I offered a local restaurant a free website today

27 replies
There's a new burger place in town, went in for the first time today. They have really good food and good prices, not very busy though. I had wanted to go there several months ago after seeing an article about them in the local paper but couldn't remember the name of the place and for the life of me couldn't find them on the internet.
Anyway, they don't have a website so today after we ate I went up and introduced myself to the owners son (owner wasn't there), told him I do websites and am breaking into the local business & am offering to do 3 free websites for new local businesses as a way of giving back to the community and breaking into the business.
I gave him my number and asked him also when is a good time to call.
Some of you may think I'm devaluing my service or that I'm just nuts to offer a free website. Maybe so, I'm really tired today, to the point I feel delirious LOL but seriously I'm trying to get into the mindset of really helping others. For the last 12 years I've done everything from selling on eBay to running affiliate sites but nothing to ever really help someone else out. I love seeing a business succeed and grow & I hope to help be a part of that. Yes, I know I need to make money too but I believe that will come.
Any thoughts?

#free #local #offered #restaurant #today #website
  • Profile picture of the author underworld90
    What will happen is that the "word of mouth" will be that you're offering free websites, not a website worth money.

    You should never give away your services for free unless you want to for charity or friendship. If it's for business you are making a mistake.

    Does that restaurant business owner give a fig about YOUR business or if you have money to put food on YOUR table?

    It sounds harsh but it's a truth. It took me a long time to learn this lesson and many, many knocks on my head. The reality is, you could design the best website in the world for this business but if they don't see your services as worthy of paying for, you're putting your own business in a dangerous corner.

    I work with businesses in many different sectors every day. I consult on ways for them to grow their online business. If I gave that knowledge away, pretty soon I wouldn't be feeding myself or my family.

    That's not to ever say that you don't offer a friendly word of advice or help for free, and that's what I'm going to do for you right now.

    Find a way to show how you building this restaurant a website will increase their sales. Once you've cracked that, now you have something real and juicy worth paying money for.
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  • Profile picture of the author luke1213
    giving free websites to a business will get you the exposure you need. But instead of being the guy who built a great website at a great price, you'll be the guy who builds free websites for businesses. once that gets out that you are doing them for free, the first customer you try to sell the service to will tell you "you built a website for so and so for free, why not me?" so don't offer your services for free. you can offer them a good website at a low price then you can upsell them on other services to boost your profit.
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    • Profile picture of the author iInvent
      Originally Posted by luke1213 View Post

      giving free websites to a business will get you the exposure you need. But instead of being the guy who built a great website at a great price, you'll be the guy who builds free websites for businesses. once that gets out that you are doing them for free, the first customer you try to sell the service to will tell you "you built a website for so and so for free, why not me?" so don't offer your services for free. you can offer them a good website at a low price then you can upsell them on other services to boost your profit.
      But he could be the guy who does them for FREE...but you need to sign up for hosting for a year ....and it might not be transferable either...cause it's FREE and the client hasn't PAID for it.... So if you want to transfer it one day then you're better off paying for the website...

      Sounds like a great plan to me

      Thanks for reading!

      "Before you try to satisfy the client, understand and satisfy the person."

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  • Profile picture of the author Hamish Jones
    Originally Posted by moodykitty View Post

    There's a new burger place in town, went in for the first time today. They have really good food and good prices, not very busy though. I had wanted to go there several months ago after seeing an article about them in the local paper but couldn't remember the name of the place and for the life of me couldn't find them on the internet.
    Anyway, they don't have a website so today after we ate I went up and introduced myself to the owners son (owner wasn't there), told him I do websites and am breaking into the local business & am offering to do 3 free websites for new local businesses as a way of giving back to the community and breaking into the business.
    I gave him my number and asked him also when is a good time to call.
    Some of you may think I'm devaluing my service or that I'm just nuts to offer a free website. Maybe so, I'm really tired today, to the point I feel delirious LOL but seriously I'm trying to get into the mindset of really helping others. For the last 12 years I've done everything from selling on eBay to running affiliate sites but nothing to ever really help someone else out. I love seeing a business succeed and grow & I hope to help be a part of that. Yes, I know I need to make money too but I believe that will come.
    Any thoughts?

