26 replies
It is not a new method, but it is working for me and it allows me to invest again in other projects.

I outsource on fiveer , logo design and sale it to local business.
Simple, grap a few logos from a vendor, create a add and posted on your local adds website or use Local advertising billboards, new paper etc...

I sale them fo 49.99
No cold calling, just advertising and I'm getting about 2-3deals/week.
They all pay me using paypal and I have clear instructions.

2 logos, they choose one and they get 2 revisions
#400 #making #month
  • Profile picture of the author stranger11
    So you put up a few examples. Do you think your ad copy is anything special, or is it mostly just facts.

    Do they pay you before or after?
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    • Profile picture of the author BDE4Live
      Nothing special, I test different adds. I find that the best way so far is to honest 100%.
      At the beginning I was having prob closing a deal, most people want to see me or get the logo before paying. Then I changed my add and put my rules and the orders are coming in.
      All is done by email and I'm closing 2 deals a week easy.
      So it is easy money and it does help. Almost auto pilot.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8460000].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author stranger11
    Do you use things like craigslist?
    Are you showing examples of logos that were made by the fiverr guy?
    Just to confirm, do you get paid before doing the job?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8460356].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author BDE4Live
    Yes, I use CL.
    I show exemples from fiveer
    I get money before the job, however I do have a website, sometimes they ask to see my website . Nothing special just a 3page website with my services
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8461171].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author stranger11
    That's awesome. Also, what kind of file do you give them? Just a jpg or the psd file?
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  • Profile picture of the author ronr
    Good job.

    A family member was going to do something very similar with logos outsourced on fiverr. They didn't because logos were subjective and thought they would have problems if the client didn't like the one done for them that there would be a lot of back and forth and they would be in the middle.

    How do you avoid that?
    Does the client just give an idea what they want and the fiverr outsourcer makes one similar?
    Do you have to redue a lot of them?

    Thanks, Ron

    Originally Posted by BDE4Live View Post

    It is not a new method, but it is working for me and it allows me to invest again in other projects.

    I outsource on fiveer , logo design and sale it to local business.
    Simple, grap a few logos from a vendor, create a add and posted on your local adds website or use Local advertising billboards, new paper etc...

    I sale them fo 49.99
    No cold calling, just advertising and I'm getting about 2-3deals/week.
    They all pay me using paypal and I have clear instructions.

    2 logos, they choose one and they get 2 revisions
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8468598].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author BDE4Live
      Originally Posted by ronr View Post

      Good job.

      A family member was going to do something very similar with logos outsourced on fiverr. They didn't because logos were subjective and thought they would have problems if the client didn't like the one done for them that there would be a lot of back and forth and they would be in the middle.

      How do you avoid that?
      Does the client just give an idea what they want and the fiverr outsourcer makes one similar?
      Do you have to redue a lot of them?

      Thanks, Ron
      You have to give clear instructions, from the begging, if they don't want then next !
      You need to know the industry, ask if they have an idea, then create something.
      But give rules, such as you get a set number of designs, then a set number of edits.
      You can even outsource it in Odesk.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8469874].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author wagsgraphx
        Are you posting your ads in one city or many, if so, how many ads? Are you mainly working with one Fiverr provider or multiple?

        "Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons." Woody Allen

        Help People Save money while your Earn money. Just giveaway our discount cards.

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  • Profile picture of the author BDE4Live
    Posting on one city, right now working with one guy from odesk.
    We agreed on the same fees as fiveer.

    For the ads, just test diffrent one. See what works. I keep changing all the time.
    To see the one that gives me better results.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8472749].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author stranger11
    I tried this before without much success. I probably gave up too early.

    Do you see a lot of other ads for logo design?

    And do you post your ad everyday?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8472857].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author BDE4Live
      Originally Posted by stranger11 View Post

      I tried this before without much success. I probably gave up too early.

      Do you see a lot of other ads for logo design?

