Without these tools, my offline business would be lost!

3 replies
A recent thread about backing up files inspired me to share a few tools that I find absolutely essential to the operation of my businesses:

For Backups:

I'd like to suggest a backup service that is even better than dropbox IMO. www.Sugarsync.com. You get 5 GB for free and 30GB is only $4.99 / month, $9.99 for 60 GB... it's crazy.

All I have to do is right-click my main work folder, select SYNC and anytime I do anything in that folder and all sub-folders, the files are updated online, automatically. My computer could blow up as I'm typing this, and I will have everything in the cloud, ready to access or download from another computer.

Pretty sure you can buy plans so that several machines can be synced at the same time, so in effect, you have 3 or more backups for your files. For guys like me that can't remember to manually backup anything, this program is indispensable.

Another nice feature? You can pay for it with PayPal! Not something you can do with Dropbox last I checked.

Finally, I use Sugarsync to share massive files with clients. Get them signed up with a free account and have them sync a folder with you to give you large files, or you can share a folder with them to share videos, images, whatever you're doing that's too big to send via email. Simply invite an email address and only that email account can access the folders you share.

For Passwords:

I would also like to suggest a program that I prefer over RoboForm, it's called Last Pass - https://lastpass.com/

The free version is all I have, but the premium version is only $1 / month. It's incredibly powerful and can be added to any computer you have. Compare here: https://lastpass.com/features_compare.php... the features are just sick.

Together, with Sugarsync, I can be up and running on a new computer within 10 minutes.

For Project Management:

Currently, I used Basecamp. It's a little pricey, and I don't like it that they don't accept PayPal as a payment method, but it's getting the job done for now.

I would love to hear suggestions for better project management.

For Task Management:

I use Smartsheet.com. I REALLY like these online spreadsheets, as they allow me to create project templates and share them with my team. My team goes to a project sheet, checks off tasks as they're completed... we can track dates, add discussions, notes, reminders, alerts, collapsible rows, color coding, add links... it's just really really easy and keeps you organized.

50 active sheets is around $30 / month, I think.

They accept PayPal.

I hope that helps some people. I would love to hear what others are using. I'm especially interested in Project Management resources.

#business #lost #offline #project managment #tools

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