    Perhaps you can upsell them on hosting, SEO or Social Marketing?

    Or you could get free hamburgers?
    Best Business Deals - The World's Most Customer Focused Telecommunications Company. Servicing Customers in Australia, Canada and the USA.
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    • Profile picture of the author kvnkane
      In the words of the joker "if your good at something, never do it for free". If the owners serious about growing their business give them the site but sell them seo and facebook marketing which will be usefull for a pizza store

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    • Profile picture of the author moodykitty
      Originally Posted by Hamish Jones View Post

      Perhaps you can upsell them on hosting, SEO or Social Marketing?

      Or you could get free hamburgers?
      Yes, that was the idea also a mobile website
      I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is.
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  • Profile picture of the author beeswarn
    Is this a diary entry, or do you have a point? What happened next?
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  • Profile picture of the author KimberlySonic
    This is a great idea, I am sure when the business evolves and increases, the owner will not forget about you
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  • Profile picture of the author itzpaul
    Did you give a full custom website and your hosting it for free?
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  • Profile picture of the author Gelo30
    can you give more details on the free website
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  • Profile picture of the author Jon Martin
    This has potential to be beneficial for you, to be honest. It's not a terrible thing to do. Hey, at least you're doing something GOOD if nothing else!

    Maybe accredit your service / web design company on the page? If you're doing it for free, don't be scared to write "Designed by ____" with a hyperlink. Try and get referrals.

    Talk to the owner. Let him know that you're doing it to be helpful, but that you would also love for him to be able to refer you to any paying clients he may know, if he's satisfied with your work.

    Do you have business cards yet? If so, give him 2-3 extra ones. Ask him if he could hand them out to some friends of whom might need a website done too.

    It's all about creating a network. BEST OF LUCK!
    "Be the hero of your own movie."
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  • Profile picture of the author BlueIndigo
    Offer to build a FREE website for the owner to "build your portfolio". Explain that you can only afford to maintain it for FREE for 3 months, and if they think that it is helping their business and would like to keep it going beyond that, all they would need to pay starting the 4th month is $X per month, but until then -- no contracts, fees, or obligations.

    After about the third time you call to see how things are going, explain that you can also get them on Google Places, create a Youtube vid, create a mobile site, etc... for only $x, whenever they are ready....

    This way, at least there is POTENTIAL for payment somewhere down the road. Until then, you have increased confidence in talking to business owners and have a sample to show other businesses.
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    • Profile picture of the author Brant
      It's a dangerous mindset to believe that if you work for pay you are not helping others. Since when are you a charity? Giving to charity is a good thing, but before you can do that you need to have something to give, and you need to be well fed and have your own place to live, where the lights are on.

      As others have suggested, as long as your offer of a free website is going to lead to getting money in some other way from this restaurant owner then it's possibly a good promotional strategy. Otherwise, it's a well-intended but foolish idea.

      When you fulfill someone else's need or desire with your work, you help them. As long as you never compromise your integrity or the quality of your work for the sake of money, you always deserve to be paid for what you do.

      Money and its Image Problem | The Freeman | Ideas On Liberty

      Visit me at "A New Domain" digital magazine here!

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  • Profile picture of the author jimbo61
    Doing stuff for free is Ok, but you should never do stuff for nothing!

    Doing it for free (i.e. no monetary payment) is different to doing it for nothing. A deal of ANY kind should be symbiotic, all parties should get something out of it..

    Draw up a list, and go for it. My advice would be to build the site on the understanding that the owner will give you 5-10 referrals to other businesses, and that you can use him as an introduction. Tell him that you are in effect 'buying leads' and not giving away websites. Explain that we all have to eat in business, and that you will build him a website value of £xxx (tell him the actual cost so that he understands YOUR VALUE AS A BUSINESS, and as such will then appreciate what he is getting for free.