      And do you post your ad everyday?
      I'm not sure, I saw a few, but it does mater, test your campaigns. See what works. Test, test ...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8473532].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Vid Yo
    i like this idea and i'm impressed. i was just considering buying this new wso that basically assists in doing exactly what you're doing, but uses craigslist only (i believe). supposedly, the software quickly finds several gigs on craigslist, then automatically finds vendors on fiverr offering that service. i'm a little skeptical of the software though...i think i may just try it your way.

    how much time per day/week do you put into doing this?
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8472983].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author leeannprice
      That's cool. I love ideas like this that are easy to set up and easy to fulfill. Thanks for the idea. I'm going to give this a shot.
      MobileBizBox - Apps, SMS, Mobile Sites, QR - everything you need for your mobile business. 30 Day Free Trial
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8473156].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author BDE4Live
      Originally Posted by ncp63837 View Post

      i like this idea and i'm impressed. i was just considering buying this new wso that basically assists in doing exactly what you're doing, but uses craigslist only (i believe). supposedly, the software quickly finds several gigs on craigslist, then automatically finds vendors on fiverr offering that service. i'm a little skeptical of the software though...i think i may just try it your way.

      how much time per day/week do you put into doing this?
      I don't believe in software that can make you money, you need to think outside the box.

      I can do more, but maybe guilty of lazy and trying other projects, but I'm thinking of scaling this up ! Right now I'm doing about 1h30 a day!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8473556].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Seantrepreneur
    This actually makes perfect sense because I've used fiverr a bunch of times for killer logos that people are blown away when I tell them I only paid $5 for it.

    I could completely see this working.

    Thanks for sharing!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8473346].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author BDE4Live
    Originally Posted by natebunger View Post

    This looks like a pretty easy work to gain 400 USD a month. It looks very doable and its results are also not far from reach. The only department that might encounter problem is where to start. Not many potential customers will like your work at a first glance. If you do not mind, please share us the techniques to get this thing done.
    There is no technique, I advertise on local ads, I promised them a certain number of designs, then from that image they get a certain number of reviews. It depends on the client.

    They payment by paypal, and I start the job.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8473578].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Lokahi
    That's an amazing profit to be getting, from a mere $5.00 investment! And, a smart way to auto pilot your part time income.
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  • Profile picture of the author YoungRichDude
    Smart and nice post
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  • Profile picture of the author BDE4Live
    Thanks for all the warrior that took the time to thank my post.
    Since then I scaled it up and getting more action, just today I closed 3 more deals.
    All different prices. life is good
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8479126].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author SAP Trainer
    Justify your post with example and sample logo so that we can get courage to forward on this road.
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    • Profile picture of the author ikan_sith
      This is interesting. one question; what instructions do you list/give your clients? when i used to do logo's most of the time i get "just do something and show me what you got." this was a pain in the a$$ and the main reason that i stopped offering logo design (to many revisions.) i would like to have an idea on what instructions you are giving them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kell
    Suppose the buyer doesn't like the 2 logo designs or the revisions. Do you just refund the money to the buyer and chalk up the $5 you paid to the Fiverr guy as a loss?

    First you said you charged them $49.99 and then later you said you charged 3 people 3 different prices. How do you decide on the price? Do you ever put your prices in your ads?


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    • Profile picture of the author mcfcok
      If the op is being genuine then fair play This method does work ask Bob Ross who has a wso on this. Op your leaving cash on the table, you should also offer print collateral.

      Perhaps some images and a full breakdown of the model you operate would help with credibility and provide extra value to the forum?

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  • Profile picture of the author BDE4Live
    I don't understand why you guys are complicating this method, it's free, so it does not cost you anything to try. Seriously !

    Sometimes I fell people need excuses before they even try. At the beginning it was not working, but I keep on testing, and split testing my adds.

    I show a few samples in my add, about 10, and I'm clear with my instructions.
    2 logos, the 2 edits.
    IF they don't like my creative, to bad, next. No refund.
    I did not cheat anyone, I promised then 2 logos and 2edits and I deliver.

    As for the price, simple. If I'm putting my add in a bigger town, the price goes up, smaller town, I drop the price.

    Guys, go with your feeling, price, advertising, will not work the same for everyone.
    Test and test some more. Trust me if I can charge 100$ for a logo, I would.
    Maybe I should do a wso on this to, :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author SBlkn
    Only downside is people complain non stop with revisions and are just a general pain. A lot of work for a few bucks, but doesn't cost you anything.
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