800 Lookup Customization Options - Seeing Past Seven Letters for Vanity Numbers

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Thanks to advents in technology that make things easier, the modern day exudes to a far simpler approach when trying to secure 800 numbers. While some businesses desire toll free numbers that are just easy to remember and sequential, other businesses desire to use vanity toll free numbers to further drive home their brand. In a day and age where there are countless toll free numbers and prefixes in use by a nearly infinite number of companies, it can be difficult to know where to start with your 800 lookup process. Use this article to learn more about how you can easily use the 800 lookup tool to find the perfect digits for your brand.

There is No Perfect Vanity Number
When considering 800 lookup to find that catchy vanity number, keep in mind that there is no perfect number; at least not anymore. Knowing this ahead of time can enable you to avoid much stress and pilikia when trying to look up a number. Just be sure to remember that the closest you can get to that perfect number is the best that you can do. Think of it in the same sense that you would for web domain searches.

Getting Creative with Your 800 Lookup
There are some ways that you can be creative when trying to find a vanity number that works. Try substituting out the "O" letters with a zero instead, which can open up far more options. Look for varying prefixes that may have an opening for the vanity number of your choice. Try different catch phrases and mottos that could be easy to remember. Take some time to sit down with your colleagues and use a whiteboard to brainstorm ideas as you query then with an 800 lookup tool. After you have found five pleasing vanity number matches, you can start narrowing down the list.

Checking Variations to Capture Misdial Traffic
Look up the variations of your chosen toll free vanity number. You may want to consider buying a few similar numbers to capture the misdial traffic. Misdials happen a lot more often than you may think. If you buy up variations that are common, you can ensure that a competitor does not buy them and gain business from misdials to your entity.

Acquiring the Number & Associated Prefixes
Once you have your primary number chosen, try and purchase all prefixes for that number. When opting for a vanity toll free number, prefixes are like web domain extensions; you really want to own them all. The prefixes can all be routed to one primary number, and will only cost you a nominal monthly fee to maintain.
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