    Getting referrals is the way ahead in offline mrketing. for every sale, get 3 referrals, close 1 in 3 referrals and you will never have to cold call again
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  • Profile picture of the author vCr8
    doing something you love as your way to give back to the community is such a wonderful way to give justice to your talent. I honestly think in return, the restaurant's offer will be a good way to spread a word about you and your services. If the website you will be making for them could help them massively when it comes to their marketing strategies.. you might have free burgers for life there However, I hope that earning something from a "free" or "something you do to give back to the community" does not lead you to a thinking that those people actually owes you something. It is a breath of fresh air to see people like you, talent is meant to be shared not only to people or organization that could offer you a good offer in return.
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  • Profile picture of the author jimbo61
    Guys this is NOT giving something back to the community, this is giving something for nothing to a business. NEver confuse the two.

    Giving something back to the community would be putting up and SEO'ing a free local site and allowing businesses and individuals to advertise for free.
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  • Profile picture of the author moodykitty
    I appreciate the feedback - positive and negative. It's interesting how different people look at the same thing as either a good thing or as a bad thing.

    If I do a website it will be free but I plan to charge a small fee for hosting/upkeep but also with a free trial period to start. I also hope to sell other services to him. I want to see this new business do well. I don't think they'll make it with what they're doing now, they need someone to give them a little push.
    I've read a lot on this forum and have also taken into account my what my reaction usually is when a stranger is trying to sell me something. For me it's all about the approach & earning a persons trust. Having said that, everybody is different, not everybody sees things the same way. Some things work for one person that don't work for another. I really believe you need to be true to yourself whatever method you choose. For me, I get great satisfaction in being able to help others do well.
    I'm going to follow a combination of Johns method and Eddies method
    Along with Jasons method of a cold call and showing the client with actual numbers how much you can make for them by bringing in extra customers.
    and James' advice here on setting up a demo site
    Again, I do appreciate all comments and advice. I'm always learning!
    God bless the Warrior Forum.
    I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is.
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    • Profile picture of the author iInvent
      Originally Posted by moodykitty View Post

      I appreciate the feedback - positive and negative. It's interesting how different people look at the same thing as either a good thing or as a bad thing.

      If I do a website it will be free but I plan to charge a small fee for hosting/upkeep but also with a free trial period to start. I also hope to sell other services to him. I want to see this new business do well. I don't think they'll make it with what they're doing now, they need someone to give them a little push.
      I've read a lot on this forum and have also taken into account my what my reaction usually is when a stranger is trying to sell me something. For me it's all about the approach & earning a persons trust. Having said that, everybody is different, not everybody sees things the same way. Some things work for one person that don't work for another. I really believe you need to be true to yourself whatever method you choose. For me, I get great satisfaction in being able to help others do well.
      I'm going to follow a combination of Johns method and Eddies method
      Along with Jasons method of a cold call and showing the client with actual numbers how much you can make for them by bringing in extra customers.
      and James' advice here on setting up a demo site
      Again, I do appreciate all comments and advice. I'm always learning!
      God bless the Warrior Forum.
      Totally! I would charge a good price for hosting plus, let them know - its free but not transferable. So if you think one day, you'd like to transfer your site to another hosting company, you need to pay for my design. That's all.

      Many businesses will say - no I'll keep it for free cause they honestly don't care about moving it, etc,...

      Also, maybe you just want to include like 3 pages in your free websites...like really basic. If they want to "tweak" it - then you charge.

      Just some thoughts - best of luck! I think you have a good method here. It'll spread like wildfire.

      Thanks for reading!

      "Before you try to satisfy the client, understand and satisfy the person."

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    • Profile picture of the author jimbo61
      Originally Posted by moodykitty View Post

      I appreciate the feedback - positive and negative. It's interesting how different people look at the same thing as either a good thing or as a bad thing.

