andy Brown
          Originally Posted by EaglePiServ View Post

          "one more signup away from reaching the next tier and being paid $1,100"

          Is this some sort of MLM nonsense?
          I believe Casey is referring to Hostgator's affiliate program.
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          • Profile picture of the author Casey101
            Hey guys,

            Thanks for the welcome webdik!

            @EaglePiServ: Nope, this isn't mlm nonsense (ugh, I hate that stuff). I was, as Andy Brown suggested, referring to HostGator's affiliate program. They pay in tiers and when you break a certain number, the payout for each new account increases retroactively. I don't go into this trying to sell anything, and I tell everyone exactly what products pay me a commission. This builds trust, and the folks really appreciate the honesty.

            How many people attend, on average?
            I haven't had huge groups yet. The most I have had so far is about 15 people. Of those though, a surprising number of them are successful professionals (doctors, business owners, etc.)

            The main thing with meetup.com is to schedule meetings. This will get you in front of more people. Meetup sends out update emails to members with 'suggestions for you', and if you have a meeting scheduled, you are more likely to appear on that list. Also, you can message other groups who may have an interest in IM (there are many), and offer to do guest presentations.

            The goal here should be to provide value. Even if you are new to IM and don't feel like you have a lot to offer, start the group anyway-- You'll meet some great people with the same interest and by the time you are ready to launch some online venture, you'll have a built-in support base. I mean it-- give it a try! Even if you don't want to start your own group, why not get a free account and offer to do guest presentations? It's free, it's fun, and you're helping spread goodwill.
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            • Profile picture of the author Casey101
              Another thing I forgot to mention-- I built a site in parallel and used the "Launch Effect" theme combined with Aweber to build my own list. This was helpful because I am able to get more data from the messages I send out via Aweber.

              It worked well, but for a beginner and someone who may not be interested in investing any money in this venture (the premium Launch Effect theme costs $35 if I remember correctly), I would suggest starting with Meetup.com only.

              You can even start by doing guest presentations for other meetup groups and collecting email addresses manually. If you do guest presentations for other groups and don't schedule your own, you can do this with $0 in financial investment.
              You can also create custom coupon codes with HostGator and give those out to your attendees. If they use the coupon code to get a discount, you get credit for the sale. Those coupon codes are a very handy feature!
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  • Profile picture of the author LuvAbundance
    I agree that meetup.com is totally AWESOME for meeting people in person with your own interests. Before meetup.com I didn't have any real life friends who were interested in internet marketing or entrepreneurship. (Many of them still have no CLUE what I do online even if I try to explain). Now I have quite a few friends with my interests...and even business partners. Love meetup, both as an attendee and a host.
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  • Profile picture of the author IM nice guy
    Really great share, meetup.com is such an awesome resource! thanks for the reminder!

    I'm definitely going to build my way up to doing this, I have plenty of knowledge and skill in IM, just need to build my confidence when it comes to presenting in front of a group



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    • Profile picture of the author Casey101
      Originally Posted by IM nice guy View Post

      Really great share, meetup.com is such an awesome resource! thanks for the reminder!

      I'm definitely going to build my way up to doing this, I have plenty of knowledge and skill in IM, just need to build my confidence when it comes to presenting in front of a group


      Well, I can say from personal experience that doing this WILL build your confidence. Just being here as a member of this forum puts you ahead of the curve. Some of the most popular information and topics that people want to know are:
      • What a domain name is
      • What a server is
      • What WordPress is
      • What SEO is
      • Outsourcing strategies (Fiverr, Odesk, 99designs, etc)
      • How to install WP via Fantastico
      • How to make a customized email (e.g. me@mydomain) and combine that with Gmail or Yahoo
      • Helpful Resources (Forums like this one, productivity tips like LastPass.com for passwords and Namestation.com for choosing domain names, etc.)

      Just helping people with the simple things like those listed above will really provide them with a ton of value. In the process though, you can let them know that you will get a small commission if they, say, register a domain name via your link, etc. You may feel like you will alienate people by telling them, but it's quite the opposite. They see you making money doing this and feel even more inspired! If you are being a good host, they will be more than happy to reward! I highly recommend being upfront with folks-- there's just no reason not to.
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    • Profile picture of the author Casey101
      Originally Posted by IM nice guy View Post

      Really great share, meetup.com is such an awesome resource! thanks for the reminder!

