by SKM
2 replies
For years, our company was just playing a generic radio station when callers were put on hold. I suppose it was better than just silence, but I eventually came to the obvious conclusion that that time could be better spent listening to an actual message instead of smooth jazz.

I picked up a digital on hold cd player off of ebay for only $30.00. There are a lot more modern models, with MP3 capability, but they run in the range of hudreds of dollars. The cd version just takes the message off the disk and loads it into internal memory to play over and over, even after a cut in power. The technology may be a little dated, but for the price it works perfectly.

My first message was just a quick blurb talking about a new sale we had been promoting that I recorded on my desktop using a shareware recording software called Goldwave. I was able to lay some background music behind it easily too. After putting the message up, I was surprised to see how fast I actually heard customers mentioned it to me when I picked up the phone.

I am now considering using fiverr to find some new voice talent to spice things up. Maybe a celebrity impersonator just get get our customers laughing.
#hold #messages
  • Profile picture of the author John Callaghan
    I have on hold messages set up for most of my offline clients. They're always a big hit.

    My standard formula is mix three selling points with three short testimonial quotes. And yes, there's some great voice talent on fiverr that will give you some excellent recordings.

    "I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul."
    from Invictus by William Ernest Henley

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    • Profile picture of the author garcarstive
      Originally Posted by John Callaghan View Post

      I have on hold messages set up for most of my offline clients. They're always a big hit.

      My standard formula is mix three selling points with three short testimonial quotes. And yes, there's some great voice talent on fiverr that will give you some excellent recordings.
      Hi, Thanks for sharing such a nice information, I also want some recordings. I like to share some good recordings, If you have some good voice talent recording than please share with me.
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