A Few Questions About Local Lead Generation

by Chett
4 replies

I am new to this aspect of marketing and had a few questions I hoped you could answer. I am thinking along the lines of selling leads to dentists, lawyers, etc.

I understand you collect leads using a form - would aweber be suitable for
this if you plan to sell the leads or is there a different solution when you are doing local lead generation.

Are there any rules that I should be aware of when It comes to selling leads and is there anything I should do before I sell the lead to verify It is

What Information do you usually collect - name, address, telephone number, what they are intereted in - is that about it.

Do you approach companies yourself to sell the leads or do you use a broker of some sort.

I am mainly looking at the uk market but any information from warriors where ever they are based would be helpful.

Thanks Adam
#generation #lead #local #questions
  • Profile picture of the author jimbo61
    there are many laws, and they are different in england & wales to Scotland., so to answer your question we would need to know where you are based.

    One issue is the legal side of things, as this is heavily regulated on certain aspects.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chett
    I am based in the u.k - in England
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  • Profile picture of the author Jon Martin
    I've worked for a small yet extremely profitable online marketing company in the past, and one of my tasks was to oversee the development of a lucrative domain in the law field and ensuring that it is transformed into a good lead aggregating page.

    We were contacted by a California law firm to generate the leads, and they themselves set the regulations. Each firm / business will be different in terms of the quality and type of lead they are looking for.

    My eventual advice is to go to the companies FIRST. Let them know what your plan is for lead generation and the comprise a campaign that fits their exact needs and is sewed together to provide a UNIQUE and INNOVATIVE experience for your client.

    Best Regards,
    "Be the hero of your own movie."
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  • Profile picture of the author sdentrepreneur
    I love Aweber, affordable and great software. Regarding selling leads, that can be tough. You best plan would be to give someone 50 to 100 free leads. If you leads are good, they will then buy the next 50 to 100 at a premium price.

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