      I'm definitely going to build my way up to doing this, I have plenty of knowledge and skill in IM, just need to build my confidence when it comes to presenting in front of a group


      The good thing about starting a group of your own would be that in the beginning, it would probably only be about 5 people sitting around a table at Starbucks. You would feel about like you would when you are telling your friends about how IM works-- the only difference would be that these folks would actually *want* to hear it

      Really though, if you start your own group and don't begin by messaging organizers and offering them a free presentation, you will be able to start small and be able to completely negate the stage fright by eliminating the stage. It's hard to realize how much of an expert you are until you do this. Really, it's quite shocking.
      My wife was with me during my first meeting. After we left, she told me that she didn't realize all the information I knew until she saw me sharing it with the group. I just shrugged and reminded her that I'm kind of a big deal
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  • Profile picture of the author mojo1
    Simple yet so effective. Do you mind sharing what presentation tools are used for your small group setting?

    Again thanks for the share.
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    • Profile picture of the author Casey101
      Originally Posted by mojo1 View Post

      Simple yet so effective. Do you mind sharing what presentation tools are used for your small group setting?

      Again thanks for the share.

      Hey, no problem! I'm glad to be able to help!

      I have been bringing my laptop to local places with flatscreen tv's. I just get permission from the owner to have a meetup group there, and they have all been happy to oblige knowing that it will bring in customers. I then let them know that I am doing a presentation and would like to be able to use one of the TV's for that purpose. I just bring in a HDMI cable and mirror my screen.

      I usually start out by talking about domain names, servers, and websites to give them some background. Then, when people start getting sleepy, I show them the Google Keyword tool and the CPC value of the keywords (I compare/contrast keywords like "jokes" with keywords like "donate a car".

      I then explain the percentage breakdowns for the traffic relating to each position in the SERP and talk to them about adwords, adsense, and how it all works together. Many people are floored when they realize how much money Google is making.

      I then connect the 'expected value' of a customer to the CPC (e.g. "jokes' is worth pennies, but "Donate a Car" is worth more than $70). Basically, if I business is willing to spend $50 for a customer to visit their page, the customer must, on average, be worth at least $50 to the advertiser.

      Once the people make the connection in their minds that advertisers wouldn't be paying MORE than each visitor is worth, I then bring their attention to the number of searches. I then use the calculator feature (in Google), to calculate out the value of each position based on a given keyword:

      (monthly exact searches)*(20% CTR for top position)*(value of each visitor)= Traffic Value

      **Yes, I know that some claim it's about a 40% CTR for the top position, but I prefer to be modest in my claims and work with a smaller number.

      Anyway, when I run through the calculations for something as high-value as "donate a car", it usually wakes everyone up!

      I then go on to show them how to install Wordpress via Fantastico and give them a rundown of Control panel.

      I then give them a handout with some of the forums we may have talked about, and my coupon code(s) for HostGator.

      I also take up email addresses and tell them I will send them a follow up email later that afternoon.

      I email them a list of different services I have mentioned with my aff link embedded (Aweber, ElegantThemes, NameCheap, HostGator, Odesk, etc).

      It's that simple!
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      • Profile picture of the author moose88
        hey casey, i love this method

        only thing i want to add is, im not sure of the long term viability of this.

        One thing that one of my friends does is, he creates a membership forum and charges 10 bucks a month (fully refundable if the customer isn't happy with the service)

        he then prints loads of leaflets that mention "making money online" etc etc with the website URL >>> the leaflet explains that this is a online forum, and has the usual sales pitch about making money online

        I will be 100% honest with you, im not sure how much money this guys makes from this method, but i know its at least 1k per month

        the best thing is this is long term money, on the forum he has loads of articles from all over the web that are about money making methods... he doesnt even write them himself, he just reposts them on his forum...

        using the method above, and your method would be a killer way, & also easy to implement for noobs, but im not sure how comfortable you would feel selling a service like this?

        for your own future, I would recommend thinking about how you can create a recurring income from these customers... i would rather have 1 customer paying 1 dollar a month, then have a customer paying me a one of fee of 50 bucks... plan for the long haul
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        • Profile picture of the author Casey101
          Originally Posted by moose88 View Post

          hey casey, i love this method

          only thing i want to add is, im not sure of the long term viability of this.
          Yes, that's definitely a concern, but thankfully I wasn't too concerned with the money-making aspect of it. The best strategy, in my opinion, would be to go into this to meet people, help people, and gain confidence while being paid to do it.

          Adding a paid forum would also be an option, but is something I wouldn't be interested in at this point. It I had done that from the beginning, perhaps. It is definitely something I will consider next time!

          Forum or no, this is a definitely a feel-good way to make some money.

          Thanks for your suggestion, and I welcome any input or questions others may have.
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