Mobile apps for businesses

2 replies
Hello Warriors

I need your help and advice:

Do you know, where I can find a form with generic questions for businesses interested in getting a mobile app?

I'm thinking that there would a generic type of app that goes for $x and then more money for upgrades depending on other factors.

So this form should provide all information, so the developer can get started.

If you could recommend something (can be WSO or other product) it would be awesome.
It may also cover how to setup an application process for taking on new business for app development.
#apps #businesses #mobile
  • Profile picture of the author gabysanchez225
    I would ask in the mobile forum but for the most part see what other mobile app creation businesses are asking their clients so you can get an idea of what's essential to ask, and depending on the size/scope of your company, make sure you don't take on an app that will take too much time to develop or hog limited resources. I found this link on google and it looks like it may be a good starting point. Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt121
    Why don't you try conducting phone surveys? It's always great to have a talk with somebody and get their opinion and hear what they really want to see in an app for their business.

    Answers may vary among people you call, but you'll get a general idea of what you should be developing.

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