Marketing an Time Sensitive Campaign

3 replies
I've got a Kickstarter Campaign here (Pressgram) and someone told me that I should try "offline" marketing for it.

Obviously, it's time-sensitive and the traffic and backers are from all around the globe... does it make sense to go local with any marketing work with this in mind?

The local radio, local broadcasting stations, and the like? Just trying to maximize my limited time (I have to spend tons of time building the darn thing besides marketing).

Any suggestions would be awesome.
#campaign #marketing #sensitive #time
  • Profile picture of the author kebertt
    Are you looking to market the Kickstarter campaign (to get more backers, or the app once it's developed?

    Once the app launches, I think you're going to have a much better ROI if you invest in online marketing, rather than offline.
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  • Profile picture of the author MaxwellB
    I'm just curious, why did you have the kickstarter campaign fund only if you hit your 50k goal. Meaning you'll only get the money if you have collected should have had it fund no matter what in my opinion.

    EDIT: unless of course Kickstarter doesn't offer that option, I knew Indiegogo did.

    On the marketing no I think staying online is a lower cost per donation
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