      If I do a website it will be free but I plan to charge a small fee for hosting/upkeep but also with a free trial period to start. I also hope to sell other services to him. I want to see this new business do well. I don't think they'll make it with what they're doing now, they need someone to give them a little push.
      I've read a lot on this forum and have also taken into account my what my reaction usually is when a stranger is trying to sell me something. For me it's all about the approach & earning a persons trust. Having said that, everybody is different, not everybody sees things the same way. Some things work for one person that don't work for another. I really believe you need to be true to yourself whatever method you choose. For me, I get great satisfaction in being able to help others do well.
      I'm going to follow a combination of Johns method and Eddies method
      Along with Jasons method of a cold call and showing the client with actual numbers how much you can make for them by bringing in extra customers.
      and James' advice here on setting up a demo site
      Again, I do appreciate all comments and advice. I'm always learning!
      God bless the Warrior Forum.

      You have now completely moved from your original position of. " I am doing this to give somethign back to the local community". had you made the quoted post originally then my replies would have been different with regard the 'giving back to community' thing you were claiming.

      You have claimed negativity, but it isn't and any negative comments from my keyborad were as a result of the bull of 'community' when in reality it is a foot in the door to upsell, which is a completely different thing.
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  • Profile picture of the author xlfutur1
    You never said whether this business took you up on the free offer. Have they said yes?

    I've learned that offering this kind of thing for free still has many people saying no, even when its free. Could be just a perception thing.

    Maybe it would be better to do a site mock up for them and them let them know that if they like it, they can have it for a reduced price of $299, rather than your usual fee of $599. Then you've made some money for your time. Or you could offer the site for free or low cost, and then set up an email birthday club or SMS for $XXX per month. That will bring more business than a website alone.

    I'm sure this business doesn't make a practice of handing out free food, even if it will "help others". That's a quick way to go out of business.
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  • Profile picture of the author moodykitty
    I haven't talked to the owner yet. I introduced myself to his son, spoke briefly, gave him my number. I will talk to him this week. Kids went back to school today so I'm a mess! LOL
    I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Williamson
    The free website is not necessarily a bad idea if you can offer an upsell service like SEO, online reputation management, etc. somewhere down the road. It is indeed important to build a solid reputation for yourself, and the word of mouth would be good.

    Obviously you don't have to give everyone that contacts you a free website, or you could and then charge a monthly residual for hosting, which seems to be an attractive package.
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    Make some money by helping me market this idea.
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  • Profile picture of the author moodykitty
    Thanks for the positive feedback much appreciated
    I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is.
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  • Profile picture of the author Marvin Johnston
    Count me with the people who think you did a good thing. And while some people see branding yourself as the "free website" person as a bad thing, I can see it opening doors that otherwise might remain closed.

    I think the concept of using a free website to give back to the community though is flawed ... unless you are independently wealthy and are truly giving back . It is far better to make it clear that you are providing RIA (Results In Advance), a well known technique advocated by Frank Kern. And if this works out for them, then you would love to have them as a client. If not, then no hard feelings and maybe sometime in the future they might become a client.

    The only caveat would be to make sure the type of people you are attracting with this offer are the type of people you would enjoy working with on a long term basis.

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  • Profile picture of the author Sander Zaydman
    Offering them a free website sounds like a great idea.However, what will work better is offering them a free report to tell them how they can build the website themselves and then once they come to you that is when you can now ask for the price you deserve.

    Now sure how much to charge for your local marketing services?
    Add me on Facebook and I'll give you access to my Local Marketing Consultant Group....


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  • Profile picture of the author maywebdesigns
    Offering a discount to local businesses is a good practice but offering a website for free is a bad idea. Word of mouth advertising is only as good as what is says to your future customers. You don't want people talking about how you gave away your services. You want them talking about how well priced you are and more importantly you want them talking about what a great experience they had with you.
    Buyforatweet.com - Stop giving away your promotional items. Sell them for a tweet or FB post and watch them go viral.
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    • Profile picture of the author DavePalermo
      I have a novel idea....
      If you want to offer this burger joint a freebie, attach the following strings...
      1. Free site for 3-6 months (or however long you see fit)
      2. put a coupon on their site offering 10% off and every time a coupon is used, you get a small fee
      3. Find a way to track coupon downloads (name and e-mail submit integrated into an auto-responder)

      Personally I gotta stick with the why bother if it's costing you money.
      You need to feed your family.
      And that's what business is.... business, never personal.
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