Study: YP Delivers "Better Value" Than Google AdWords ?

6 replies
Check this article that talks about a study where it shows that Yellow Pages provides better value then google adwords.

Study: YP Delivers "Better Value" Than Google AdWords

What is your experience?
#“better #adwords #delivers #google #study #value” #value”
  • Profile picture of the author sprks79
    "The study was commissioned by YP"

    Yes, I am fully aware that "commissioned by YP", and "performed by YP" are very different, however one could argue that there is a definite bias of opinion here. As for my experiences, its really tough to gauge appropriately. I have a few clients that used to use YP, and absolutely hated it, they are still my clients to this day so I would go out on a limb and say that they prefer my services through Adwords better than that of YP. I dont really think you can put exact numbers on something like this. I am not saying that YP ads are the best or the worst, I am however saying that each individual business will have individual results. Only reviewing 18 cities out of presumably thousands isn't a very large testing field either.

    All of this is purely "my" experience and opinion, which will almost certainly be "challenged". Long story short....My clients prefer me and Adwords over YP.

    PBN site builder. Expired domain scraper. Website Hoster.....Oh, and an amazing guy. :)

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  • Profile picture of the author JamesCx
    What's to assume the people using Adwords even know how to optimise their campaigns? It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if the people using Adwords are bidding huge amounts on generics which don't even convert, for example: Bathrooms.

    I can't comment on YP never having used it; but there's certainly not enough depth or scope to this "study" for any conclusive evidence one way or another.

    Summary: You can rinse through your marketing budget quicker on Adwords than YP if you have no clue what you're doing.
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    • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
      Originally Posted by JamesCx View Post

      What's to assume the people using Adwords even know how to optimise their campaigns? It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if the people using Adwords are bidding huge amounts on generics which don't even convert, for example: Bathrooms.

      Summary: You can rinse through your marketing budget quicker on Adwords than YP if you have no clue what you're doing.
      You're absolutely right James... I'd say over 95% of the ads on adwords are not optimized. Actually, I might be exaggerating a bit because they have done a lot to educate their customers so I could see it being at 75% now.

      A lot of platforms are easier to learn than Adwords, that's for sure.
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  • Profile picture of the author VegasGreg
    Originally Posted by RussellMax View Post

    Yellow Pages provides better value then google adwords.
    Not the "Yellow Pages" as in the big book, but YP, the online ads.

    Adwords can be way more expensive per lead, depending on the niche/category you are bidding in and how well you optimize your keywords and campaigns. Most business owners don't know all the little tricks to keep their cost per clicks lower, they just enter words and start spending.

    I can see that ad system is easier and lower (more stable) on pricing which could be considered 'better value'. Just not necessarily the best option.

    Good read though.

    Greg Schueler - Wordpress Fanatic... Living The Offline Marketing Dream...

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  • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
    This is an article aimed more at yellowbook but a lot of the same things apply to yellow pages.

    What YellowBook Doesn't Want To Tell You

    You will find good tips on how to sell to those types of clients.

    As for yp ads, not a bad deal, you just don't get the volume you do in google adwords. It's like saying 7search is better than adwords only because of the price and CPC. The end results are not usually better, but a study commissioned by 7search would probably show it being better! lol.
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  • Profile picture of the author sportsguy123
    yellow p does not specifically target your customer like adwords do
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